Friday, August 21, 2009

crampy mccramperson

  • Howdy y'all!! Yay it's the weekend already. Thank God. I just hope my woman problems subside in the next day or so. At least they should become livable. I've become Crampy McCramperson for the past three days, and it is not fun. If it wasn't for store brand Motrin I'd be feeling a lot worse. Plus I'm really exhausted but I'm sure that's my anemia. I'll just rest up and try to eat healthy.
  • Let's see weekend plans. Later this afternoon I'm tentatively taking my dad and older sister to Lake Chabot for a nice walk and a late lunch. Then I'll probably chill at home and catch up on rest. Saturday I'm planning on getting a pedicure/eyebrow waxing. Then I'm going to Tricia's BBQ in the afternoon, and Tanya's b-day party in the evening. Later on that night I'm filling in here at work for Yuriy. I promised him over a month ago I'd work for him, and since no one else can do it I'm getting 8 hours of sweet OT. Yeah I'll be tired and sleep most of Sunday, but oh well.
  • So what are you guys up to, huh?