Friday, August 10, 2007

i frustrate myself sometimes


  • Weekend is pretty much here. The week didn't seem to go fast enough for me, anyway. I guess my fulltime job tends to be monotonous, and when I'm not at work I always have somewhere to go, something to do. At least on weekends I can unwind in front of the TV or go out with friends if I want. I've received two offers for tonight (going out that is), and I'm not sure what I'll do. "Hyphy" bowling @ Manor Bowl with Elida and some guy she wants me to meet, or Noelle wants me to hit up the Saddlerack with her. Since I have to get up at 5am on Saturday, I'm not sure about either.
  • I have been gettin my "exercise" on, don't you worry. I've been walking at the San Leandro Marina most of the week. Okay it was only on Tuesday-Thursday mornings so far. I'll go again this morning, probably only walking a mile or so. Then I have to take my parents van to the dealership.. door on glove compartment fell off. How it did.. I have no idea. All I know is I'm taking it to be fixed.
  • Nothing too negative.. I haven't had a weight rant in a while and I don't think this will turn into a rant. This was too funny.. I was at Petsmart looking at the poor kitties up for adoption, and this little lady walks in looking at them with her small kids. There was this one large black/white kitty who was like 15-20 lbs, huge guy. Well she goes, "Wow that is one FAT KITTY!!" then quickly looks over at me and quietly goes "Oh I'm sorry". It took everything in me not to bust out laughing. She was so sincere too, I knew she wasn't insulting. Obviously she thought I was a bigger person (well duh I am), but why she thought I'd be offended by her pointing at some fat kitty, I'll never know. Freakin hilarious though. Why am I putting this in my negative section? Well I guess any acknowledgment of my chunkiness, regardless of humor involved kinda sucks. It's like yes I accept myself, at the same time it's like damn. I thought I was doing good with my diet/wishful weight loss but I'm still thought of as "fat" by the general public. So it still kinda sucks in a way. Does anyone get what I'm saying? Guess I'm just odd the way my mind works sometimes.
  • Then earlier tonight Noelle and I were having a discussion about my eating habits, and she did note that when I go out on weekends I tend to eat lavish desserts, which throw off my previous good eating during the week. This is true. I try to eat between 1200-1500 cal a day. I have meat and veggies for dinner, lots of fruit/veggies throughout my day (or night rather), a nonfat yogurt, and later after I exercise I eat shredded wheat bran (or occasionally eat a moderately healthy breakfast if I go out with a friend). On the weekends, I don't go nuts, but I live a little. Or I guess I live a lot. I need to stop it. I have nonfat ice cream at home. Restaurants have free bread. I miss bread. So I eat it when I go out. *sigh*