Friday, May 22, 2009


  • Hey folks, what's up? Not a whole lot here. I'm just sitting here, kinda crabby. See I just got paid yesterday, and my money is already disappearing. That happens to everyone, I know. Just paid my DMV renewal, the fees went way up this year. Thanks Governator. I also owe Blue Cross some money since I didn't go to the right provider when I had pink eye last month. I went to an urgent care clinic instead of a covered hospital/doctor's office. Insurance paid part of it, but I still have to pay quite a chunk. *sigh* Then I have rent and a credit card payment next week. Hooray. The joys of being a responsible adult.
  • This weekend I'll be kickin it with Kimmie in Lodi. I'll try not to go crazy with my spending, since this stuff came up. We'll still have fun, I'm sure. I'm extra tired although I've only been up for 10 hours, plus my back hurts. Hormones are fun. Yes they are. Oh and I got Family Force 5's new remix album. It's awesome!