Wednesday, May 30, 2007

hooray for me


  1. I probably won't be bloggin again until early next week. Not that I don't enjoy blogging but I'm going to be busy most of the weekend, and life happens.
  2. Went to the gym on Tuesday and Wednesday morning, and I'm planning on going today as well. I'm going to be tied up on Friday for sure, and Sunday afternoon I'm hanging with Sandi in Modesto and doing a Pirates of the Carribean movie marathon at her place. So I'll hit the gym again next week Tues-Fri, I promise.
  3. I'm goin to SoCal the last week of August with Sandi. We're goin to Disneyland and Sea World, and she's going to show me her college days' stomping grounds. I love going on vacations when I have time to enjoy myself. Plus I've never been to Sea World. Least I have enough time to get people to fill in at work and such. We're only going for 3-4 days, most of it being the weekend, so it won't interrupt my work schedule too much. And my parents' doctors appointments. My schedule is way too complicated.
  1. I still feel I'm not getting anywhere with my life changes. It's been almost a year. I've only lost 25-30 lbs. I keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. It won't go down. Arrrgh. *pulling out hair*.
  2. I have a gut feeling someone is going to have conflict with me in the next day or so, I just know it. Can't get into it right now. But I just know it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

more whining


  1. Well in about 4 days or so I'll be visiting Jordan Knight with Kimmie. Then a week after that is BFD, which is a day long concert at the Shoreline Amphetheater with lots of bands, food, and fun times. I'm going to that with Amy and Cathy. I know David is going, Mikey, and Leeanne will be there too since she works for Live 105. Well she should be anyway. One week after that is my bday party!! So yeah plenty of fun stuff comin up.
  2. I just got done perusing Mark 2 and found the passage about Jesus hanging out with the tax collectors AKA bad folks instead of the "good people". He said it was because doctors heal the sick, not the healthy. This is what Sandi's been explaining to me for a while now. And the dawn came. I tend to hang out with folks who do NonChristian-like things sometimes. But they're my friends, I love em anyway. So yeah, I read that passage and I got all emotional and stuff. I can try to blame it on my hormones, but whenever I truly gain godly wisdom I tend to get weepy. I'm so weeeeeiiird.
  1. I kinda had a bad day on Sunday evening. I've been working LOTS more than usual the past week or so and I was butt booty tired. Instead of being smart and setting my alarm clock for 9pm, I asked my older sister Michelle to call and wake me up at 9. I was woken up at 10:45pm and was late for work. May I add that I had no time for a shower and I had to take a frozen entree to work instead of a nice homecooked meal. That's why I wanted to get up about 2 hours earlier. I was soooo mad at Michelle, as some of you know. I then realized that it's stupid to be mad at one little mistake. I had let my temper get the best of me. I was also being selfish and thinking about myself instead of thinking about the big picture. Okay I was a few minutes late for work. I drove Victoria home. Yes it was inconviencing to not have time to bathe or cook a better dinner. But I woke up, I had food to take to work, I was fortunate enough to have a job to go to. So yeah I should be counting my blessings instead of getting upset over stupid stuff. Amen.
  2. I was also kinda mad at my mom for not letting me take the family van on my adventure to see Jordan with Kimmie on Friday night. I then realized that the van is having some issues, and my mom worried about my safety, and Kimmie's too. So I am renting a van and Kimmie's paying me back. Problem solved, and I never even expressed my anger to my mom. No point in upsetting my parents and myself over another slight inconvience.
  3. I can't wait until I get a freakin day off. I work way too much while I can. I'm young, I need the money, probably won't have social security in 40 years anyway. But I'm tired. Exhausted. Even when I sleep 8 hours, I get up, take a shower, and do it all over again. When I'm not at work I'm taking my parents to doctor appointments, running their errands (getting oil changed in their cars, buying their/my groceries, picking up prescriptions).. it never ends. See, I'm complaining again. *sigh* Know what? I'm blessed to have parents. They are funny people, they love me and I love them. Why am I complaining? Maybe because there aren't enough hours in the day? Hmmmm..

Saturday, May 26, 2007

why am i working on Saturday night?


  1. I did go to the gym on Friday morning, so yay for me. I'm going to try to make it on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week, too. I'm going to be too exhausted/busy on Sunday and Monday, and Friday I'm going to bed early since I've got a big day with lots of driving. I'm picking up Kimmie in Lodi, driving to San Jose, having dinner, going to the prom thing, getting Starbucks, and driving back to Lodi. Then I'm driving back to San Leandro. Then I have to get up like 3 hours later and go to work that Saturday morning. So yeah I'll be a bit busy on Friday.
  2. I finished reading the Old Testament today. In the last 6 months I've used "What The Bible Is All About" as a reference guide, and I think I've learned a lot. Yes I think the New Testament is important since it's about Jesus and his impact. I also think you can't fully understand the New Testament unless you read the Old Testament first. I feel like I'm learning so much, it's awesome.
  1. I am way exhausted. I worked WAY too much this last week. On Saturday I came home at 1pm, went to bed, got up, showered, made and ate dinner, then went to work. I felt like I hadn't gotten much sleep at all. This week will be slightly easier, but I think by this coming Saturday afternoon I will feel so much better.
  2. I'm really cutting it close moneywise lately. I think it's the way my various payperiods from jobs fall and such. Just paid my car insurance, and the end of this week I'm making my gym payment and paying my rent. I've been buying things I don't need like concert tickets, St. Elsewhere on DVD, and eating out about once a week. It adds up. Oh and gas too. I just got paid 3 days ago and the whole paycheck's pretty much spoken for. Now you see why I put in the extra hours when I can.

Friday, May 25, 2007

no im not dead


  1. Yeah it's been a few days, just got done working a few overnights at KKIQ. Here I am at Family Radio again, working 7 days straight. So hooray for extra shifts, I'm workin a total of 67 hours this week. So yes this isn't exactly fun, but when I get my various paychecks, it pays off.
  2. Went to the gym on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. I'm also planning on going today. I don't think I'll be able to make it on Sunday afternoon though. I'm working overnight the night before plus an airshift that morning, and I've been invited to a baptism and two BBQs. It sucks being popular. I think I'll skip out on all the festivities and sleep since I have to work that night again.
  3. It's official. Kimmie and I are definitely goin to the Star 101.3 prom thing with Jordan Knight a week from today. I'm buying the tix online in a bit, and my mom finally said yes for me to borrow her van. Plus I have a dress. So yay. BFD is the weekend after that, and the next weekend I plan on celebrating my birthday. So yes I'm one busy woman.
  4. My dad passed his swallow eval yesterday. He started hacking up mucus and stuff, but I think that's from the scar tissue in his throat and his COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). He's going back to the doctor this morning (again). Hopefully soon he'll be eating normally.
  5. In the past few weeks, quite a few friends from high school have added me on Myspace. So hi to Bethany, Rachel, Carrie, Melissa, and everyone else. :)
  1. I'm having womanly issues again, so I feel like a fatass blimp. Cramps and a jacked up schedule have made me one wonderfully great person to hang out with. Let's see I'm workin almost 70 hours this week, plus doing groceries, taking parents to doctor appointments, and making drive-thru dinner runs for them too. I am not in the best of moods.

Monday, May 21, 2007

great weekends, small frustrations


  1. Had a fairly good weekend overall. I hung out with Amy on Friday night, poor girl's been under a lot of stress lately. She's getting some much needed rest from work, and I've been praying for her. We ate at Marie Callenders and shopped at Barnes and Noble. I got a new You Might Be A Redneck book for my dad for fathers day next month, an NCV bible, and Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. I still have other books I haven't finished yet, but at least I've got good material. On Saturday afternoon I hung out in Lodi with Kimmie. We got matching dresses at Ross. Hers is black with white polka dots, mine is white with black polka dots. And I have shiny black flats to wear too. Why were we picking out dresses? We are goin to a "second" prom that Star 101.3 is doing in San Jose on 6/1 featuring Jordan Knight from NKOTB. LOL We ate at Subway later and did Starbucks, then went back to her place and laughed hysterically at bad Miami Vice episodes. Sunday wasn't too exciting. I worked, hit the gym, ran errands with my family, and did housework. Then I watched some St. Elsewhere and took a nice nap. I'm still tired though. I'm so happy I can get sleep today.
  2. Did a fantastic workout at the gym on Sunday afternoon, sweating like Jennifer Beals again. I'm planning on going Tuesday-Friday this week, and continuing my fitness regime.
  1. I've still had toothaches from hell all weekend long. For the past few months I've pretended I don't own credit cards, that way I don't use them. I know if I get my teeth worked on, I'll probably need oral surgery. That's gonna be WAY too much money for me. Thousands of bucks. I don't want to use my credit cards, not when they still are a year or two from being paid off. *sigh*
  2. Why do I have to live with shoulders of an NFL defensive tackle? Why can't I have small skinny cute shoulders like most other chicks? Instead I look like a He-Woman or something. Grrr.

Friday, May 18, 2007

i hate my teeth


  1. Yes again here is the weekend! This will be my last "social" weekend for a while, since my schedule next week is pretty screwed up. Not exactly sure what I'm doin tonight. I think I'll end up hangin with Cathy, Amy and the crew since I hung out with Noelle last Friday. Gotta maintain a balance with my pals, ya know. Sorry if you're reading this and bummed Noelle, we will hang out soon enough. On Saturday I'm going to hang with Kimmie in Lodi again, hopefully finding something to wear to the "Jordan" prom in a few weeks. Also I'm working my parttime jobs, of course. So yeah busy/fun weekend ahead.
  2. I did go to the gym on Wednesday morning, and I'm planning on going today. I didn't make it Thursday morning, but I had the world's worst toothache. I think I'm doin okay though, fitnesswise.
  3. Had fun with Cathy, Amy, Alisha and Stuart on Thursday night. Cathy did some yoga, we watched America's Funniest Home Videos and Full House, and I dressed in my New Kids gear and took stupid pics. I love doing dumb stuff. Oh yes and Thursday morning Leeanne and I had breakfast at Carrows in Oakland across the street from my work. Yummy yum yum!
  1. Oh my lord I had the worst toothache ever recorded by man. Least it felt that way. Thursday morning after leaving Carrows, I had the beginning of a toothache. I thought nothing of it and was heading to the ATM at the bank to deposit a check my mom gave me for groceries. By the time I got to Dolittle and Davis my jaw was throbbing and I decided to skip the bank and gym, to go home and nurse my aching mouth. Two tylenols, a lot of ambusol, and a frozen bag of squash on my face and the pain was almost bearable. I told my mom the errands would have to wait and she understood. (I was supposed to take my mom to the bank and Longs later that morning.) But oh man that hurt soo bad. I would have called my dentist, but I have already reached my $1800 max that my work reimburses this year. I can thank my many cavaties and new crowns on the other side of my mouth. I hate my teeth!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

livin 4 jesus ain't easy


  1. Hooray for hump day! It's the middle of the week, folks. I hit the gym on Tuesday morning, and I'm planning on going today, Thursday and Friday too. I'm wearing a blue and white striped shirt that I wore last year at my bday party. It is so stretched out and loose on me, I'm kinda showing off the goods here at work. Guess I'll have to put on my sweatshirt before I leave work, or the dayshift folks might get a peepshow.
  2. I've been studying the book of Habbukuk today. He was a prophet that was mad because the bad guys were getting away with stuff and living the good life, while good folks were struggling to make ends meet. Thousands of years later, this is still the case. Like God tells Habbukuk, they will get theirs. So don't worry folks. If some jerk cuts you off, or a murderer gets set free, or a rapist on the loose, they get theirs. God takes care of justice. Now I don't know enough about the Bible to quote stuff, but this is basically a summary of what I read.. mmmkay?
  3. I've begun working an extra shift on Monday evenings at KDFC, 7-10pm. Some people think I'm insane, but this is an extra $120 a month. It's like .. hello? McFly? Duh. I need the money, believe me.
  1. I have been tryin really hard to be a good Christian, but it is SOOOOO hard. Like Sandi reminded me last month. No one said being a Christian was easy. Oh man, words keep comin out of my mouth while driving that just are not good. I have thoughts coming in my head that are um lets say unclean. All I can do is pray for wisdom and strength and willpower and all that stuff. Some would say I hang out with bad influences and such, but I don't think so. Some of my friends have other beliefs than I do, but we all respect each other.
  2. Also lately I've been depressed about guys. It's just so hard to meet a guy who wants to talk to me. Let alone a guy with a brain who's not trying to get in my pants. I don't think I'm that scary/ugly, do you guys? *sigh* Maybe I'm too sexy and I scare em all away. That's it. Too sexy for my own good.

Monday, May 14, 2007

another monday..


  1. My weekend was okay, better than what I expected anyway. Friday night I went to the Saddlerack with Noelle. We danced quite a bit, I even danced with some old dude. Haha. It was fun though. Saturday afternoon I went to Edmund's viewing with Cathy and Amy. It was very sad. I felt a lot better afterwards though, it helps with the grieving process I guess. I didn't know Edmund too well as I've mentioned before, but he was a really nice guy and will be missed. Nothing exciting happened on Sunday, just work, working out, and housework. And buying dinner/Starbucks with Michelle.
  2. I went to the gym on Friday morning and on Sunday afternoon. On Sunday.. whew I got such a great workout. It's because it was in the middle of the day, I was actually awake and had food in my stomach. I was sweating like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance. Seriously. I plan on going Tuesday-Friday morning this week.
  3. I was looking at pics of myself at my birthday party last year compared to now, and boy have I lost weight. Wow. I didn't notice until I made an almost one year comparison. Guess this lifestyle change is paying off.
  4. I've got a lot of fun stuff to look forward to this summer. BFD is on June 9th, and before that I'm going to the Star 101.3 prom with Kimmie and probably Noelle. Jordan Knight is performing. Kimmie and I are HUGE New Kids enthusiasts. I just need to figure out how to get her from Lodi to San Jose, and where the heck to find a dress. We're probably hanging out this Saturday so we can look for dresses then. Oh and Projekt Revolution is sometime in July and Linkin Park is on the bill. I know Amy and Noelle are going at least. The Download Festival is in October and I'm probably going there too. Whew. Fun galore.
  1. I guess I didn't do too bad foodwise this weekend. I did have 2 beef tacos at the Saddlerack a few hours after I had dinner. I did this because I had soup for dinner, and I was planning on having a few drinks. I'd rather have food in my stomach when I drink, so I don't get sick. I did have a rum/diet coke there, and a watermelon drop. On Saturday evening after I got home I had a mudslide after dinner, then went to bed early. Compared to last weekend, I did really good. I did have some of my no sugar added ice cream several times last week, but it's only 110 cal a serving, so I'm not really trippin. If I don't let myself have some goodies I'll go nuts. I saw some sugar-free whipped cream in the fridge at KKIQ, I think I'll get some later this week with my groceries. Only 20 cal a serving. Yum.
  2. Viewings are never fun so that's on my "boo" list. I paid my respects and now I'm moving on. It's hard to say goodbye to a friend, but that's what life is all about. We are born, and we die. Some of us get married, some have babies. Some stay single for some reason or another. Some live to be crochety old geezers. Some die young. Sad but true.

Friday, May 11, 2007

TGIF again


  1. The weekend is upon us once more, it seemed to come quicker than usual this week. This weekend will be kinda somber since I'm going to Edmund's viewing on Saturday evening with Cathy and Amy. It's the right thing to do, and I'd like to pay my respects. I'll probably get emotional. So this will be kinda traumatic. On a good note I plan on hanging out with Noelle on Friday night. She has Spiderman 3 (not gonna spill her sources, but it's not exactly a bootleg) and we're gonna watch it on the surround sound in her room. That and she wants to drag me to the Saddlerack to meet boys. I'm giving myself a two drink limit, and no going in the bathroom with strange guys. Not that I ever did that before. But yeah, no excessive sinning tonight.
  2. Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and I'm planning on going today too. Five days this week! So good! I'm starting to feel skinnier, though the scale at the gym hates my guts. "Muscle weighs more than fat." Okay that little psychological reassurance only works on me for so long. Grrr.
  1. I tried a new tea that came in my Starbucks sampler I got for Xmas from my momma. It's called Berryblossom White. It smells like berries. But it tastes like berries and flowers. That's why I hate jasmine tea, it tastes like you are drinking potpourri. LOL.. Well I'm still going to drink the tea off and on to get rid of it, but I think I'll goose it up with a few packets of Splenda and make it drinkable. Thought I'd share.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

way too tired


  1. Went to the gym on Tuesday morning, and I'm planning on going this morning as well. Thursday and Friday look like they're going to be in my gym schedule too. I'm really trying my hardest to get in shape.
  2. Went to dinner with Amy and Cathy on Tuesday night. We went to Applebee's in Hayward. I had part of the spinach/artichoke dip appetizer, a house salad, and a teriyaki chicken rice bowl. I was pretty full by the time my entree showed up so I packed it up and I'll eat a bit here at work. Maybe I'll eat the rest for dinner this evening.

  1. As you read on my previous blog entry, an aquaintance of mine passed away over the weekend. His viewing is on Saturday. I wasn't close to him, but Amy knew him well.. and he hung out at my house a few times, and stopped by my Halloween party last year. I'm going to go pay my respects. Also it wouldn't be right to go out having fun with friends when it's a friend's viewing. I think you understand, right?
  2. More depressing news. One of the dancers from Cathy's bellydance troupe died over the weekend as well. Cathy's really not having a good week. Well, apparently God needed a few good recruits and picked em both in the last 3 days. *sigh*
  3. I feel really exhausted today. I only slept 4 hours on Saturday night, 4 hours during the day on Monday, and 5 hours on Tuesday. That plus my 30-40 min workouts and pushing my dad around Walmart in a wheelchair pooped me out. I think I may take a power nap here at work. I want to hit the gym after work this morning so I need so kind of rest. I won't get tons of rest today since Dad has a doctor appointment in the early afternoon and I have to do groceries with Michelle, getting back in time to see Criminal Minds tonight. They say stress causes an excess in the body chemical Cortisol, which makes belly fat. Now do you understand why I still have the buddha belly? Don't ask me for medical citations from websites... look it up yourself on Google.. LOL

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

rest in peace

I'm sad today. A friend whom I only met a few times died on Sunday evening. He hung out at my place a few times, the last time was at last year's Halloween party I believe. Edmond was a quiet guy and seemed so nice. I wish I would have gotten to know him better.

Monday, May 07, 2007

fun and frustration


  1. Well I'm back in the groove, at least gym-wise. I went on Thursday morning, Friday morning, and Sunday afternoon. I'm hoping to go Tuesday thru Friday mornings this week. I really want to goose up my metabolism and get things going.
  2. I had fun on Friday night with Davina. We saw Kickin It Old School starring Jamie Kennedy and Bobby Lee. It wasn't like hilariously funny, but was pretty darn funny. I may get it on DVD, we shall see. We ate at Texas Roadhouse that night, and it was GOOD! On Saturday I ate at Chilis with Amy (I had a giftcard.. thanks Mom!) and hung out with Cathy, TJ, Jeff and Alicia later on that night. I had like 5 drinks, I was a bad girl. A rum/diet coke, 2 strawberry daquiris, and another rum/diet coke that had 2 shots of rum because Cathy is retarded. Sometimes she is anyway. Surprisingly, I didn't have a hangover on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon I stayed busy with the gym, doing housework and napping. I did manage to go to Noelle's and catch up on Criminal Minds, and catch some Family Matters and Mama's Family. I love me some late 80s sitcoms.
  3. My boss is on vacation to Israel and stuff, and he wont be back for like 3 weeks. I think he's awesome, but it's always a little more relaxed when the boss is outta town.
  1. I'm still trying to get back on the correct nutritional bandwagon, so to speak. I have gotten back to eating lots more veggies, but I still end up eating crap here and there, and everywhere. Cathy and Amy made brownies and left em at my house last week, so I had a few over like a 4 day period. Davina made a Krispy Kreme run with me in the car on Friday night (I only got one whole wheat glazed donut), and I ate the donut on Sunday morning at work. So yes it could have been worse. Still isn't exactly on track. Plus the drinks I had on Saturday evening didn't help either. I think I'm going to try to stay positive and motivated. I'm trying to go to the gym 4-5 days a week, and eating as healthy as possible. That's all I can do really. I don't want to "diet". If I deprive myself of food and starve myself, I'll go insane and binge. I've been working on this "lifestyle change" for almost a year, and it's hard to get below 200 lbs. Like insanely hard. Like everytime I get close my body decides to gain 5-10lbs. My metabolism is sticking its tongue out at me and flipping me the bird. "Ha! You aren't goin below 200, no way.." *laughing evily*. Oh yeah did I mention my sister brought over a piece of pizza and 2 BBQ wings earlier tonight? I had that for dinner with some veggie soup. And I had pizza and all kinds of evil food last week at Kimmie's. And even worse stuff on vacation in Hawaii. *sigh*

Thursday, May 03, 2007

aloha! yay

Oh man I had the absolute BEST time in Hawaii!! This is gonna be a long one!! I'm not even sure where to begin. Here's what I'm going to do. I will explain day by day what we did, and then just post all my pics at the end, and hopefully in chronological order.


I got up at 5:30am, did some last minute packing, and then Sandi's mom and stepdad picked me up at 7:30. We checked in at the airport and got on our flight at 11:00am pacific time. The plane ride seemed to take forever. Anyway, Hawaii time is 3 hours behind California's time, in case you folks didn't know that. We arrived in Honolulu around 12:50pm Hawaii time, and got to our hotel around 2pm. Then we decided to buy a sandwich downstairs at the ABC store for lunch (well I did, Sandi ate something on the plane) and headed for the beach. After playing in the water for a few hours, we decided to walk along the main drag. I can't remember the name of the street, but oh well. We happened upon Cheeseburger In Paradise like a block away. It was SOOOO good. Yumfest. So good we ate there again on Sunday afternoon. Haha. We walked the rest of the strip, then went back to the hotel and went sleepy. Oh man our beds were sooooo comfy, it was so hard to get up in the morning, let me tell ya.

Landing in Honolulu.

I got lei'd at the airport. By a girl. First time for everything I guess. Did you get that one?

That bed was way too comfy.

View from one balcony.. Diamond Head Crater behind me.

View from other balcony.. Waikiki Beach in the background.

Some beach bum took this one.

Our hotel from the beach.

Beautiful sunset.

Yummmy pina colada!

Yeah this guy was interesting. Haha.

We literally had to get up at the bootycrack of dawn on Friday. I woke up at 5am. Sandi woke up around 5:30ish. We had to be out at the bus stop in back of the hotel by 6:15am. Why? We were going on a daylong tour/excursion that kicked major butt. Our tourdriver Rocky was so awesome. He first took us to Pearl Harbor and we spent a few hours there. Then he took us all around the island to places like the Dole Pineapple Plantation, the North Shore, and even took us for free macadamia nut samples. So much fun. We saw lots of great beaches, and even sped past Tom Selleck's house. Oh and the property used as "Robin's Nest" on Magnum P.I. You know, the house Higgins lived in.. the old guy. Anyway, we saw so much stuff and didn't even get back until 5pm. I could go on and on about all the neat stuff we did, but that would take absolutely forever. Once we got back we headed for the beach again and played in the water for a few more hours. I had bought a water volleyball thing the night before so we had fun playing with that. Afterwards we proceeded with lots more shopping and topped it off with a late dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. That is my new favorite restaurant. Oh god it's freakin great. I'm in love.

dumb in hawaii

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I took a really scary and pretty hard to see video at like 5:30am. I was hyper and not wearing pants.

Rainbow I saw in line to get into Pearl Harbor.

Part of the U.S.S. Arizona still submerged at Pearl Harbor, and yes it's still leaking oil that's on the surface.

U.S.S. Missouri

Pearl Harbor Memorial wall.

Hugging a palm tree on the North Shore with Sanddawg.

Was I trying to part the Sea? I don't know, but that water is gorgeous.

Lots of vegetation

Mmmm pineapple soft-serve ice cream stuff.

Self explanatory

Cute sailor on the boat on the way to Pearl Harbor.

Part of this mountain/hill was used in Karate Kid II in the tea drinking scene.. well from really far away. There ya go Kimmie.

More beautiful beach.

It was kinda windy.

Wendy I can fly!!

We look cute in this one.

With our tour guide Rocky.

This is called the Crouching Lion.

I wrote my name in the sand.

When Lisa attacks!!

On Saturday we also had loads of fun. We went to the Honolulu Zoo and saw all kinds of neat animals there. It was about a block away from the hotel so it was perfect. Later on in the afternoon/evening we went to see Audio Adrenaline, Mercy Me, Christian rapper T-Bone and comedian Bob Smiley at Waikiki Shell. The music and comedy all had a special message of Jesus and the all of them touched my heart. It was amazing. What was even cooler was that Sandi had emailed the local Christian radio station a month ago.. and the morning show hosts Dave and Kim that were there introducing the bands read her email out loud. She got to meet Dave, and he gave her a free shirt. After the show Sandi really wanted to meet Audio Adrenaline but they left the venue really early. She was really bummed since this was their LAST SHOW EVER. Mark has had probs with his vocal cords so they decided to call it quits after 16 years. But boy was Sandi in for a surprise the next day!!

Milking a fake cow at the zoo.


Really really loud gibbon!!


I forgot what this is called, but he's so cute.


Petting a billy goat.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

Cute little chimp.

View from the zoo. Gorgeous.

Here we are before the concert.

Sandi with Dave from the 95.5 The Fish morning show.

Pretty rainbow during the show.

Comedian Bob Smiley

Getting emotional after the show.

So did Sandi apparently. LOL

Me and comedian Bob Smiley.

Sunday.. oh what a day...

On Saturday night after the show Sandi had talked to a member of the Audio A tour group. (The ones who paid two grand to hang with the band for like 4 days) We found out that the band members would be surfing on the beach on Sunday morning. So we decided to do a stakeout, try to blend in and maybe get an autograph/pic. Well it worked. We got pictures and autographs from Will (bass player), Mark (lead singer) and Ben (drummer). It was so awesome, and they were so nice. Afterwards we went and played in the ocean for a few more hours. In the afternoon we ate lunch at Cheeseburger In Paradise again (I've never had a better cheeseburger) and did last minute shopping. Then we went to the luau (celebration, whatever it was called). In line for the luau, Sandi spotted Tyler, who plays guitar/sings. She didn't want to look like a goober and didn't want to lose her place in line so she asked me to go get his attention. That's exactly what I did. He is soooo cute. He gave Sandi an autograph and took pics with both of us. During the luau Sandi and I were seated with tables full of Japanese people, and all the Audio A folks were on the other side. This was pretty entertaining, since we had to pose for a pic or two with some interesting Japanese tourists. So funny. After the show I got pics with most of the male cast members. May I admit the majority of them were downright sexy. Oh man. Whew. Getting hot in here. Afterwards, we hung out in our room and did some packing, since we had to leave at 8am the next day.

Sleeping beauty. I flatter myself sometimes.

Waterfall pic.

Me and Will from Audio A.

Me and Will from Audio A.

Me and Ben from Audio A.

Me and Tyler from Audio A.

Hangin with the Japanese tourists.

Just a slew of hot guys...

This guy was juggling and eating fire. Whew.

This guy looks just like Al in production here at my fulltime job. Sounds like James Earl Jones though. Good deep voice.

Monday.. :(

Alas, on Monday morning we left. Got up at 7, showered, finished cramming into my suitcase, and waited outside for the shuttle to the airport. So sad. We had an absolutely fantastic time and I'll never forget it. Never! I miss Hawaii already.

Coral reefs. Everything on that island is simply beautiful.