Wednesday, January 14, 2009

chubby wubby

  • Hey there folks. I'm back again. So far this week has been fairly uneventful. Monday I worked at Traffic then here, and Tuesday I did exactly the same thing. There were two new episodes of Scrubs on ABC, so that rocked. Other than that, same old grind.
  • Not a whole lot to discuss, really. I've been reading a blog called Big Fat Deal that has a lot of good articles about acceptance of fat people. No, I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and yell at the fat haters out there, but I think Hollywood takes their ideals to an extreme. Seriously. On the other hand I'm still on my period and get quite defensive since I feel like a fat whale. Haha. Check it out sometime:
  • This week is pretty routine. Working at Traffic yet again this afternoon. Grocery shopping on Thursday. Kickin it with Sandi Friday night and going to Lodi on Saturday/Sunday. WHOOO. Okay off to do surveys, catch y'all later.