Friday, February 29, 2008

jesus and all night dance parties

  • Howdy doody Momma. What's shakin? Do they have all night dance parties up there? They should. I bet Jesus can really get down with his bad self. Anyway, nothing too thrilling going on down here. I went walking yesterday, and I'm going walking today. I'm glad Michelle likes to walk, both of us need all the exercise we can get. I made an AWESOME dinner last night. Sauteed some onions and chopped up potatoes, grilled a piece of bratwurst and chopped it up (we got it free a few weeks ago from Lucky.. lol), scrambled some southwestern eggbeaters in there, added some avocado and salsa.. it was GOOD. Wrapped it up in some tortillas and made some tapas.. out of sight! I haven't had a meal that grubbin in ages. Michelle said it looked like something I threw up but she's weird anyway. As you are very well aware.
  • This weekend should be cool. Tonight I'm hanging out with Sandi and going to some place with awesome burgers, then we'll maybe hit a movie after. Haven't seen her in ages. Saturday I have work in the morning and Joey's 1st bday party is in the afternoon. I think Cathy's going. I can't believe that kid's almost a year old. WOW. That reminds me Fernando and I have been playing phone tag forever. Okay Michael I know you read my blogs, first of all I need to call you and second of all why does your profile say married? Did you and Irma elope? Maybe I should just call you instead of broadcasting it through my blog. Hahaha. Hope I catch you on Saturday. Okay Mom gotta go, I'm like hella farting up a storm in here. I feel bad for Brad in the morning.