Monday, May 14, 2007

another monday..


  1. My weekend was okay, better than what I expected anyway. Friday night I went to the Saddlerack with Noelle. We danced quite a bit, I even danced with some old dude. Haha. It was fun though. Saturday afternoon I went to Edmund's viewing with Cathy and Amy. It was very sad. I felt a lot better afterwards though, it helps with the grieving process I guess. I didn't know Edmund too well as I've mentioned before, but he was a really nice guy and will be missed. Nothing exciting happened on Sunday, just work, working out, and housework. And buying dinner/Starbucks with Michelle.
  2. I went to the gym on Friday morning and on Sunday afternoon. On Sunday.. whew I got such a great workout. It's because it was in the middle of the day, I was actually awake and had food in my stomach. I was sweating like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance. Seriously. I plan on going Tuesday-Friday morning this week.
  3. I was looking at pics of myself at my birthday party last year compared to now, and boy have I lost weight. Wow. I didn't notice until I made an almost one year comparison. Guess this lifestyle change is paying off.
  4. I've got a lot of fun stuff to look forward to this summer. BFD is on June 9th, and before that I'm going to the Star 101.3 prom with Kimmie and probably Noelle. Jordan Knight is performing. Kimmie and I are HUGE New Kids enthusiasts. I just need to figure out how to get her from Lodi to San Jose, and where the heck to find a dress. We're probably hanging out this Saturday so we can look for dresses then. Oh and Projekt Revolution is sometime in July and Linkin Park is on the bill. I know Amy and Noelle are going at least. The Download Festival is in October and I'm probably going there too. Whew. Fun galore.
  1. I guess I didn't do too bad foodwise this weekend. I did have 2 beef tacos at the Saddlerack a few hours after I had dinner. I did this because I had soup for dinner, and I was planning on having a few drinks. I'd rather have food in my stomach when I drink, so I don't get sick. I did have a rum/diet coke there, and a watermelon drop. On Saturday evening after I got home I had a mudslide after dinner, then went to bed early. Compared to last weekend, I did really good. I did have some of my no sugar added ice cream several times last week, but it's only 110 cal a serving, so I'm not really trippin. If I don't let myself have some goodies I'll go nuts. I saw some sugar-free whipped cream in the fridge at KKIQ, I think I'll get some later this week with my groceries. Only 20 cal a serving. Yum.
  2. Viewings are never fun so that's on my "boo" list. I paid my respects and now I'm moving on. It's hard to say goodbye to a friend, but that's what life is all about. We are born, and we die. Some of us get married, some have babies. Some stay single for some reason or another. Some live to be crochety old geezers. Some die young. Sad but true.