Monday, March 03, 2008

my friends are awesome

  • Hellooooo Momma. Back from my weekend. It was awesome! Friday morning I went to breakfast with Leeanne, then went walking with Michelle at the marina. I saw Shuki, Davina's mom doing tai-chi. Haha. Friday evening I met up with Sandi in Tracy and we ate at Wally's Drive-In, with the biggest freaking cheeseburgers I have ever seen. After that we went to see Definitely Maybe over in Dublin. Fun times.
  • Saturday I worked my part-time gig, then went to Joey's 1st bday (Fernando's son). It was lots of fun. I reunited with Michael and Tony (who smelled great by the way.. hey baby.. you're 18 now I can flirt), and we played in the inflatable jumper thing. There was also tons of food and a pinata for the kids. I saw several people I hadn't seen in a long while. It was fun. After that excitement I ate dinner at home, and took Michelle to Southland so she could look at bras. We window shopped for a bit and some hot guy with a french accent did some nail demonstration on me trying to sell me some manicure stuff. He was hot and I got tingles down my spine while he massaged my cuticle, so I didn't mind. Later on that evening I hung out with Cathy, TJ, and his friend. I forget his name. James, Jason? Starts with a J. Okay when I barely got home from that guy's house, Davina picked myself and Valeria up, and we went to a karaoke place in Hayward. So much fun! They even made a CD of us singing, Valeria's making us copies. I can't wait for people to hear it.
  • Sunday was pretty normal. Got up, went to church, came home, did some housework, went walking to the duck pond, went home, watched some TV while eating a spinach bacon salad, then took a LONG nap. Then I got up and made dinner, and came here.
  • I am so blessed to have great friends to make my days special. Seriously. All of you guys rock. Even those who I only see on Myspace, or those who I only see once in a blue moon. Just wanted to let you guys know that. Okay gotta go do some surveys here on Myspace. Later!

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