Thursday, March 02, 2006

Say say say

Well, nothing too terribly exciting goin on with my life for now. Manny's bday stuff is goin down later today, it should be loads of fun.

I just rebalanced my checkbook and reinterated the fact that I suck at math. I had not written 3 or 4 gas purchases over the last several months into my ledger, and I think I started off with the wrong total to begin with. All I can say is, I have spent the last 3 months thinking I had at least 100 bucks more than I actually have. .

My allergies are actin up again, clogging up my nose here at work. I don't know if it's weather related or not.

For some strange reason I have the Paul McCartney/Michael Jackson "Say Say Say" song stuck in my head. I think I'll post the video on here. Pretty interesting..