Friday, December 29, 2006


Wednesday and Thursday were longass days for me. Way too long


  1. Finally got new XM radio, my Delphi Sky2 or whatever. It's going to be way awesome.
  2. Dad has a new thing on his trache so he can talk now. Boy he's had a lot to say. None of it very nice.
  3. Went to breakfast with Leeanne on Thursday morning, had a cool coupon that saved us like $3-4. It was nice to see a good friend and chill for a bit.
  4. Even though I slept through it, Amy, Cathy and Sean came over Thursday evening and played my new Monopoly game. I snored through the whole damn thing, no prob though.
  5. I discovered I had $161 more than I thought in my bank account. I forgot to add in a paycheck from KDFC a few weeks ago. Yes! I won't be overdrawn when I write the rent check next week. Hallelujah!

  1. Ended up working 12 hours on Wednesday night, from 7pm to 7am. Not really complaining, but I was so BORED.
  2. Haven't gone to the gym all stinking week. I've been so busy with Christmas, helping out my mom, hangin with friends in between and doing something crazy called sleeping. I'm going to seriously attempt to do some cardio this morning after work. Wish me luck on that.
  3. On Wednesday/Thursday had a 26 hour day. Yes 26 hours. Woke up at 5pm on Wednesday afternoon, did not go sleepy until after 6pm on Thursday evening. Why you may ask? Read below.
  4. It took about 4 hours too long to get my XM radio installed. I had an appointment on Thursday afternoon for 12pm at Best Buy. When I arrived they said they were backed up and it would be 3 hours, until 3pm. That was disappointing, but I had lunch at Fresh Choice, then read books at Borders for an hour or two. I came back at 3pm, my car hadn't even been started on. I didn't leave the place until 5pm. By that time I had been up for 24 hours. I took the streets home and got home at like 5:45. I was no happy camper.
  5. It took 3 tries to activate my radio. The first time it didn't work since I didn't know you had to keep it on Ch. 1 for 15-20 min. I was impatient and probably driving like a drunk woman. The second time I had reset the receiver with the guy from the XM hotline, and drivin the car to work, sitting in the parking lot for an extra 15 min. Still didn't work. I went online to their website and reset it again, and sat in my car for like 30 min freezing. It finally worked, I have my presets and crap all figured out.
  6. Another thing I'm cranky about is that it's hard to detach the little tuner thing. I don't like it sitting there attracting attenton to people walking by. I'm gonna figure something to do about it, don't worry.
  7. I'm also cranky since I'm trying to teach my friend the basics of HTML, hotlinking, stealing bandwidth and such and how it's wrong.. she's kinda taking it as if I'm trying to tell her she's stupid. Takin it the wrong way. *sigh*

testing a theory