Friday, February 06, 2009

nothing's changed

  • Hey there homie G's. I am so glad it's the weekend. My week hasn't been that stressful, least not until a few hours ago but I'm not going there. Wednesday morning was my weekly shopping run with Michelle. It went pretty smoothly. I got enough sleep and went to work later that night. Thursday morning I should have gone to the gym but I chickened out since I was having monster cramps. My boss told me I should go but he's a man and doesn't understand how bad my female problems are. Nothing else really exciting going on.
  • This weekend I'm taking it easy for the most part. Davina and I are going to some coffee social thing at our church tonight. Maybe I'll meet a cute guy. Chances are I won't or he'll turn into "just a friend." I have plenty of those. Saturday will be typical and same with Sunday. Next week Dad needs to get his echo cardiogram done at the hospital. Procedure should be painless and simple, but our family loathes that place since Mom died there a little over a year ago. I'm also working a lot next week, but hey it's extra money. Money I can use on vacation next month. Yay!