Sunday, August 30, 2009

i need prayer

  • Oy vey. I'm back from my weekend folks. I didn't do much, spent some time hanging with Cathy/TJ, and staying home mostly. I'm working another 12 hour shift again, I need the OT so I'm not complaining. Right now I'm just very frustrated with my older sister. I can't go into too many details but let's just say she's been doing something very wrong that I've warned her about dozens of times. Last night I just about had it and exploded in anger. I haven't talked to her in over a day, I refuse to pick up the phone when she calls. Is this Christian behavior? No it isn't. Just every single time I think about what she's done it makes my headache come back and I want to scream. This is an ongoing problem with her and I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place about what I should do. She's family and if I do what I'd like to do, it would cause a large upheaval in everyone's lives. I'm already sleep deprived as it is and I really don't want to have more responsibilities than I already have. I wish deep in my heart God would change her ways so I don't have to practice tough love. I'm left with very few options now. I need to do what is right in my heart, not what is most convienent. *sigh*
  • The next few days are going to be rough anyway. Dad has a Dr appointment tomorrow plus I'm working both jobs. Then on Tuesday he has physical therapy then another Dr appointment, and I'm working both jobs. So yeah, sleep deprivation sucks. I'll get through it, I know I can.