Wednesday, February 28, 2007

i want to punch all men in the face!


  1. Worked a few extra shifts on Monday and Tuesday night at KKIQ, doing production for Tricia. It was mostly grunt work she didn't have time for, but it was pretty fun. Plus that's 10 extra hours. Yay.
  2. Got offered extra shifts at Max Fm, but for now I had to decline. This means I must be a good board op if they want me to work more hours. I nomally work 51 hours a week, I don't know if I can do more at the moment, at least on a regular basis. I do need my sanity.
  3. I'm planning on getting back to the gym this morning. Didn't go on Monday due to housecleaning, and yesterday I had woman issues that sent me straight to bed.
  1. Like mentioned above, I had womanly issues yesterday morning. Cramps, bloating, horrible back pain, and chills. A lot worse than usual. I left work early and went home to bed, skipping the gym. I am going this morning, and Thursday/Friday mornings for sure.
  2. Gotta take my car into Pepboys this morning to get looked at. I'm pretty sure the starter coil or something to do with the ignition needs to be looked at. I also need my brakes looked at, and my wiper fluid pump needs to be replaced. I'm only doing a half workout at the gym then going straight to Pepboys. It's going to be an interesting morning.
  3. I just listened to the overnight guy on KKIQ, I wish I sounded that good. I just don't sound as happy or seem as creative. I know I'm just putting myself down, maybe this will motivate me to try even harder on Sunday morning.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

weekend fun


  1. Overall weekend was pretty cool. Did hit the gym on Friday morning and on Sunday afternoon, got a great workout. I've lost 3 more pounds in the last 2 weeks!! I'm just gonna keep goin to the gym four days a week and eating decently.
  2. Hung out with Cathy and TJ on Friday night, ate dinner at Marie Callendar's again. I ended up eating most of my meal from the soup/salad bar and took my turkey croissant thing home. I ate it on Saturday morning at work.
  3. Saturday evening I hung out at home. I had a few mudslides and watched Summer Rental starring John Candy. It sucked. Oh well, I'm going to write a review on it for Kimmie's website sometime this week.
  1. Ended up working OT on Thursday night and I'm working OT on my shift right now. I don't really mind that much, but it cuts in on what little "me" time I have. Tonight and tomorrow night I will be about 1 1/2 hours late since I'm working at one of my parttime jobs beforehand. Hopefully things will work out with the schedule. I know Victoria's sick though, I hope she's getting better. :)
  2. I had total confusion at my job on Saturday morning. Apparently my boss had sent out an email that I never received. We were sold to another broadcast entity last month. He emailed to let us know that the company we work with was laying everyone off, and the new company was hiring everyone back. This is the only way to get the paperwork straight. I got to work and I had a packet in my box with termination papers. I thought we had all been laid off. I didn't find this out until this new guy Mark that I was training told this to me. I felt SO stupid! The rest of the morning/early afternoon I was busy training him and E, this other new board op. I stayed 2 hours later then scheduled, but oh well.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

my busy life

woot woot

  1. The weekend is here! No definite plans as of yet, but I'd really like to kick back and have some fun. My weekdays are so stressful that I need some fun on the weekends.
  2. Made it to the gym Wednesday morning. I should have gone on Thursday morning but I was really pooped. I am going this morning for sure and on Sunday afternoon.
  3. Dad is home! Thank god. He's looking better than ever, and grumpy as usual.
  1. Not gonna get much sleep tomorrow. I have to take the whole gang to dad's doctor appointment in the early afternoon. It's Friday so I'm not trippin that much.
  2. I'm working 12 hours today again. Ugh. I guess I'm bitchy about it since lately I've been lacking sleep and dying of boredom. I'll be happy when the paycheck comes, I know that much.
  3. Next week is going to be pretty darn busy. Monday and Tuesday evening I'm helping out at KKIQ. Next Wednesday I'm pretty sure that Cathy and I are doing grocery shopping. This leaves Thursday to get my car looked at. It's running, but sometimes it takes a few min to start it. Also, it vibrates when I brake so I'm thinking I need new rotors soon. Usually getting my car fixed is an all-day affair and I don't have time until next week to sit around all day and wait. Oh lordy life is fun. And busy.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dad is home!! Hallelujah!!


  1. Dad is home from the hospital!! Praise GOD!! I'd like to thank those of you that have kept him in your prayers. Now let's keep praying for an even speedier recovery. Today they were checking his blood oxygen levels while he was marching in place. After 10 minutes of exercise, his oxygen was still above 90%. Awesome! When I stopped by earlier he had two cats on the foot of his bed and looked very comfy. I'm really happy.
  2. Went to the gym on Tuesday morning, though it was a 25 minute workout. I'm planning on going this morning after work, and I'll stay at least an hour. Even though I still feel like a fatass, I know this exercise is helping. Thursday morning I've gotta get my brakes inspected and probably get rotors replaced at Pepboys, so I have to skip the gym. Fun stuff.
  3. Earlier tonight I went to Albertson's with Cathy and picked up some stuff we needed. I got more kitty litter, Crystal Light On The Go packets (which are awesome in my water), eggs, milk, sugarfree mints, and more veggies of course.
oh well..
  1. I really haven't gotten a ton of sleep the last few days, due to running around getting ready for Dad's return. Starting today I should be getting back into the swing of things, and I should get my 8-9 hours of sleep I desperately need.
  2. I may have to work 12 hours tomorrow if Victoria calls in sick. Don't worry Victoria, if you're sick, you're sick. Plus I get 4 hours of OT. I guess it sucks since I'll miss a new ep of Criminal Minds and I'll have to tape it. Probably won't get to watch it until sometime over the weekend, since my Friday is kind of busy. I'm not even sure if I have to work overtime, I'm just preparing myself for it.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm so odd


  1. I got a good workout on Friday morning and on Sunday afternoon at the gym. I spent over an hour there both days.
  2. Played drunken Monopoly on Friday night with Cathy and Amy. Cathy won unofficially since she and Amy had to take off before the game finished. We were playing the Here and Now edition and she had a hotel at Fenway Park. She cleaned me out. Yay.
  3. Went to a party in Castro Valley on Saturday night with Cathy, TJ and some of his friends. It was cool, we just sat outside and burned a bonfire in the fire pit. I didn't drink since I was driving, but it was still fun.
  4. I think I did a little better on air Sunday. I tried to sound a whole lot happier. I goofed up a few times, but I've never had a "perfect" airshift. Guess that's why I'm on Sunday mornings, I guess.
  5. As far as we know, Dad is coming home on Tuesday. Mom and Michelle are waiting for Dad's bed and stuff to be delivered later today. This is awesome because I don't have to run hither and yawn this morning. I'm going to go home, do housework, and be in bed by like 9am. I may have to board op at KKIQ in the late afternoon, I'm not sure yet. Yes I know today is a holiday, but radio knows no holidays. Boo.
  1. I've been a little piggy over the weekend, least in my own opinion. Friday night Cathy, Amy and I ate at Marie Callender's in Hayward. Pretty good grub, but I indulged in the sampler platter with the rest of the girls. Oh well. Saturday evening while shopping with Mom and Michelle we ate at Mimi's Cafe in Dublin. I had a turkey/walnut sandwich on raisin bread. Really good, and the cute waiter liked my Christopher Walken shirt. Sunday evening after visiting Dad we ate at Carrows. I had pot roast with extra veggies instead of potatoes, and some garlic bread. I guess I'll just keep on exercising and trying to eat better and see where it takes me. Not my fault I'm a busybody on the weekends.

Friday, February 16, 2007

hospitals are evil


  1. Dad's coming home on Tuesday! Well we're planning on that anyway. We're all so excited.
  2. Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning. I'm also planning to go this morning, and on Sunday afternoon. I haven't lost any weight this week, but I haven't gained any either. I'm just going to keep on pushing myself and eating right.
  3. I got a slight raise!
  4. My car's almost paid off. One more month or so, that's it! Once that's done, I can start putting a way a few hundred bucks a month, and pay off my credit cards a little more.
  5. The weekend is here! I may hang with Cathy and play drunken Monopoly again, we'll have to see if she's goin for a hot date with TJ.
oh well..
  1. I ate kinda bad on Wednesday night, and I'm kind of eating bad today too. Wednesday night I had scrambled eggs and chili as my main meal. It made it really stink in here by the time I left work. Haha. Today I'm eating a few pieces of fried chicken and salad. My mom got that stuff from the deli at Albertsons yesterday while shopping so she gave me some. I do have plenty of fresh fruit and veggies to munch on later, though I doubt I'll get hungry.
  2. Dad's hospital = evil. I don't like the people there, they keep trying to tell us Dad's going to die when he gets home. You know what? If he dies, at least he'll die where he belongs. Not in a stupid hospital. Those assholes know my mom hates them, she yelled at the nurses last week in front of a group of doctors. She also had quite a bit to say at my dad's meeting. My mom don't take no shit.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My eyes are barely open


  1. Dad is being released from the hospital on Monday or Tuesday next week. I'm saying this tentatively since they've been "discharging" him and pushing back the date for 3 weeks now. Stupid hospital.
  2. Had kickass steak with veggies at Carrows on Tuesday evening. Of course I had broccoli soup and a few breaded zucchini bites, but oh well.
  3. Hoping to hit the gym on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning this week, despite my lack of sleepytime.
  4. I have a KKIQ jock meeting today at 11:30. This yet again takes away some sleepytime, but there's free lunch. Free lunches are a good motivation tool.
  1. I still haven't gotten enough sleep lately. I was awake Sun/Mon for 36 hours, then slept 4 hours. Yesterday, I slept 5 hours total. I am so tired right now.
  2. Meeting with the hospital on Tuesday afternoon was farely morbid. Neither doctor really reccomended Dad going home, but our family knows he'll get much better there. If he dies, at least he'll die at home instead of in a hospital. The family is keeping in good spirits and trying to keep Dad in a positive frame of mind.

Monday, February 12, 2007

yeah yams are evil so what? LOL


  1. Went to the gym Friday morning after breakfast at Carrows with Leeanne. Also went on Sunday afternoon. I'm planning on going Tuesday- Friday mornings this week. Five days! Awesomeness.
  2. Saw Dad in the hospital on Sunday, he was very alert and communicating extremely well. I think many of the doctors underestimate him because most of the other patients are zombies. Dad is in no way a zombie. He moves around because his back hurts, he's not trying to escape. Let him go home already.
  3. Had a fairly good airshift on KKIQ on Sunday morning. Tricia was doing a live remote and I handled it really well.
  4. Had lots of fun on Saturday evening with Cathy, Amy and TJ. We hung out and watched TV and got buzzed. I had two rum & diet pepsis, and one Jager shot. Not too bad, since I had eaten dinner beforehand. I had grilled chicken and candied yams. Yeah I know yams are evil.. etc. But they were in my cupboard and I'm trying to make room in my pantry dammit, Michelle had given them to me months ago. Okay there's my valid excuse. Sunday night I had mushroom alfredo chicken with two portions of veggies instead of rice/potatoes, and I had a few mozzerella sticks and chicken strips off the sampler. (We ate at Carrows) See.. not too bad!
  1. Mom had a major cow yesterday when I told her I'm working in San Francisco today. I can't take her to see Dad. Sorry, but when work is offered, I take it.
  2. The hospital is still dicking around and not letting us take Dad home. Home health services are ready to roll, but the discharge woman there at the hospital is being a bitch. Since the beginning she's been acting as if Dad is dying, when Dad has recovered very well. I think she doesn't know Dad at all and figures he's like the rest of the zombie patients there. We're going to a meeting on Tuesday so hopefully we can straighten all of this out.

Friday, February 09, 2007

the weekend is here. yes!


  1. Had lots of hands- on training for taking care of my dad on Thursday morning. I know how to clean his trache and how to suction, all that good stuff. It's not as hard as it seems.
  2. Yay my new pants are too big. I got them a size 20, and now I need a size 18. I haven't worn a size 18 since high school, dude. Also XL shirts fit comfortably on me now, XXL shirts are really really big. This is awesome.
  3. Went to the gym on Wednesday and Thursday morning, and I'm going today. I'm going to breakfast at Carrows with my pal Leeanne then heading to the gym right afterward, and I'll have time to do some toning.
  4. I'm going to start helping my pal Kimmie with her website, which honors sexual abuse survivors and helps support other sites with great causes. I'm going to have my own page with 80s videos and such, and bad movie reviews.
oh well..
  1. Got kinda pissed off at my mom and Michelle both Wednesday and Thursday. I dragged them around here, there and everywhere and didn't get to bed until later in the day. On Wednesday I ended up taking them to see my dad twice. I am SOOOOO glad Dad will be home soon, we're looking at Tuesday of next week now.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

right now im cheating and eating a burger.. LOL


  1. Went to the gym on Tuesday morning, and I'm planning on going again this morning as well. Probably will make it on Thursday and Friday morning, too. Once my dad gets home I can actually spend more than 30 min there, and get some toning done instead of just cardio.
  2. I've decided to help my friend Kimmie with her website, making a page with cool 80s videos, commercials, movie trailers and such. I spend lots of time on Youtube at work so this won't be hard. I'm going to start today or tomorrow on it. The website's for a good cause, helping prevention of sexual abuse in the home. There are other causes too, like breast cancer research. Once I get a page up I'll post a link.
  3. Actually got about 8 hours of sleep on Tuesday. My sister came over an hour before I got up, but I turned on the 80s channel on my digital cable and blocked out her typing on my computer. I'd rather hear Phil Collins and George Michael then her incessant typing any day.
  1. My dad's probably not coming home until Thursday now. We were pushing for today, but the home healthcare agency hasn't even delivered a bed yet.
  2. Don't know how much sleep I'll get today. I may have to run my mom around with more errands, and Cathy wants me to videotape her bellydancing practice. She has a recital on Friday night, but she doesn't know if she can get tickets. This and a new episode of Criminal Minds is on tonight. I NEED to watch!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Yeah it's been like 5 days or so

happy things..

  1. I am not working such a crazyass schedule this week, thank God.
  2. Dad is coming home from the hospital either Wednesday or Thursday. He'll get visits from respiratory, speech, and physical therapists almost daily at home. I'm sure I'll be spending plenty of time looking after him and Mom, and driving them to doctors appointments and such. I don't mind, as long as I get some normalcy back in my life.
  3. I'm starting to feel much better, I'll elaborate on my illness below.
  4. Finally going grocery shopping later this morning. Haven't gone in almost two weeks, and I need milk, eggs, frozen and fresh veggies, yogurt, cottage cheese, the list goes on.
  5. If things go according to plan, I'll start back at the gym tomorrow morning, and end up going four times this week. Last week I couldn't go at all due to a crazy schedule + me being sick.
oh brother..
  1. I was REALLY sick from about Wednesday morning until Saturday night. I still have the sniffles and I'm coughing up stuff. I had a fever, my throat felt horrible, I was stopped up. It was so bad that I called in sick on Thursday night. I never call in sick. First time in a year. I still went to my parttime jobs, mostly because I don't get sick days there. Nyquil couldn't even help much.
  2. Like I mentioned above I haven't hit the gym since a week ago Friday morning. I feel like such a fatass. I've been generally good. I ate out three days in a row, though. Friday night was Carrows with Mom and Cathy, Saturday night was Chilis with Cathy and TJ, and Sunday night we had Wendys. I had a turkey and cheese fruschetta thing with a side salad. Oh yeah, before that for lunch I had McDonalds. A kids meal with chicken mcnuggets and apple dippers. I also got a side salad but saved that and brought it to work. I'm chowing it down right now. See, on my Sunday/Monday, I wake up at 4:30am and except for a small nap I'm up until noon the next day. So yeah it seems like I eat a lot but I'm burning a lot of calories being awake this long. I still feel bad for eating fast food this weekend, but oh well. Shit happens.
  3. Got kinda pissed off at Mom on Saturday night. Cathy and I decided to meet up with TJ and do something fun for the evening. I was still under the weather but I didn't feel like staying home. We went to dinner then decided to drive to Half Moon Bay. My mom called right as we got over the San Mateo Bridge, saying she was hot and asking if I was home. She wanted me to turn down the heater and get her some water. Apparently the bottle of water we left her an hour ago wasn't enough. I told her I was on the other side of the bay and she gave me that disappointing, "Oh". Then she hung up. I wasn't about to turn around and drive 30 min back when we had just left. So after Half Moon Bay we decided to drive to Santa Cruz along Highway 1. Absolutely beautiful. As we're driving up Highway 17 on the way home, Mom calls again. She's said that she called two hours ago (which actually was 1 1/2 hours but I didn't want to argue) and she was still overheated. Then she starts ranting about how she thinks herself and my dad should go live in a home, my sisters and I are too busy.. etc. Guilt Trips R Us. Dude, I take her to see my Dad in the hospital every day! I take her to the doctor, to do her labs, to the store, EVERYWHERE. I also work 50-70 hours a week. Can I not spend one evening 45 min away? Okay that rant felt so good. Next I have stupid videos to post..

Turbo licking my ice cream container..

Singing in the back of my car, Cathy's driving..

More crazy Lisa/Davina dancing..