Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My car is dirty

Well nothing exciting of note today. When I got home from work I did housecleaning for an hour, then literally passed out on my bed for about 8 hours. I woke up to my older sister putting away groceries and giving a lovely narration of what each item was that she was placing in my freezer. Told ya my family is interesting. I meant to take a 2 hour nap in the morning, then go to Pacific Stereo to get the cord on my stereo replaced the go to Hutch's Car Wash because my baby needs a bath really bad. Well, those are my plans for tommorrow. Actually now that I think about it I could probably work out at the gym, then go home, eat, and run the errands. Maybe that can work. I just have to see what time the car wash and stereo place open respectively. If only they opened early dammit, I'd get my errands run right after the gym. Sigh.