Friday, November 20, 2009

gobble gobble time

  • Word up yo. Haven't posted in several days. I'm exhausted. I didn't sleep too well yesterday, then I worked myself pretty hard at the gym earlier before work. Now I'm wiped out. When I get home at 7:30am, I am so gonna crash. This week has been pretty cool. I did the major Thanksgiving shopping already, spent like $100. Sheesh man, feeding 5 people a feast costs a lot. I'm so used to only shopping/cooking for myself. We're gonna have turkey, mashed potatoes from scratch, stuffing, my mom's famous sweet potato casserole (Michelle's making it.. duh), cranberry sauce, gravy, steamed broccoli, two kinds of rolls/biscuits.. yum. Yeah ingredients for the feast add up pretty fast. Oh well, gluttony is worth it, least on Thanksgiving. Oh and Cathy's making a pumpkin pie, can't forget that. I'm drooling just thinking about it. Of course I have to work the night before, and the night of Thanksgiving, but what else is new? So I may have a giant lack of sleep. That should make cooking interesting.
  • Well I'm trying not to fall asleep here so I'll make this short. Nothing much else exciting enough to mention. I can't wait for the weekend, so I can just relax and do nothing. Doing nothing is great as opposed to working 8 -13 hour days. :-)