Friday, June 22, 2007



  • TGIF once again. I'm glad it's Friday, hopefully I can get some rest this weekend. Not like I got enough rest today. Later this morning I'm taking my parents and Michelle to the Alameda County Fair, so that should be fun. Don't know what I'm doing tonight, I think I'll take it easy and try to get some sleep. I'm working Saturday morning then heading out to Lodi to kick it with Kimmie, that'll be totally awesome. Sunday I'm working at KKIQ in the morning, then hitting the gym, doing housework, sleeping, same old routine. I should have a pretty fun weekend though.
  • I did go to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning. I wish I could have gone more this week, but my bday celebration kinda interrupted that. I also have a lovely blood test this morning so I'll be skipping the gym today. I should go 4-5 days next week, for sure.
  • In case I didn't mention last time, I decided to let go of caffeine for the most part, and totally let go of liquor. My doctor recomended this, and I think my body will be better off without it. I'm still drinking a cup of tea a day, and decaf coffee here and there. And a diet soda a day, until I get rid of the diet soda I have at home. This is going to be one interesting experiment.
  • Okay first of all, like I mentioned above, I'm having all kinds of blood work done later this morning after work. I have to fast for this, which means I haven't eaten anything since about 12am. I work overnights, so yeah this kinda sucks. After my test I'm going home for a nice bowl of Life cereal and a shower. Then I gotta take Dad to the doctor. Then off to the fair. Yay.
  • That brings another point. I didn't get to wake up during the evening, take a shower and make dinner like I usually do. For some strange reason I went to bed at 12:30 yesterday afternoon, and was woken up by my coworker Victoria at 10:56pm. I HELLA overslept!! Guess my body's trying to tell me to chill out, huh? This sucked. I had to change my shirt, put on more deoderant, make sure I wasn't too funky, run a brush through my hair, grab a Healthy Choice meal and some salad stuff. After getting to work I drove Victoria home. Then I sat here at work and scarfed down my food like a madwoman, since I had to stop at like 12ish. UGH. I am SOOO hungry!!
  • And oh yes, my front left tire has had a slow leak for a few months now. Wednesday night it was kinda flat but not too bad, and I thought to myself, "Oh I'll just stop by Arco on the way to the gym and fill it up, no biggie." Well um it was FLAT yesterday morning when I got to my car after work. I drove it across the street to the Shell station and filled it with air, and went to the gym. Then I drove to Wheelworks and waited a little over an hour to get a new one on. Cost me $90 bucks. Ugh.
  • P.S. I'm still fat. Boo.