Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I miss caffeine

  • Hey there folks, it's me sleepy Lisa. I haven't had caffeine in days and it shows. I am not counting decaf lattes since they have only a trivial amount of caffeine. Anyway not too much going on lately. Worked at Traffic both Monday and Tuesday. Went home, made dinner, ate it, tried to watch TV. My roommate's been here with her kids the last few nights. I don't mind too much, although I haven't been able to work on my Mom project because those kids are so distracting.
  • I should have enough fun today/tomorrow. Tonight I'm going to Leeanne's bday get together in Sacramento and carpooling with friends. I actually got the night off so we don't have to leave too early. Mikey's staying the night at my house (just like old times), it should be fun. Thursday morning/afternoon I'm babysitting my dad. Michelle is taking a well deserved trip with her boyfriend to Sebastopol. Basically I'm picking up my dad and bringing him to my house, and he can watch TV/nap while I also take a nap. I may do some work on the project if I'm conscious enough. Then in the evening I'm going to a work Christmas dinner at Quinn's Lighthouse in Oakland. Whoo free dinner.
  • Okay I'm almost near the point of falling asleep, looks like it's time for a power snooze. Toodles.