Friday, March 30, 2007



  1. Thank God It's Friday!! Tonight I'm probably laying low and staying home to make Pina Coladas and watch Miami Vice. I really haven't gotten enough rest this week so I really need to take it easy. Saturday I'm hanging with Davina, probably shopping at Stoneridge or something.
  2. My mom gave me an almost new blender Thursday evening. Michelle claimed it was broken but she just didn't know how to detach the pitcher portion from the machine. Now I can make pina coladas, margaritas, and milkshakes/smoothies. So awesome.
  3. Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and I'm planning to go after work this morning as well. I'm so glad I'm getting back into the swing of things after missing the gym earlier in the week.
  4. Mom said I looked like my back was getting smaller. That compliment helped my self-confidence a lot since I've felt like a fat ass lately.
  1. Got in a stupid argument with a good friend last night. I don't know why she was so on edge last night and bringing up old stuff, but oh well. I like to let sleeping dogs lie. Whatever, we're still great friends anyway. Least I consider her a great friend.
  2. It's still SO HARD to lose weight. My clothes are getting loose, but the pounds won't go away. Grrrr. Someday I'll hit 200 and go under that.