Friday, April 25, 2008

i finally watched more tv

  • Hooray hooray the weekend is here! Seriously. I'm feeling tired lately but that's so big surprise. I'm always tired. I've been working overnights full time for over 5 years and my body still refuses to accept that I'm awake during niteytime and sleep during the daytime, at least Monday through Friday. Well that and my hormones are seriously wacked out. You know the commercial for those birth control pills where you only have a period every 3 months? I don't need that, I have that problem already. Except my body randomly likes to pretend I'm starting when I'm not and I get all the bloating, depression and hurting body parts for weeks on end. Some of my body parts like to double in size. Which is kinda cool but they hurt. Okay that was interesting wasn't it? This fake commercial from Saturday Night Live is awesome and entails how bad it would be if I only had it once a year.. although this is almost what it feels like already..

Saturday Night Live - Annuale

  • Now that I'm done telling you all about me and my fire monster uterus, not too much excitement going on. I went to the gym both Wednesday and Thursday mornings, and got a great workout. I'm going walking this morning with Michelle, which is good too. I had a really relaxing day so far (my day started at 6pm Thursday evening and will probably end around 9-10am on Friday morning). I got up, showered, got laundry out of the dryer (while inadvertently locking my cat in the garage for 2 hours), made dinner, and watched hours of wonderful entertainment on TV in the comfy Lazy Boy in the living room. I watched 2 reruns of Scrubs, COPS, a new episode of Scrubs (can you tell I love Scrubs?), the episode of Seinfeld where Judge Reinhold guest stars as the "close talker", MTV's Real Life which dealt with young folks in their 20s supporting their families (I can relate.. just a tad.. ), then I Know My Kid's A Star. Then I came to work. That was the most TV I've watched in one sitting in a very long time. I pay for the cable, might was well watch it, right? Okay now I'm off to do some surveys or something, and finish these leftover veggies I made for supper. Yummy. Later!