Friday, June 08, 2007

weekends are fun


  • It's the weekend once again! I'm in much better spirits than I was a few days ago. I'm still a fattie, but I'm living with it. Well I made it to the gym on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and I'm going again this morning. So awesome, I'm glad I've been staying on track.
  • My weekend should be pretty fun and relaxing. Friday evening I'm going to dinner with Noelle then watching movies at her house on her new flat screen TV. Nice and laid back, just how I like it. Saturday is BFD, and that should be fun. I like just lounging around with friends on the grass, getting free samples of stuff at booths, eating crap, and having a good old time. Oh yeah, watching kickass bands perform, that's fun too. Nice and low key, that's how I like my downtime.
  • Oh yeah, I actually got enough sleep yesterday. Went to bed around noon and got up at almost 9pm. I had enough time to take a shower and make some scrambled eggbeaters with chicken tortilla soup for dinner. Yum!
oh well
  • Okay so I haven't called my doctor yet about getting a metabolic panel done. Frankly I'm lazy, and hate doctors. That and by the time I get to go to bed, I'm exhausted and don't feel like calling the doctor. And I don't have enough time, plus I'd have to fast before the blood test and that would mean no food all day. Working overnights suck. But yes I'll call Dr. Balbuena next week, I promise. Enough excuses.