Monday, April 09, 2007

soooooo tired


  1. I got a nice compliment from a listener on Sunday morning. She said that I should be on afternoons, and she finds me pretty funny. She sounded sincere, I was afraid she was buttering me up so she could win some Six Flags Discovery Kingdom tix I was giving away. Haha.
  2. Sunday was Easter, and it was pretty okay. I worked all 3 jobs, but my mom gave me a giftcard for Chilis, a giant chocolate bunny and other goodies.
  3. I actually bought a bathing suit for my Hawaii trip. Amy and Cathy said I look cute in it. I figure if we're gonna be across the street from the ocean, and at a hotel with 2 pools, I may as well enjoy it. I can't swim, but I can still play in the water.
  4. 17 days until Hawaii!!!!!!
  5. Tonight I'm going to the A's home opener against the White Sox. Unfortunately bleachers were sold out so I got a ticket for another section. I'm hoping to get down to the bleachers with Sandi and company somewhere in the middle of the game. It will still be a blast.
  1. I am SOOOO exhausted right now. I usually get a nap on Sunday afternoons after I come home from KKIQ and I have time to run errands, go to the gym, do housework, whatever. But I usually nap for at least 5 hours or so. Yesterday I had to work in SF right after I got off work in Pleasanton. By the time I got home it was 8pm, and I had to get my housework done. So I ended up taking a one hour nap. At least I didn't have to cook, I picked up some Easter leftovers on the way to work.
  2. I ate kinda bad over the weekend. My mom bought me a giant creme-filled donut on Friday and I ate it. I also at KFC, although it was a salad and a snacker, nothing too bad. Oh yeah I also had a bean burrito at Taco Bell. No this wasn't all in one setting, this was over a few day period. Still awful though.
  3. Won't be able to hit the gym until Tuesday morning. I'm hoping to go the rest of the week, as much as I can.