Saturday, May 26, 2007

why am i working on Saturday night?


  1. I did go to the gym on Friday morning, so yay for me. I'm going to try to make it on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week, too. I'm going to be too exhausted/busy on Sunday and Monday, and Friday I'm going to bed early since I've got a big day with lots of driving. I'm picking up Kimmie in Lodi, driving to San Jose, having dinner, going to the prom thing, getting Starbucks, and driving back to Lodi. Then I'm driving back to San Leandro. Then I have to get up like 3 hours later and go to work that Saturday morning. So yeah I'll be a bit busy on Friday.
  2. I finished reading the Old Testament today. In the last 6 months I've used "What The Bible Is All About" as a reference guide, and I think I've learned a lot. Yes I think the New Testament is important since it's about Jesus and his impact. I also think you can't fully understand the New Testament unless you read the Old Testament first. I feel like I'm learning so much, it's awesome.
  1. I am way exhausted. I worked WAY too much this last week. On Saturday I came home at 1pm, went to bed, got up, showered, made and ate dinner, then went to work. I felt like I hadn't gotten much sleep at all. This week will be slightly easier, but I think by this coming Saturday afternoon I will feel so much better.
  2. I'm really cutting it close moneywise lately. I think it's the way my various payperiods from jobs fall and such. Just paid my car insurance, and the end of this week I'm making my gym payment and paying my rent. I've been buying things I don't need like concert tickets, St. Elsewhere on DVD, and eating out about once a week. It adds up. Oh and gas too. I just got paid 3 days ago and the whole paycheck's pretty much spoken for. Now you see why I put in the extra hours when I can.