Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Busy beaver


  • I did hit the gym yesterday morning. Tried a different exercise bike, but it hurt my butt a lot so I'll have to switch it up to something else next time I go. I'm going walking at the SL Marina with Michelle this morning instead of going to the gym. She needs to be encouraged to exercise, and I need more exercise period.
  • Looks like my weekend may be kinda booked already. Saturday I may be going to a baptism party since a friend of mine is trying to set me up with some guy. Sunday I'll be going to some party thing in Lodi with Kimmie. On the plus side both parties will have free Mexican food, so I won't be hungry.
  • On the negative side, these hormone pills suck. I've only been on them three days and I feel pretty crappy. Nauseated in the mornings, headaches, bloating, etc. They say symptoms subside after a few months. I sure hope so. Oh and even more fatigue. At first I thought it was my schedule, then my anemia on top of it, now my medication. Ugh. I am one whiny baby.