Friday, January 26, 2007

Cats will be cats..

the right stuff..

  1. Went to the gym both Wednesday and Thursday mornings and did cardio. I'm so proud of myself.
  2. I'm going to have an interesting weekend. Friday night I'm going to an amateur wrestling thing in Modesto with Amy. James will be there, one of the guys I've been "talking" with. Saturday morning I've got to board op a remote, then when I get home Davina's picking me up and we're shopping in Berkeley. Afterward we're meeting Brad and Victoria in North Oakland for dinner around 6ish. I've got some cool stuff to look forward to.
  3. Went grocery shopping on Thursday morning with Mom and Michelle. I bought more veggies both fresh and frozen, and "No Sugar Added" Breyers ice cream with some "1/2 calories, 1/2 carbs" Hersheys chocolate syrup. Hey, it's not perfect but the ice cream's 80 calories a serving. I also picked up other stuff I needed, like milk, eggs, and kitty litter for Turbo. Michelle gave me some frozen breakfast sandwiches with sausage, etc. I'll eat these in moderation, maybe I'll take one to a parttime job over the weekend. I still eat bad foods, just not often. That plus working out 4-5 days a week should help.
  4. I have lost 3 lbs over the past 3 weeks or so. This is awesome. I don't like broadcasting my progress to everyone, then I get quizzed every week on how I'm doing, and it gets depressing if I don't lose anything.
not so right stuff..
  1. I've been feeling pretty pooped this week. I've exercised dramatically more that usual, I think this is the culprit. Once I make this a routine, I'm sure in a few weeks I won't be so exhausted. I've been trying to get enough sleep but with my crazy schedule it's tough.
  2. Turbo has been a major brat the last few days. Wednesday morning when I came home, he tried sneaking out and I caught him about 2 feet outside the door. He did the same thing on Thursday morning when my arms were full of yogurt and kitty litter. Around the house he's been following me around and meowing for attention. I give him uber kitty hugs and kisses, ask Victoria. She knows since I come to work with plenty of cat hair on my shirt. Haha. Usually he's vocal if he needs more water (he drinks like 3-4 bowls a day). I've been good about making sure he has lots of water, kibble, and he gets wet food every other day. I give him the wet food since male cats are prone to kidney issues, and need the extra moisture. He's a furry walking pee factory. Anyway, don't know why he's moody. Cats will be cats.