Friday, June 12, 2009

I may be shrinking

  • Hey folks, it's Friday!! Whooo! I'm excited because my work week will be over in 6 1/2 hrs, plus I'm having a jammin bday party on Saturday. That means A LOT of housework to do. Ugh. I hope to God that TJ fixes my toilet today, so I can put the bathroom back together and clean it, as well as my bedroom. The living room needs help but the dining room is the absolute worst. Aubri's crap EVERYWHERE. Oh the fun I will have.
  • Last few days have been cool. I have gotten several comments about me looking skinnier. Like four in the past week alone. Thank you all for recognizing my sexy hotter bod. Haha. No seriously, I've been afraid to weigh myself for months, I just might give it a go today. I think it's the lack of occasional weekend boozing, self control at dinner, and the regular exercise. Yes I'm keeping it up. God only knows what I'll eat this weekend but hey, it's my party time. Okay well there isn't much else to write about. I'll have plenty of stories to share and pics to upload next time. :-)