Friday, May 18, 2007

i hate my teeth


  1. Yes again here is the weekend! This will be my last "social" weekend for a while, since my schedule next week is pretty screwed up. Not exactly sure what I'm doin tonight. I think I'll end up hangin with Cathy, Amy and the crew since I hung out with Noelle last Friday. Gotta maintain a balance with my pals, ya know. Sorry if you're reading this and bummed Noelle, we will hang out soon enough. On Saturday I'm going to hang with Kimmie in Lodi again, hopefully finding something to wear to the "Jordan" prom in a few weeks. Also I'm working my parttime jobs, of course. So yeah busy/fun weekend ahead.
  2. I did go to the gym on Wednesday morning, and I'm planning on going today. I didn't make it Thursday morning, but I had the world's worst toothache. I think I'm doin okay though, fitnesswise.
  3. Had fun with Cathy, Amy, Alisha and Stuart on Thursday night. Cathy did some yoga, we watched America's Funniest Home Videos and Full House, and I dressed in my New Kids gear and took stupid pics. I love doing dumb stuff. Oh yes and Thursday morning Leeanne and I had breakfast at Carrows in Oakland across the street from my work. Yummy yum yum!
  1. Oh my lord I had the worst toothache ever recorded by man. Least it felt that way. Thursday morning after leaving Carrows, I had the beginning of a toothache. I thought nothing of it and was heading to the ATM at the bank to deposit a check my mom gave me for groceries. By the time I got to Dolittle and Davis my jaw was throbbing and I decided to skip the bank and gym, to go home and nurse my aching mouth. Two tylenols, a lot of ambusol, and a frozen bag of squash on my face and the pain was almost bearable. I told my mom the errands would have to wait and she understood. (I was supposed to take my mom to the bank and Longs later that morning.) But oh man that hurt soo bad. I would have called my dentist, but I have already reached my $1800 max that my work reimburses this year. I can thank my many cavaties and new crowns on the other side of my mouth. I hate my teeth!!