Wednesday, February 28, 2007

i want to punch all men in the face!


  1. Worked a few extra shifts on Monday and Tuesday night at KKIQ, doing production for Tricia. It was mostly grunt work she didn't have time for, but it was pretty fun. Plus that's 10 extra hours. Yay.
  2. Got offered extra shifts at Max Fm, but for now I had to decline. This means I must be a good board op if they want me to work more hours. I nomally work 51 hours a week, I don't know if I can do more at the moment, at least on a regular basis. I do need my sanity.
  3. I'm planning on getting back to the gym this morning. Didn't go on Monday due to housecleaning, and yesterday I had woman issues that sent me straight to bed.
  1. Like mentioned above, I had womanly issues yesterday morning. Cramps, bloating, horrible back pain, and chills. A lot worse than usual. I left work early and went home to bed, skipping the gym. I am going this morning, and Thursday/Friday mornings for sure.
  2. Gotta take my car into Pepboys this morning to get looked at. I'm pretty sure the starter coil or something to do with the ignition needs to be looked at. I also need my brakes looked at, and my wiper fluid pump needs to be replaced. I'm only doing a half workout at the gym then going straight to Pepboys. It's going to be an interesting morning.
  3. I just listened to the overnight guy on KKIQ, I wish I sounded that good. I just don't sound as happy or seem as creative. I know I'm just putting myself down, maybe this will motivate me to try even harder on Sunday morning.