Wednesday, December 05, 2007

blah blah blah

  • I'm having another one of those blah melancholy days. I woke up earlier this evening depressed about my mom's situation and the holidays and such. Then I wrapped a few presents and felt a little better. Then I just finished about 30 min of bible study and did some praying, and I feel a slightly more spiritually lifted. I guess I just put myself in my mom's shoes, and it makes me sad. I should be thankful for what I have, the great friends who are helping me, I have two jobs, a nice car, things like that. I just care about my mom so much that it kills me to see her suffering like this. But everything happens for a reason, even if I don't understand it now. Still really makes me bummed.
  • The last few days have been pretty good, all in all. I didn't get to bed until like 11am on Monday since I ended up getting overtime here at work, since Brad was late. Then I had to take my parents' van to the dealership and get a ride back. Yesterday I had breakfast with Leeanne, then we hung out at my place where she snoozed while I watched 80s movies. Davina came over and did my eyebrows. I have the most awesome friends, dude. I did get 9 hours of sleep today off and on, and yesterday too. Today I'll probably sleep about 6 hours.. gotta retrieve the van from the dealership this morning and I'm determined to get to the freakin gym. This evening is grocery shopping at Walmart and Luckys. Oh the fun.