Thursday, October 05, 2006

oh boy...

Why is one of my friends always pissed at me? If it's not one, its the other. One of my pals called me while I was driving and halfway paying attention on Sunday evening asking if I wanted to possibly go to a ballgame on Friday, which is later today. At the time I said yeah I guess. She wasn't sure if we were going because it's a playoff game, and she didn't know if she could get off of work. Well my sister asked me 2 days ago if I wanted to go to Reno with her, and of course I said hell yes. At the time I didn't think about the baseball game, because I figured the odds were slim of us going anyway. Well my pal IMed me about 30 min ago and I remembered about the ballgame.. and I told her I couldn't go, that I'm going to Reno. She was very disappointed. I wish she would have reminded me earlier so I could have let her know earlier. I love baseball games, but I never get to spend a day or two away from everyone. So I decided to do what's going to make me happier.

I don't generally get pissed when people back off from plans. I just end up going myself, or doing something else. That's my way of doing things. Guess I'm weird.

Also, I got my new tooth today, it's awesome. My gum's a little sore, but they said it would be that way for a few days. This time tommorrow I'm gonna be drunk and partying in Reno.. woot woot!