Thursday, November 05, 2009

Rock on

  • What's up homies? I am uber exhausted. Had way too much fun on Tuesday night, threw my sleep schedule off wack and now I'm paying for it. I may snooze a bit later here and I'll get about 6 hrs this morning so I think I'll survive. So yeah in a nutshell on Tuesday night Sandi and I drove down to Fresno to see the Creationfest Tour with Thousand Foot Krutch, FM Static, A Beautiful Republic, Mark and Will from Audio Adrenaline, and Jars of Clay. All the bands were awesome. I had a great time. I felt like an idiot because I forgot the memory card for my camera, but Sandi was a nice friend and took lots of pics.
  • Later on today Sandi and I are going to see Rush Of Fools in Yuba City. I'm excited about that too. I'll be working here later on that night, and I'm sure I'll be pooped. This weekend I'll be in Lodi visiting Kimmie and celebrating Thanksgiving early. Hope I don't dive too far off the deep end into pumpkin cheesecake land. Hahaha. Okay later skaters.