Wednesday, October 22, 2008

yay spencer came to work again

  • Hey there homie G's! Why the exclamation points, I don't know. Felt like being expressive. Not much going on at all. It's my midweek "nothing going on I work too much" blog. Let's see on Monday I worked at Traffic, took Michelle and Dad to Bakers Square, and worked here. Tuesday I worked at Traffic again, then came home and made dinner and watched TV. Then I kidnapped Spencer and brought him to work with me again. Oh yeah I guess I forgot to zip up his kitty carrier all the way and he got out while I was driving on the freeway. He was in the backseat with his paws on the window resembling Garfield, it was funny. The unfunny part was fighting with him for 5 minutes, getting him back in the carrier so I could take him inside. What a brat.
  • Nothing exciting happening today either. I'm gonna take the brat home, go to the gym, then do the grocery run as usual. My eyes are so droopy now I think I may power snooze soon. Fun. Oh and I'll take too many gratuitous pictures of Spencer while he's here. Haha.