Friday, June 29, 2007

I love you all


  • Yay weekend time again!! I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight, but I'm sure it'll be fun. Saturday I'm workin in San Fran in the morning, then Noelle and I are taking a drive down to Santa Cruz for the afternoon/evening. It should be fun and relaxing, especially since I'm not driving. Sunday I'm doing my KKIQ airshift, doing housework, taking a nap, then I'm working for in San Fran again, then back to Family Radio. That's just a start of what's going to be one BUSY week! I'm working like 71 hours next week. Yeah I'm supposed to be cutting back on stress, but I can't say no to extra shifts, I like the extra money. I'm so awful.
  • Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and I'm going this morning after work too. That's 5 days this week! Next week I may be able to sneak in on Tuesday and Friday mornings, that's about it. I have a very packed schedule.
  • My weight is still fluctuating like a yo-yo. Wednesday I had lost 2.6lbs, but on Thursday I was up 0.4 lbs. Okay so that's not a big deal. It just drives me batty. I keep losing, and gaining, and gaining more, and losing a little bit. Ya get the drift. Can't wait for my doctor appt in a few weeks to get some of this straightened out.
  • Someone very close to me is angry because I went out with another close friend and she wasn't invited. I feel absolutely awful and I love her very much. We didn't mean not to invite her, we just didn't think about it. Honestly. I hope things will work out, I hate to see people emotionally hurt. I love ALL my friends and loved ones, even if I don't see you all the time, or talk to you as much as I used to. Life happens. But remember, I love you all.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007



  • Okay that made no sense, I know Kimmie gets it. Haha. Anyway, same old stuff goin on. Went to the gym on Tuesday morning, and I'm planning to go the rest of the week. Yay for me. I gained another pound yesterday and lost 2.6 lbs today. My body's playing some kind of mean trick. Ugh. Still a loss is good. I've also been getting enough sleep. Slept 8 hours on Monday, and about 8 hours on Tuesday. I still feel a bit tired @ work, but overnights do that to ya, even after 4 1/2 years.
  • Other than that, nothing too thrilling. Took dad to the doctor on Tuesday, he has a sore on his tummy next to his G-tube thing. Looks infected, he got antibiotics. Has to go back for follow-up on Friday morning.
  • My teeth hurt again. Went about a month or so with no probs, then all of a sudden last night the pain came back. I think I was picking celery out of my teeth and got a little too close to my gums or something. Took Tylenol, and I'm using a cold soda can as a compress, so it's helping. I can live with it, I'm not a baby.

Monday, June 25, 2007

my weekend was pretty fun


  • I had a pretty cool weekend all in all. Friday morning I got my blood work done and survived, took my dad to the doctor and took my family to the Alameda County Fair. It was pretty fun. I'll post a few pics at the end. My momma got me a metal Sesame Street lunchbox, isn't that rad? Well I think so anyway. Although I was exhausted I had tons of fun. I wish Cathy would have come, though. Just wasn't the same without her. She had to work. On Saturday afternoon Kimmie and I hung out. We celebrated my bday with carrot cake and butter pecan ice cream. Yum. Then we watched Greatest American Hero, the Judith Light episode of St. Elsewhere, Carrie, Walk Like A Man, and Flowers In The Attic. What a day of great cinema, I'll tell ya. Then we had KFC and Starbucks, don't worry I had a roasted chicken wrap (and a few biscuits, sorry) and a nonfat decaf sugarfree iced caramel latte. Say that 3 times fast. Sunday was pretty normal. Airshift @ KKIQ, gym, took family to Target, housework, nappytime, made dinner, came to work. Blah blah blah.
  • I did got to the gym Sunday afternoon as I mentioned above, and I plan on going Tuesday through Friday if everything goes to plan. All I can do is try to eat right and keep on exercising, and praying helps too.
  • I gained 2 lbs on Thursday, then lost it by Saturday. Then I gained 2.5 lbs by the following day. I'm not even on my period, but I'm retaining water like a sponge. I've been avoiding salt like the plague, so I don't think it's that. I don't want to find anything wrong with me when I see the doctor next month, but it would be a relief if I did. I'm using portion control, cutting out booze completely, avoiding sugar, caffeine, salt, most carbs, exercising like mad.. nothing works! Okay the past few weeks have been kinda bad due to my excess bday celebrations and such, but I'm back on track now. Guess I'm just impatient, huh? *sigh*
Okay here's a few pics from the fair.. they're in my Myspace pics anyway..

Dad and I muggin.

Me and the produce man!

I have a clown fetish.

I love my momma.

Friday, June 22, 2007



  • TGIF once again. I'm glad it's Friday, hopefully I can get some rest this weekend. Not like I got enough rest today. Later this morning I'm taking my parents and Michelle to the Alameda County Fair, so that should be fun. Don't know what I'm doing tonight, I think I'll take it easy and try to get some sleep. I'm working Saturday morning then heading out to Lodi to kick it with Kimmie, that'll be totally awesome. Sunday I'm working at KKIQ in the morning, then hitting the gym, doing housework, sleeping, same old routine. I should have a pretty fun weekend though.
  • I did go to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning. I wish I could have gone more this week, but my bday celebration kinda interrupted that. I also have a lovely blood test this morning so I'll be skipping the gym today. I should go 4-5 days next week, for sure.
  • In case I didn't mention last time, I decided to let go of caffeine for the most part, and totally let go of liquor. My doctor recomended this, and I think my body will be better off without it. I'm still drinking a cup of tea a day, and decaf coffee here and there. And a diet soda a day, until I get rid of the diet soda I have at home. This is going to be one interesting experiment.
  • Okay first of all, like I mentioned above, I'm having all kinds of blood work done later this morning after work. I have to fast for this, which means I haven't eaten anything since about 12am. I work overnights, so yeah this kinda sucks. After my test I'm going home for a nice bowl of Life cereal and a shower. Then I gotta take Dad to the doctor. Then off to the fair. Yay.
  • That brings another point. I didn't get to wake up during the evening, take a shower and make dinner like I usually do. For some strange reason I went to bed at 12:30 yesterday afternoon, and was woken up by my coworker Victoria at 10:56pm. I HELLA overslept!! Guess my body's trying to tell me to chill out, huh? This sucked. I had to change my shirt, put on more deoderant, make sure I wasn't too funky, run a brush through my hair, grab a Healthy Choice meal and some salad stuff. After getting to work I drove Victoria home. Then I sat here at work and scarfed down my food like a madwoman, since I had to stop at like 12ish. UGH. I am SOOO hungry!!
  • And oh yes, my front left tire has had a slow leak for a few months now. Wednesday night it was kinda flat but not too bad, and I thought to myself, "Oh I'll just stop by Arco on the way to the gym and fill it up, no biggie." Well um it was FLAT yesterday morning when I got to my car after work. I drove it across the street to the Shell station and filled it with air, and went to the gym. Then I drove to Wheelworks and waited a little over an hour to get a new one on. Cost me $90 bucks. Ugh.
  • P.S. I'm still fat. Boo.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

all downhill from here.


  • I had a great birthday! I took the night off from both jobs, and had a nice kinda restful time. "Kinda" is what I'll explain in a minute. I ended up getting about 2 hours of sleep on Monday, which was my official birthday. I got home from work around 7am and slept until 9, then hopped in the shower. Then I took Michelle to Albertsons since she just HAD to use the Coinstar and turn her change into cash. Then I got back to my parents' house and my Uncle Jim C. was there with a card from him and Aunt Brenda, with $10 (YAY). The only thing is he's kinda longwinded, which apparently is genetic. So we didn't even get to the Stoneridge Mall until about 11:30. Oh yeah, it was just me and my mom doing bday shopping, Michelle stayed home with my dad thankfully. First thing we did at the mall was getting my hair trimmed. This took about 30 minutes, but I didn't care. Then we traversed the lower level of the mall, and I got a cute Batman shirt at Anchor Blue. My mom wanted to look at Pottery Barn since Martha Stewart shops there, then we looked at the prices and my mom started saying "Good lord, what the hell? " really loudly so I decided it was a good time to go to lunch at that point. We had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and it was FANTASTIC!!! My mom told the waitress it was my bday, so they put a candle on my Dulce De Leche cheesecake and like 6 of em plus like half the resturaunt sang to me. Fortunately I didn't have my camera (my mom doesn't know how to use it anyway) so no pics of that. I took a pic of the cheesecake with my phone, but haven't loaded it on photobucket yet. In fact I didn't load any pics from yesterday yet, I've been too lazy. After lunch we went back inside and attacked the upper level of the mall. I got more lotion from Bath and Body Works, and a cute outfit at Torrid, thanks to my mom and the giftcard Cathy gave me. After we left the mall, I tried to find Target in Dublin but I had no luck, guess I'm geographically challenged. We drove back to San Leandro and went to Target there. My mom got me a super duper George Foreman grill, the one with the temperature gauge and timer on it, with room to cook 4 burgers at once (I prefer chicken). I used a giftcard Davina gave me to get a new mattress pad, and some makeup. By the time I got Mom home and lugged my new wares inside, I had time to nap for an hour before going to dinner with the gang. I was kinda stupid and bought some Mad Croc gum and chewed a little on the way to dinner. One piece is like half a cup of coffee, according to the packaging. All it did was make me feel weird the whole evening. We went to Claimjumpers in Fremont, and oh my god their portions are HUGE. I drank a Mai-Tai with like 3 different shots of rum in it, and ate some chicken pieces as an appetizer. Dinner was a cobb salad with no blue cheese, because that stuff is nasty. I didn't eat much at all, and drank like 3/4 of my MaiTai. I did get some ice cream with a candle in it for dessert, and everyone sang to me once again. Pics and maybe a video will be surfacing on my next blog, I promise. When I went home I had a rum/diet coke on top of everything else. Then I slept 11 hours straight, I needed it.
oh lordy
  • Okay here's what sucks. Went to the doctor on Tuesday afternoon. I'm getting blood work done on Friday morning, full metabolic panel, thryoid, blah blah blah. So I can't eat after midnight that morning. Poo. We want to see what the heck is goin on with my body. Oh and, I have hypertension, well the beginning stages of it. High blood pressure. I have another appointment in a month, and we're gonna see if it's lower. I'm hoping this was due to my excessive drinking/partying the night before. But the doc gave me precautions and I think for my health I should start following them. Only one diet soda a day, and no coffee unless it's decaf. No more drinking, period. More exercise (well I'll up my program an extra 10 min a day). I'm watching my salt intake. I still have way too much junk food being shoved in my face due to my birthday leftovers, but I'm eating in moderation. When I come back to work and there's a pan of brownies with my name on it, literally, that's bad. When my boss sends me a memo to tell me there's brownies in case I somehow missed them, that's bad. When he adds that he's bringing homemade cookies, even worse. Help me God, please. Oh yeah my Doc wants me to try to lose 5 more lbs. Hahahahaha!!! Happy birthday to me, huh?

Monday, June 18, 2007

happy bday to me!!

Happy Birthday to me!!


  • Go Lisa, it's your birthday. Gonna party like it's your birthday. Drink Bacardi like it's your birthday. Cuz you know we don't give a f*&k it's not yo birthday. (But it is!!)
  • Went to the gym on Friday morning, but I probably won't be back until like Wednesday morning. Would have gone on Sunday but I went to Jolene's bday party. I'd go today but it's my bday and I'm barely getting sleep on top of shopping with my mom + dinner and drinks with Cathy/Amy. Tuesday I'm recovering from Monday + I have a doctor appointment in the afternoon.
  • That's another thing, I did make an appt with my doctor to see what's up with my metabolism and hormones, so yay for me. My work will reimburse for 80% of whatever it costs, hopefully not much.
  • Friday night I went to Sergio's with Cathy and TJ for dinner, it's a little Italian pizza joint that makes good sandwiches and salads too. I had a meatball sandwich but I got a nice salad as my side order. I was a good girl. Saturday was my bday party and it was awesome. Now it wasn't crazy and reckless like last year, but I think maybe it was better this way. We had 3 large pizzas, chips n dip, lots of sliced fruit thanks to Michelle, a veggie tray, and some tasty cookies that my neighbor Leslie sent down. Lots of beer, I made pina coladas, oh man. Noelle made my bday cake, yummy chocolate with Bert & Ernie on it!! Yay!! Pics are at the end of the article, folks. Sunday I worked @ KKIQ, did some housework, went to Jolene's bday party, came home and finished my housework, took a brief nap, got up and made dinner, loaded pics online, stopped by my parents' house for father's day, then off to work. So yeah my weekend was a bit busy.
oh poo
  • Ok so I'm eating some baaaaad food this weekend. It's my birthday, people. I shall, eat, drink, be merry, then cry while I weigh myself naked. No joke.

So this was my YUMMY cake!

Here's me cutting it.

Here's Fernando's son Joey, isn't he cute?

And I'm holding him..

Here's Michelle with him too..

Me and Graciepoo

Me and cute Tony

Michael and I cheesin.

Fernando, Tony, Grace, Joey, and me of course.

Cathy, Michelle and I, and no one is trying to kick each other's ass yet!

Lorie, Davina, Me, Cathy, and Noelle = Some sexy ex-Sportmart employees

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

humpy hump day


  • It's my hump day here at work, and I'm feelin alright. Went to the gym on Tuesday morning, and I'm planning on going today, even though I won't get much sleepytime. Thursday morning I'm going too.
  • I actually got enough sleep on Tuesday! Slept from about 9am until 5:30ish. Took a shower, made a turkey burger and some salad for dinner. Watched some Deal Or No Deal rerun, Grounded For Life, and then King Ralph on VHS... hahaha. I had lots of fun lounging at home and having some free time before work. Oh yeah I had some no sugar added peanut butter tracks ice cream with sugarfree syrup and sugarfree whipped cream for dessert. That turkey burger and salad made me hungry two hours later. I've noticed this week I've been uber hungry this week. Weeird.
  • Later today I should have some fun. I'm going to my friend Noelle's church choir party in Castro Valley. The people are pretty entertaining, and there's always plenty of grub. I'll try to make some healthy choices, that's all I can promise.
  • Nothing too tragic to talk about on the negative side. I'm still a fattie, but that's no news flash. I had a bad work related dream yesterday, but it ended on a silly note that made no sense whatesoever. Dreams aren't supposed to make sense anyway, right?
Okay here are some of the pics I didn't post yet, of Noelle on Friday night and BFD last Saturday.

Noelle and I eating @ Mimi's last Friday.

The waiter and I had the same glasses. Can't remember his name, but he was quite entertaining.

Noelle looking oh so graceful.

Noelle and baby Savannah.

Me holding the little squirmer.

Noelle's doggy Bambino!

Me stylin with my New Kids glasses @ BFD.

This girl was so totally 80s, so rockin!

I see you, Cathy!

Using Cathy's tummy as a food tray.

Yes what a great view.. of my retro Pepsi shirt.

Snooze time for Amy.

Yeah it was kinda crowded.

More people.

The diverse crowd behind me.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I got kinda sunburned

*high five*

  • I had an awesome weekend. Friday night I hung out with Noelle. We went to dinner at Mimi's in Hayward. I ate a great meal, and had 3/4 of a Banana's Foster ice cream thing. It was bad, but SOO good. Afterwards we hung out at Christy's mom's house and saw Savannah, Christy's daughter. She is so cute! Then we went to Noelle's and watched Sister Act 2 on her flat panel TV. After I pay off my credit card debt and start saving I think I'll buy one. (Probably a year from now.)
  • On Saturday I went to BFD, and carpooled with Amy. Cathy came late, and was supposed to come with Stuart but he had some complications, let's just say that. We had an awesome time. Yes I ate crappy food there, but at rock concerts they don't serve much health food. Overpriced burgers, fries, and chicken mostly. Oh and overpriced booze. I bought a margarita and drank 3/4 of Amy's margarita. Tasty, not much booze in it. I had to get up the next day @ 4:30am so that's why I didn't do shots of tequila or anything crazy. I'll put some pics up today, and I need to add lots of stuff to my photobucket account so in a day or two you'll see the rest, I promise.
  • I did go to the gym on Friday morning and on Sunday afternoon. Yay! I'm planning on going Tuesday-Friday this week.
  • Saturday is my bday party!! I need to make a list of what to buy when I get groceries later this week. If you're goin and like a particular food/beverage, please let me know.
  • A week from today I'm turning 27. Yes I'm old but I love birthdays. Maybe I'm just self centered, I don't know.
  • Yeah I did eat a lot of crap over the weekend. Tends to be a habit, weekends are notorious for cheating, I guess. I think it's a social thing, honestly. Friday night I had a big dessert at Mimi's. Saturday I ate almost nothing but crap. Except my 100 calorie popcorn and water I brought. Ugh. Sunday I ate leftover pizza (Pizza that Cathy and Amy had Friday night and left in my fridge.) and at least had a salad with it. Today is a new day, I always stay on track for the most part during the week.

Me and little Savannah.

Eating my evil dessert on Friday night.

Amy, David and Me @ BFD

Thumbs up, Cathy!

I was stylin, man.

I promise, more pics in a few days!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

weekends are fun


  • It's the weekend once again! I'm in much better spirits than I was a few days ago. I'm still a fattie, but I'm living with it. Well I made it to the gym on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and I'm going again this morning. So awesome, I'm glad I've been staying on track.
  • My weekend should be pretty fun and relaxing. Friday evening I'm going to dinner with Noelle then watching movies at her house on her new flat screen TV. Nice and laid back, just how I like it. Saturday is BFD, and that should be fun. I like just lounging around with friends on the grass, getting free samples of stuff at booths, eating crap, and having a good old time. Oh yeah, watching kickass bands perform, that's fun too. Nice and low key, that's how I like my downtime.
  • Oh yeah, I actually got enough sleep yesterday. Went to bed around noon and got up at almost 9pm. I had enough time to take a shower and make some scrambled eggbeaters with chicken tortilla soup for dinner. Yum!
oh well
  • Okay so I haven't called my doctor yet about getting a metabolic panel done. Frankly I'm lazy, and hate doctors. That and by the time I get to go to bed, I'm exhausted and don't feel like calling the doctor. And I don't have enough time, plus I'd have to fast before the blood test and that would mean no food all day. Working overnights suck. But yes I'll call Dr. Balbuena next week, I promise. Enough excuses.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

another fat rant

An open rant/letter to whoever..

Dear whoever..

I feel as if I'm positively trapped in my fatass body. I go to the gym like 5 days a week, for at least 30 minute workouts. I try to keep my calories between 1300-1500 a day (except on some weekends..). I have said "Adios!" to old habits like late night Taco Bell runs, Jack in the Box and even giant meals at KFC. I drink lots more water. Crystal Light and Diet Coke are my friends. Yet I am still a fatass.

I lost almost 30 lbs since last year. But it keeps going up and down like a bad yoyo. One week I'll be great. Then I'll have a little booze over the weekend, maybe a slice of pizza or two. Maybe I'll have a little spinach dip at Applebees. And I'll gain 5 lbs. It takes FOREVER to lose that 5lbs, if I lose it. What in God's name is wrong with my body? What did I do to deserve such a horrible metabolism? Is it my metabolism? Or is it because I eat too many sugary veggies like carrots? Is it my love for nonfat yogurt? My fat free vanilla ice cream with sugarfree chocolate syrup? Sugarfree nonfat iced vanilla lattes?

I don't think I'll ever get under 200 lbs at this rate. No offense to friends who have tried to help, but I'm not going to ask someone about changing my diet. I'm already deprived of so much yummy stuff that I don't want to torture myself with more food restrictions. Portion control= eating portions the size of my tiny midget fist. Yes I get it. Thanks.

I think I'm going to call my doctor later today so I can get some blood tests done. I don't expect or hope I have a thyroid problem, but it would be nice to know if I had one. I'd love to actually have a reason as to why my body hates me and retains water like the Hoover Dam. I don't want to become a diabetic, I don't want high blood pressure. I'm tired of being laughed at, tired of feeling unattractive. I'm tired of feeling exhausted every single day, regardless of how much I work and/or sleep. Tired of cringing when I look at videos of myself.

I wish some of the skinny superficial people out there could see what it's like for just one day. The ones who say "maybe you should exercise more" and assume that I sit on my ass and eat bonbons and just lie to people about my healthy eating habits. If they spent one day in my body, they'd maybe get a different perspective. It's so bad that I hate grocery shopping with my older sister. She's overweight too, and the rest of my family eats lots of processed crap. I finish my shopping, and her cart is already overflowing so she tosses some of their processed TV dinners, cookies, ice cream and such in my cart. I'm sure other shoppers assume it's mine and that's why I'm such a fatass. Two fat chicks pushing carts full of fattening shit to the checkstand. How lovely. It's that bad that I have to be self conscious about buying my food now.

Ok I think I feel better now. Thanks to everyone for your support and such lately, it's really helped. I just needed to get this off my chest.

Monday, June 04, 2007

big adventurous weekend


  • My weekend was EXHAUSTING!!! But I had so much fun. I am dead tired. For once, I can only yell at myself, it was all social obligations. Lemme explain the rundown if I can. Friday I got about 4 hours sleep in the morning. Then I got up, showered, and went to pick up a rental van from Enterprise over by the Oakland airport. There was nowhere to leave my car so I had to park it at DHL across the street and pray no one would notice a lack of employee stickers and such. I finally went to pick up the van and Cathy's pal Maxwell from high school was working there, and it probably took twice as long to go through the red tape since we were catching up on old times. Anyway, I hit the road about 45 minutes later then expected. Traffic on the way to Lodi sucked awfully bad. I left San Leandro by 2pm, and didn't get to Lodi until about 4:30. Good lordy lord.
  • It took quite an effort to get Kimmie into the minivan, which is not her fault whatsoever. The hoyerlift couldn't extend lower enough to get her all the way into the van. We did solve this problem by having a strong neighbor physically pick her up out of the wheelchair and put her into the van. This is the method we used throughout the trip, and it's amazing that there are kind human beings out there who want to lend a hand. We finally headed out of Lodi by 5:45, and made it to San Jose by 7:30. Traffic was still kinda sluggish, plus I got kinda lost down there. Once we were parked I was able to talk a parking attendant and a random chunky asian dude to help Kimmie out of the van. A nice group of other women attending the Jordan Knight event were exiting the parking garage while we were, and helped push Kimmie up the steep driveway thing. Nice people are awesome.
  • So we get inside and start getting our boogie on there on the dance floor. Lots of 80s jams, for a good half hour to 45 minutes. Then what we've all been waiting for. Jordan Knight, in the flesh. Like literally 5 feet away. I almost puked. Lots of gyrations, the glances, the touches. *sigh* He did a one hour set, with lots of New Kids songs. It was so worth the time, money and lack of sleep for this. Pictures and video will be at the end of the blog. But man it was great!! We tried to get autographs from Jordan but he was staked out in the bathroom for 20 minutes, taking a giant dump apparently. At least that's myself and Kimmie's theory. (hahaha). He ended up taking a side door out to his waiting SUV to get to the hotel. So alas no luck. Kimmie even told the security guards her story. Her story is so courageous, let alone what we had to get through to get her there that night. You go girl.
  • So we left the venue and tried to ask security there to help us get Kimmie back in the van. They couldn't help. Three very nice valets there at the parking garage did help though. We were so lucky. I know Jesus was on our side that night, no doubt. It took me an extra 10-15 minutes to figure out how the heck to get to 880, since the streets in downtown San Jose are extremely insane. We got back to San Leandro by 12:15, and I picked up Noelle. For some reason, she wanted to drive. I thought she was on crack but she explained herself later on. We took a very necessary Starbucks run and headed on out to Lodi. When we got to Lodi, Kimmie was smart and called the fire dept to help her out of the van. They were nice guys and one of em was kinda cute. Kimmie was finally home safe and emotionally exhuasted by 2am. Noelle and I took off back to the bay area, and I'm so glad she was driving. She told me she had a premonition that I had fallen asleep behind the wheel and crashed that night. That's why she wanted to drive. I'd like to thank her for saving my life. I got home safely by 3:30 and decided to stay up since I'd have to get up in 1 1/2 hours anyway for work. What a night.
  • So on Saturday afternoon I didn't get to bed until 2pm. I woke up at 5pm when Cathy and TJ came over with pizza and booze. Amy showed up about an hour later, and we had an 80s/90s movie marathon. Smokey And The Bandit, Stay Tuned (starring John Ritter, Pam Dawber and Mr. Rooney from Ferris Bueller who played the dad on Beetlejuice), and Revenge Of The Nerds. I ended up not going to bed until way late. Note I had been up like 30 hours straight not counting my 3 hour nap. I'm not mad at anybody for coming over, since I had a freakin blast. I seem to get drunk quicker when I'm exhausted.
  • Sunday I woke up at 4:30am, so I could get to work before 6am when I go on air. After my airshift at KKIQ I hung out in Modesto with Sandi watching the first two Pirates Of The Carribean movies. Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp are hot!!! I had fun talking with her, Renee and Larkin, then I headed home. Had just enough time to do some halfass housework and make dinner before working here. I had one crazy weekend, but boy it was worth it.
  • Only a few sucky things. First of all I've eaten nothing but crap all weekend. Carls Jr twice on Friday night, pizza on Saturday night and pizza on Sunday afternoon. Right now I'm chillin with raw veggies. I should make it back to the gym Tues-Fri mornings this week. This should put me back on track. I'm hoping.
  • Kimmie and I were devastated that we didn't meet Jordan, but he'll be back in California soon enough. We still love him anyway.
  • I haven't been this exhausted in forever. I took a 2 hr doze here at work.. well half asleep anyway. It sure helped. I can't wait to crawl into bed by 8am this morning.

Okay here are the videos and pictures and stuff..

Jordan singing "I'll Be Loving You Forever"
Jordan Knight, I'll be loving you, 6/1 San Jose

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"Step By Step"
Jordan Knight, Step by Step live 6/1

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"Hangin Tough"
Jordan sings Hangin Tough remix

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Kimmie and I lookin sexy.

Kimmie and I with Don Bleu from Star 101.3

Jordan croonin in our faces.

Jordan's lookin kinda satan posessed here.

I love his facial expression.

Everybody scream!!

And yeah these last two are random. This is my fridge circa last Thursday night.

And my freezer..