Tuesday, May 29, 2007

more whining


  1. Well in about 4 days or so I'll be visiting Jordan Knight with Kimmie. Then a week after that is BFD, which is a day long concert at the Shoreline Amphetheater with lots of bands, food, and fun times. I'm going to that with Amy and Cathy. I know David is going, Mikey, and Leeanne will be there too since she works for Live 105. Well she should be anyway. One week after that is my bday party!! So yeah plenty of fun stuff comin up.
  2. I just got done perusing Mark 2 and found the passage about Jesus hanging out with the tax collectors AKA bad folks instead of the "good people". He said it was because doctors heal the sick, not the healthy. This is what Sandi's been explaining to me for a while now. And the dawn came. I tend to hang out with folks who do NonChristian-like things sometimes. But they're my friends, I love em anyway. So yeah, I read that passage and I got all emotional and stuff. I can try to blame it on my hormones, but whenever I truly gain godly wisdom I tend to get weepy. I'm so weeeeeiiird.
  1. I kinda had a bad day on Sunday evening. I've been working LOTS more than usual the past week or so and I was butt booty tired. Instead of being smart and setting my alarm clock for 9pm, I asked my older sister Michelle to call and wake me up at 9. I was woken up at 10:45pm and was late for work. May I add that I had no time for a shower and I had to take a frozen entree to work instead of a nice homecooked meal. That's why I wanted to get up about 2 hours earlier. I was soooo mad at Michelle, as some of you know. I then realized that it's stupid to be mad at one little mistake. I had let my temper get the best of me. I was also being selfish and thinking about myself instead of thinking about the big picture. Okay I was a few minutes late for work. I drove Victoria home. Yes it was inconviencing to not have time to bathe or cook a better dinner. But I woke up, I had food to take to work, I was fortunate enough to have a job to go to. So yeah I should be counting my blessings instead of getting upset over stupid stuff. Amen.
  2. I was also kinda mad at my mom for not letting me take the family van on my adventure to see Jordan with Kimmie on Friday night. I then realized that the van is having some issues, and my mom worried about my safety, and Kimmie's too. So I am renting a van and Kimmie's paying me back. Problem solved, and I never even expressed my anger to my mom. No point in upsetting my parents and myself over another slight inconvience.
  3. I can't wait until I get a freakin day off. I work way too much while I can. I'm young, I need the money, probably won't have social security in 40 years anyway. But I'm tired. Exhausted. Even when I sleep 8 hours, I get up, take a shower, and do it all over again. When I'm not at work I'm taking my parents to doctor appointments, running their errands (getting oil changed in their cars, buying their/my groceries, picking up prescriptions).. it never ends. See, I'm complaining again. *sigh* Know what? I'm blessed to have parents. They are funny people, they love me and I love them. Why am I complaining? Maybe because there aren't enough hours in the day? Hmmmm..