Wednesday, October 31, 2007

No I didn't feel it

  • Happy bday to my sister Michelle!! She's the big 3-0!! Okay it was technically yesterday and she probably won't like me bragging that she's entered a new decade, but oh well. Yesterday Noelle and I took her to Claimjumper in Fremont for yummy bday dinner. I still have tons of leftovers. On the way back, there was a 5.6 magnitude earthquake on the southern Hayward fault centered in San Jose. We were on the freeway, probably in Hayward and didn't feel a thing. My parents sure felt it, so did Cathy. Everyone's okay. I didn't hear of any major damage or injuries on the news as of yet. No other real excitement lately. I did go to the gym yesterday morning, which is awesome. I'm not going to the gym today. We're doing our grocery run instead. Oh yay. Such is life.

Monday, October 29, 2007

lisa has new couches

  • Well my weekend was pretty cool. Not like WHOOHOOO cool but not horrible. Let's see on Friday night I made a Jack in Da Crack run for my parents, and got myself some chicken pieces, fruit salad and an andes mint shake for dinner. Yum. I stayed home and watched lots of TV, had a few drinks and went to bed. On Saturday morning I worked in San Fran, and got back to San Lorenzo by 2pm. I got a nice surprise when I got home, since TJ's sister had given us a cat.. well it's still hers but he's living at our place now. He's a giant orange furball named Alf. He's nice but still kinda skittish, and hides in my room or TJ's. I then should have had time on that afternoon to go looking for kittens, but that just didn't work out. I picked up Michelle from some inservice she was doing for nursing, then had to take her home to help my parents. Then we finally got to the Oakland SPCA and saw only one possible kitten candidate. But some lady that was there first asked to see him, and I was mad. We left to go to the Hayward Animal Shelter, only to find out they are closed the last weekend of the month. GRRRRRRRR. I'm going kitten shopping again next weekend, but only me and Noelle. no one else. Period. I'm slightly mad at Michelle for inviting herself since I wasted an hour and a half of my time. I'm also mad at animal shelters for closing so freakin early. Oy. Okay so on Sunday I should have gone to church with Davina.. but my mom wanted to take Michelle birthday shopping (and dad too.. what fun), so I ended up taking them to Newpark Mall. The trip was kinda cool, I took some video footage of my dad being bored in front of the Hallmark store that I'll post soon. My mom had a hard time getting back into the van (she's disabled), but eventually we got her in... after straining my back. A few hours later TJ and I helped Noelle get her newly purchased futon home from Walmart and took her old loveseats. Now we have 3 couches.. yay! But yeah carrying those couches didn't help my back any. Any yeah that's about it. My weekend in a nutshell.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

no more retarded phone

  • Hooray another weekend is upon us. Mine should be pretty nice. I may be getting more furniture for the living room this evening. Noelle's giving us her old loveseats if we take her to Walmart to pick up a futon. Sweet deal. Saturday I'm working in the morning, then possible looking at kitties in the afternoon. Noelle and I also may visit the Ardenwood Corn Maze in Fremont. Sounds like fun. I need some fun and relaxation, I'm just pooped lately.
  • Oh yeah I also got my new phone. It's a Blackberry 8700G. I don't know how to use it whatsoever, but I haven't read the manual. I'm going to be doing that after this blog. I also proudly made it to the gym yesterday morning, and I may go today too. Hooray. I wish I had more to talk about, but I don't. I'm tired, although I slept about 8 hours. Went to bed at 1pm yesterday, got up around 9pm. The two days before that I didn't get much sleep, well consistant sleep that wasn't broken into 2 hour intervals.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


  • Today has been one craptastic day, lemme tell ya. Went to bed at like 10am on Tuesday, and got up at 1:30pm. I had to take my older sister Michelle to Kaiser Hospital in Oakland since she had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics she was given for a skin infection. It didn't look pretty. Well it took like 3 freakin hours there at the hospital. She had to go see a surgeon to look at her face, see if she needed a procedure done. Meanwhile I was running late for work in San Fran, and Michelle had the parking pass thing. I was actually going to leave, and Cathy was planning on coming to the hospital, to pick Michelle up. Well since I needed the parking thingy, I attempted to find Michelle, who didn't have her damn phone on. Inside the hospital itself all of the information desks were unmanned except for one in the main lobby, run by complete idiots. I asked them to page my sister, they asked how to pronounce our last name 3 times. Okay we're Polish, I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Instead of paging, the lady goes out to the lobby and yells her name. What the hell? Yeah she'll hear that throughout the hospital. Sure. I finally got a hold of Michelle about 3 hours after we had arrived, and we headed home. But traffic sucked. Then I dropped her off, and sped off to my place to change clothes (I had been wearing the same crap for like 24 hours) and grab food for work. I ended up coming to work 20 minutes late. Don't worry I called the afternoon jock and he was cool about it. Still sucked. Oh yes on the way to San Fran I realized an ink pen was leaking in my purse, and the zipper on my backpack broke.
  • Oh yeah, and my phone is still retarded. It froze 4 times today, randomly. I missed A LOT of phone calls. My warranty expired back in July and I have insurance on the phone but I'd still have to pay $100 to replace it. I ended up buying a Blackberry 8700G, which was about $100 after the rebate. I know the new Sidekick LX is out, but I needed something cheaper but still functional. I think all PDAs and handhelds have issues of one kind or another. But I'd rather risk it with a Blackberry, I just do a lot of texting and like to check my email/myspace a lot. And my phone won't freeze randomly, hopefully.
  • On a good note, I did hit the gym on Tuesday morning. I would go today but I'm exhausted. And the cable/internet guy is coming this morning too, thank god.

Monday, October 22, 2007

I had fun!

  • Well here I am back at work for another week of excitement. My weekend was like totally rad, man. Friday morning I hung out with Fernando and baby Joey for a bit, ate Honeycomb cereal and took too many random pics of the cute little bugger. Joey, not Fernando.. haha. Friday night I hung out with Noelle. We ate lasagna and watched many episodes of Criminal Minds, it was fun. I fell asleep again, but her bed is way comfy. I can't help it. Oh yeah, after hanging with Noelle, I met up with Davina for a late night snack at 12:30am, and had some pumpkin cheesecake at Nation's. So good. On Saturday I went to my cousin's baby shower. It was fun seeing my cousin Kim, Aunt Brenda and Aunt Becky. I also saw old school pics of my mom and grandma in Kim's own baby book from back in the day. It was fun. Afterwards I dropped Michelle off at home and headed off to Lodi to hang with Kimmie for her bday celebration. We ate SO MUCH BAD FOOD!! And oh man we saw so many freakin movies. Don't Tell Mom The Babysitter's Dead, The Exorcist, A Fine Mess, Supergirl.. and then Sunday evening we saw UHF, First Wives Club and an episode of Highway To Heaven. Before continuing the moviefest on Sunday we went to IHOP for breakfast that morning, then Mervyns, Walmart and Target. This was with both of us in costume, as Supergirl and a Ghostbuster. It was awesome. I'll have pics of this whole weekend up soon, I should get my cable/internet back this week. All in all, I'll give my weekend a 10 out of 10.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Me and my nerds..

Well the weekend is here once again. This week went by pretty darn fast, if I can say so myself. The last few days have been pretty normal, nothing too exciting. Wednesday I did the weekly Walmart/Luckys run for the family, didn't get in bed until noon. Thursday I went walking, then took the family to the bank, Target, Petsmart (to look at kitties but all they had were adults and I want a male kitten), and of course the Starbucks drive-thru. Starbucks is like crack, man.. and the Sovulewski clan is addicted. I swear I'm in that drive thru a minimum of 2-3 days a week. Oh freakin well, I get free iced mochas out of it, I'm not trippin. Got in bed by about 1pm, Kimmie called me at 4pm and woke me up (it's all good girl, not like no one else wakes my ass us anyway), and TJ found me sleeping in my Ghostbusters costume, thought it was hilarious. Oh yeah, by the way I'm going to be an Ghostbuster for Halloween, I changed my mind. And I slept in my costume yesterday. And I have my own proton pack. Life is awesome.

This weekend should be pretty interesting. Tonight I'm hangin with Noelle, I hear her momma is makin lasagna. I am so there. She Tivo'd this week's Criminal Minds and I hear it was a tearjerker, so we need to see it. On Saturday afternoon I'm going to my cousin Kim's baby shower then off to Kimmie's for my totally rad 80s weekend. Dressed like a Ghostbuster and Supergirl, scaring Lodi. We may have pictures done at Kmart. Oh god this will be off da hook. Oh yes and my cable should be back on sometime in the next 4-5 days, which means Food Network and internet at home once again. Hallelujah!!!!

And my favorite nerds..

Matthew Gray Gubler

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And Egon Spengler.. LOL

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


  • Life is pretty much back to normal now, no big drama to speak of.. for the most part. Took my mom to the doctor today. She had a mini-stroke last week, but she's okay for the most part. That wasn't her first small stroke either.. I just don't always talk about those things. So she has to have an MRI next week on her cardioid artery.. if there's a blockage they can do an angioplasty to get it out, to prevent future bigger strokes. And she has the beginning of Parkinson's disease, that's why her hands shake. She doesn't need medication for that yet. She has to go back to the doctor before Xmas and if she's still shaking a lot, he'll put her on meds. Seems like my poor momma just can't win. She's kicked cancer's ass, and lives with heart disease, kidney failure and diabetes. She won't let this kick her ass either, believe me. I haven't really talked about my parents' ailments as of late, but I don't like worrying people and I've already had enough drama the past week myself. For now all we can do is pray.
  • In other less depressing news, I finally went walking again this morning. First time in a week and it felt good. I should go again this morning too, before we do grocery shopping. I'm also getting enough sleep, surprisingly enough. Got almost 9 hours today. I had two dreams, one sad and one just odd. Dreamt that the vet called me and told me Turbo was ready to come home. And there he was alive and happy to see me. So bittersweet. The other dream was that I was at some party, and toasting a muffin. Some white guy with a fro and a porn stache started talking to me and telling me he was the drummer from Toto. (70s/80s progressive rock band.. FYI). Now that was random.

Monday, October 15, 2007

kinda back to normal

Life is starting to get back to normal, I'm back on my feet. My weekend was pretty cool. Busy, but cool. Okay let's see on Friday morning I ran errands with Michelle and didn't get in bed until like 5pm. Then I went to dinner with Noelle at Mimi's. Then she checked out my new place, and we went to her place and watched Criminal Minds for like 2-3 hours. I was like 3/4 of the way asleep through most of it and it was interesting. I remember Mandy Patinkin and some small boy. The last ep with Reid and Morgan in high-def was hot though. Whoo baby. Okay I know I was invited to go somewhere else but first of all my phone is retarded and I'm learning that I'm not getting half of my texts and voicemails. I think I will give T-Mobile a call since this could affect my work. So I apologize to anyone I haven't called back lately, my phone is really wonky. Okay I'm digressing once again.
On Saturday I worked at KDFC, then hung out with Fernando for a bit when I got back from San Lorenzo. He had gotten bit by a squirrel earlier, helping out a disabled person who had one trapped in his house. Only Fernando would get bit by a squirrel, dude. He went to Kaiser later and got a shot, so he's okay. Anywhoo, after that I went home and took a nappy. Then I watched about 30 min of The Tall Guy with Cathy and went out with Davina, Valeria and Anna to the mission in San Francisco. The Mission neighborhood though, like 16th and Mission, Valencia.. blah blah for those that don't live in the Bay Area. Anywhoo, we had fun and ate at this place called Fritz that had killer french fries and some recording of a lady talking in japanese and english in the bathroom. I farted in there while the lady was blabbering in japanese then she abruptly said "Thank You" in English. Perfect timing. We had fun though.
On Sunday I worked on my demo with Tricia. It sounds great. For the first time cutting a demo, she kicks ass. If any of y'all wanna hear it, I'll email you an mp3. She also kicks ass for getting up EARLY and buying me STARBUCKS... and giving me a GO GIRL. She deserves five stars and a gold medal, seriously. Tricia you are the bomb. Okay so after that I took Michelle to get a baby shower present for my cousin Kim, not to be confused with one of my best pals Kimmie. If Kimmie were pregnant, that would be interesting. Least right now. Anyway afterwards I went home and took a nice long nap. I had a dream about Turby that I was petting him, then I was in the hallway and Shemar Moore (Criminal Minds, Young and the Restless) came out of my room. So it was a sad then very happy dream. Then I woke up on the floor. One heckuva dream. Oh yes, on Friday morning Leeanne and I went to breakfast at Carrows. I can't forget giving Leeanne props for hanging with me and watching me devour cinnamon french toast. I'd again like to thank ALL of my pals for being so supportive the last 5 days or so, you guys are so awesome!!!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

thank you all so much!

  • Well just when things couldn't get any awful this week.. of course they did. Got laid off from KKIQ. Well all the weekend staff did, not just me. So that's a few hundred bucks less in my bank account every month, and no more airtime, at least for now. I'm not like panicking or anything, since my fulltime gig and my San Fran Saturday morning gig is still there, thank you God. I'm putting together a good aircheck, so when I wanna look for more work I'll have something. For now I think I'll enjoy my Sundays off and get more sleep. Maybe have more fun Saturday nights out with friends and not have to worry about getting up at 4:30am the next morning. Eventually I'd like to get back to church. I'm kinda busy the next few Sundays but yeah, I think God's sending me a wake-up call of some sort.
  • I would like to thank EVERYONE from the bottom of my heart for all of your condolences the last few days. So many people have expressed their loss for Turbo, and given me emotional support. You don't know what this means to me, really. It means the world. I miss him so much, coming home to an empty house isn't easy. Either is losing my first commercial radio on-air gig. But.. you guys are all the best pals I could ever wish for. I didn't realize how many freakin people paid attention to my bulletins and blogs, honestly. But again, I can't express how much gratitude I have for all of your kind words. Thank you all so much for everything.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm gonna miss you Turbie

  • Well, the inevitable has happened. Poor Turbo is in a better place now. The vet said his condition was actually getting worse. His kidneys were starting to give out, and the circulation to even his front paws was going. When I went to visit and say goodbye his front paws were cold and turning purple. He was having more trouble breathing too. He wouldn't have been able to walk or go to the bathroom on his own again. He was in a lot of pain. I made the toughest decision I've ever made in my life and let him go. It was so hard, but I know he's with all the other kitties and doggies and Jesus. Someday I'll see him again.. someday.

I will always love you Turbokitty.. forever and ever and ever.

Turbo likes popsicles

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

please pray for Turbo

  • It's crazy how a person's life can turn upside down in an instant. As of right now, my cat Turbo is extremely ill. It started yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) when I noticed he was throwing up and lethargic. I just thought he ate something that didn't agree with him, and that he'd feel better by this morning. Well later on in the evening Cathy was over, and she noticed that when Turby got up to move, his legs wouldn't move. He was paralyzed. That's when she woke me up and we took him to the emergency vet. The prognosis is not good at all. Turbo has a heart murmur, and he threw a blood clot to his spine. So he can't walk anymore. They are doing the best they can, he's on oxygen, an IV, the whole shabang. Later today they're going to do one of those electrocardiogram things and hopefully start him on some heparin to thin out his blood, hopefully get rid of the clot. The doctor told me honestly that most cats don't pull through. I don't care at this point, I'm not giving up on Turbo yet. He's only 3 1/2 years old. I also had no fathom that he had a heart defect, he goes to the vet for regular checkups and no one told me a thing. Right now I'm in shock, and I feel like crap. Turbo is more important to me than whether or not I feel shitty. So please people, pray for Turbo.
  • I'm still going on with my routine, obviously. Since I'm typing this from work. Gotta go to Walmart and buy groceries in the morning and start some laundry. Since I've been through enough crises with people in hospitals and other semi-morbid things, I've learned its best to stay busy and go on with your normal routine. This keeps the mind off of things and helps you not become some comatose crying freak.
  • Oh yes, still don't have my cable/internet at the new place yet. I have to get written permission from my roomie's dad (who we're renting from) so that they can drill a hole in his wall and run the wire through the house. Oh the joy. So at least another week or so before I get my beloved Food Network back.
  • Well thanks everyone for the concern and prayers so far, and please keep praying for Turbo. I love him so much, he's my best friend.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

BBQ jumbo shrimp motherfu*&er

Boy am I bushed. I had a pretty good weekend, but I am EXHAUSTED, yo. Let's see, Friday morning I went walking, then came home and did a little more housework. Friday evening I took Michelle to Claimjumpers, one of my favorite resturaunts in Fremont. Yes it had an hour wait, but it's so worth it. HUGE PORTIONS. Yummy yum yum!! Then I came home and went to bed like an old lady since I had to work the next morning. Saturday I did my airshift at KDFC, came home and did a bit of cleaning and watched a few movies. Then I went to El Torito with Cathy and TJ. Very yummy, I love mexican food as many of you know. Sunday I worked at KKIQ, a bit longer than anticipated. Usually I'm there from 6am to noon, on air from 6-8am and again from 10am to noon. (Fox All Access is from 8-10am, prerecorded for those of you that don't know) Anyway, Kanya had requested the day off and since someone forgot to do voicetracks for her shift.. I voicetracked and was on air again from 1-6pm.. so I was on for like 9 hours yesterday. So awesome. So weird driving and listening to myself on the radio too. Surreal. So I finally left the station around 2:30pm and went home to wait for my bed to be delivered. I gave up at 4:30 and let my roommate wait for it, since my parents and Michelle needed me to take them on errands. My bed was delivered.. about 30 minutes late but those folks are busy. God I love my new bed. Oh so comfy. Oh and I saw 2 Jeff Goldblum movies today. Watched Hideaway at KKIQ this morning, kinda creepy the way him and Jeremy Sisto were telepathically connected. Any scene with Jeff stabbing some woman is freaky. Then when I got home after my errands, Tj and Cathy were watching Deep Cover again.. "BBQ jumbo shrimp, you motherfucker!!!" Okay pardon my french, but that line is hilarious and random. Lots of sex and violence and a Dr Dre/Snoop Dogg soundtrack.. so what do you expect? That movie's so hella 90s. In fact both movies I saw today were hella 90s. In Hideaway Jeff had some gayass sweaters going on. I'm digressing. All in all, good weekend.

Jeff in his gay 90s sweater, with Christine Lahti. Whatever happened to her after Chicago Hope? Hmmm.

Friday, October 05, 2007

life is thrilling

  • Weekend time again! Not a whole lot of excitement planned, just working parttime, lots of cleaning/unpacking, and hopefully some relaxation. I've been busy the last few days as usual, no shocker there. Let's see on Wednesday morning I finally got back to the gym, went home and had breakfast, took mom to the doctor, then Walmart, then did grocery shopping for the week. Thursday morning I went walking at the marina again, home for breakfast, dropped off Michelle and got my teeth cleaned at the dentist. The new hygenist was excited when I told her I was a DJ on KKIQ, they were playing it there. So weird to listen to my PD while having my mouth worked on.. haha. After that I went home and finished organizing my room, at least for now. Once I move to my permanent bedroom I'll have more space to put my stuff. Then I watched Deep Cover with my boyfriend Jeff Goldblum and Laurence Fishburne. Jeffy was a bad boy, sleeping with hoes, snorting coke and killing people. Larry killed him at the end anyway. Bad Jeff. He looks hot as a badass, but due to frightening dreams I'd rather see his bad acting in Cats and Dogs. LOL

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

busy busy busy

  • Hey there again, folks. I've been keeping busy, as always. Working, running errands, hanging out with pals, catching up with old pals, trying to squeeze in housework/unpacking and sleep. Let's see on Monday I did about 30 min of housework, then went to the breakfast at 5th Wheel with Davina, boy was it yummy. I was bad and had french toast, so delicious. Then I ran errands with my folks, came home and collasped into bed. Got 8 1/2 hrs of sleep that day, though. Tuesday morning I had plans of going walking, but I actually ended up having more fun keeping Leeanne entertained. We went to breakfast at IHOP in Dublin, and we then went back to San Lorenzo/Hayward/San Leandro for like 6 hours.. LOL. Got my car detailed at Hutch's, and then we went to Chabot and visited our buddy old pal Chad Mark Glen at the radio station. They moved it and it's coming together nicely. About damn time!!! But yeah it was fun catching up with our favorite Mass Comm instructor. And I saw my homeboy Bernard, oh and Carlos who used to be the NARC at San Leandro High and security at Costco. Guess he's in school now too. Oh the fun. After that bit of fun I showed Leeanne my new place. It's still in disarray, but hello I just moved in. She loves Mr. Turby. After that we went to Rasputins and went apeshit in there.. both Leeanne and I should not be allowed in music stores, especially her.. (just kidding, kind of). Then we went to Jamba Juice and Target. Can you believe neither Rasputins or Target had Earth Girls Are Easy? How sad. Well I'll buy it on or something, I've got enough Jeff Goldblum movies coming anyway.
  • My plans for this morning are taking mom to Walmart and the doctor, then doing grocery shopping. I should be home by like noon at the latest, and I'll do a bit more housework before bed. The fun just never ends, does it?
  • Oh yes and I started watching Cats and Dogs with my Jeffy in it, it was only $5 and he's so cheesy since it's a family film..

Monday, October 01, 2007


  • Well, I'm officially a resident of San Lorenzo again. I am now moved. Now I've just gotta finish the long process of cleaning, and organizing, and unpacking. My arms and back hurt like hell, but heavy lifting and stress can do that to ya. I'd like to thank the best friends ever to walk this earth.. Fernando for giving me a bootyload of boxes at the last minute, and helping TJ out with heavy furniture .. Grace for coming over and helping me with mopping the old place, and getting those giant pizzas and beer... Cathy for helping all weekend long with stuff, especially hanging up all the clothes in my closet and the iced mocha she brought me yesterday afternoon... and of course TJ for doing way too much hauling and lifting, and getting things off of tall shelves. Get used to it buddy, your roommate is a midget. So yeah I'm so glad the hardest part of my transition is over.. oh boy.
  • Aside from that, Friday night was Noelle's bday party. It was pretty fun. We played the game where you kneel on a chair and drop clothespins in the jar.. I did pretty good if I say so myself. We also did karaoke, and that was awesome. I did some B52s, Kool and the Gang, Villiage People, so jammin. I'll have some videos up probably next weekend, once I get my cable/internet hooked up at my new place. Oh and we had catered mexican food from La Pinata, and 2 cakes, and ice cream. Oh my god it was heaven. YUM!!
  • And, I worked at my parttime jobs too. KDFC was pretty normal, and KKIQ was lots of fun, as it always is. Getting paid to talk is always a bonus, even if the internet connection in the studio takes a crap and you have to get the weather/traffic from the newsroom next door. :)