Wednesday, June 13, 2007

humpy hump day


  • It's my hump day here at work, and I'm feelin alright. Went to the gym on Tuesday morning, and I'm planning on going today, even though I won't get much sleepytime. Thursday morning I'm going too.
  • I actually got enough sleep on Tuesday! Slept from about 9am until 5:30ish. Took a shower, made a turkey burger and some salad for dinner. Watched some Deal Or No Deal rerun, Grounded For Life, and then King Ralph on VHS... hahaha. I had lots of fun lounging at home and having some free time before work. Oh yeah I had some no sugar added peanut butter tracks ice cream with sugarfree syrup and sugarfree whipped cream for dessert. That turkey burger and salad made me hungry two hours later. I've noticed this week I've been uber hungry this week. Weeird.
  • Later today I should have some fun. I'm going to my friend Noelle's church choir party in Castro Valley. The people are pretty entertaining, and there's always plenty of grub. I'll try to make some healthy choices, that's all I can promise.
  • Nothing too tragic to talk about on the negative side. I'm still a fattie, but that's no news flash. I had a bad work related dream yesterday, but it ended on a silly note that made no sense whatesoever. Dreams aren't supposed to make sense anyway, right?
Okay here are some of the pics I didn't post yet, of Noelle on Friday night and BFD last Saturday.

Noelle and I eating @ Mimi's last Friday.

The waiter and I had the same glasses. Can't remember his name, but he was quite entertaining.

Noelle looking oh so graceful.

Noelle and baby Savannah.

Me holding the little squirmer.

Noelle's doggy Bambino!

Me stylin with my New Kids glasses @ BFD.

This girl was so totally 80s, so rockin!

I see you, Cathy!

Using Cathy's tummy as a food tray.

Yes what a great view.. of my retro Pepsi shirt.

Snooze time for Amy.

Yeah it was kinda crowded.

More people.

The diverse crowd behind me.