Friday, May 23, 2008

just for the taste of it..

  • Hooray it's Friday! After working 12-16 hours a day nearly all week, I am so glad. Oh yes, I think some of you guys are curious as to what my third job is. To those that don't know, I'm an editor/producer at The title sounds fancy, but I just get traffic information from the CHP (California Highway Patrol) and other info sources and put it on the website. I've been training there all week in the mornings. Next week I'll start working afternoon shifts. I'm excited and my coworkers are pretty nice and laid back.
  • Nothing that exciting has been going on besides working my patooty off. I get up, shower, grab food, work, sit in traffic then work at my other job, sit in more traffic, come home, feed the cat and go to bed. Then I wake up and do the same thing over and over again. Luckily my schedule will calm down in about a week so it won't be as monotonous.
  • This weekend I don't have too much planned. I am going to go see Rush Of Fools/Newsboys with Sandi on Sunday night. That will be fun, for sure. I haven't really listened to any of their music to be honest, but I love Christian rock so there's no doubt I'll have a blast.
  • One more thing, don't you hate it when you get paid, then you figure out your bills, then you have almost no money left? I just got paid yesterday, but 90% of it is going towards my rent check I have to send in a little over a week. I also just made a credit card payment, I owe my dentist some money, I just bought gas ($42 to fill up my tank) and got my oil changed/tires rotated. My second job pays me next week but I'll only get like $50, that's gas money essentially. I'm not even in the system at the third gig yet so I probably won't get paid until June. ARRRGH I love money. Being a responsible adult sucks sometimes. Okay now that I've given myself a headache I'll end this blog on a happy note with a random 80s commercial.

I couldn't help it, I was sitting here drinking Diet Coke and that song totally popped in my head. I love my 80s! God bless Youtube.