Friday, July 06, 2007

My scale is from hell.. have a great weekend!


  • TGIF biatches. I've had a LONG week working way too much. I don't have any major social plans for this weekend, but I think that's a good thing. I'm still working parttime gigs and I think I'll stick pretty close to home and get some much needed rest. I am pooped.
  • I felt special on Thursday since I was working in San Fran and got to talk shop with radio vets there at work. Yeah it's no big deal to some people, but talking to someone who's been in radio for like 30 years and actually not sounding like I'm mentally retarded is quite an accomplishment. Like I told Leeanne a while ago, sometimes I feel like I'm not sure if I'm cut out for radio. Then I sit down and talk ratings/marketing/programming with older jocks and I feel like I'm having an instant orgasm. Pardon the graphic language. So yeah that made my week.
  • Okay on the sad side, of course the weight issues still prevail. Wednesday I lost -.02 lbs. Thursday I gained +3.2 lbs. What the hell? My scale is evil. Damn you Weight Watchers digital scale from hell. Sorry I had to say it. And no, I haven't gotten to sneak by the gym since Tuesday morning, since I'm been working so many extra hours this week. I might be able to go this morning, but I'm pretty busy. Goin to breakfast with Leeanne, swinging by the bank, my dentists' office to pay off a bill, taking parents to the hairdresser, taking Michelle grocery shopping. If I can cram 30-40 minutes in there to go to the gym, I sure will. Oh yeah, I want to get my car washed/detailed this weekend, it's beyond filthy. I may save that for tomorrow or next week then.