Friday, April 10, 2009

Fun times ahead

  • Word up homies. It's another Friday morning blog here. Not so much that's new. Wednesday morning I grocery shopped, then got my teeth cleaned, then met up with the ex to give him some of his stuff back. Yeah I'm about 3 years late, but whatever. Thursday morning I took Dad to get his echo cardiogram at San Leandro Hospital, my most hated place in the world. I ended up chillin in the lobby watching Rachel Ray since it was cold and raining outside waiting in my car, and I kept having to pee. I picked Dad up later that afternoon and he hung out at my place for the evening. Then I came to work. I'm here for a 12 hour shift since Brad has an eye appointment or something. Four hours of overtime, I'll take it.
  • I should have a jammin weekend. On Saturday Cathy and I are taking Dad to the San Francisco Zoo. I like it there, it's fun. Dad loves animals so I think he'll enjoy himself. Sunday is Easter, and we're going to Uncle Jim's to watch our little cousins hunt for eggs. I'll be using my camera quite a bit. Oh yes and of course next week is NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK in Fresno!!! We're staying two nights in Clovis, how exciting. I'm just a tad hyper just thinking about it. It's gonna be a blast.
  • Okay I have about 8 hrs left of my shift, but I'll try to keep myself occupied with surveys, watching TV online, and games on Fun stuff.