Friday, June 29, 2007

I love you all


  • Yay weekend time again!! I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight, but I'm sure it'll be fun. Saturday I'm workin in San Fran in the morning, then Noelle and I are taking a drive down to Santa Cruz for the afternoon/evening. It should be fun and relaxing, especially since I'm not driving. Sunday I'm doing my KKIQ airshift, doing housework, taking a nap, then I'm working for in San Fran again, then back to Family Radio. That's just a start of what's going to be one BUSY week! I'm working like 71 hours next week. Yeah I'm supposed to be cutting back on stress, but I can't say no to extra shifts, I like the extra money. I'm so awful.
  • Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and I'm going this morning after work too. That's 5 days this week! Next week I may be able to sneak in on Tuesday and Friday mornings, that's about it. I have a very packed schedule.
  • My weight is still fluctuating like a yo-yo. Wednesday I had lost 2.6lbs, but on Thursday I was up 0.4 lbs. Okay so that's not a big deal. It just drives me batty. I keep losing, and gaining, and gaining more, and losing a little bit. Ya get the drift. Can't wait for my doctor appt in a few weeks to get some of this straightened out.
  • Someone very close to me is angry because I went out with another close friend and she wasn't invited. I feel absolutely awful and I love her very much. We didn't mean not to invite her, we just didn't think about it. Honestly. I hope things will work out, I hate to see people emotionally hurt. I love ALL my friends and loved ones, even if I don't see you all the time, or talk to you as much as I used to. Life happens. But remember, I love you all.