Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Be thankful every day

  • Oh my goodness I am all kinds of tired. I've been getting 5-6 hours of sleep the last few days and now it's catching up with me. Fortunately, the rest of the week should be bringing more rest. I hope. Nothing too thrilling going on, as you can imagine. Monday I slept, worked, took Michelle to Walmart, watched some TV, and worked some more. Tuesday I did more sleeping and working. Pretty mundane, I know.
  • Today I've got a bit more on my plate. After work I'm going to the gym (finally), I need to get my oil changed, then the weekly grocery run with Michelle/Dad (we need A LOT of stuff), help them put their stuff away then home to unpack my groceries. Then starting some laundry and finally getting in bed around 1pm. Whew.
  • I am a bit excited because of Halloween on Friday. Cathy's going to start decorating for the party tomorrow. Including myself at least 10 people are coming, with maybe 5-10 more that might drop by. Now if you are reading this going "I want to go, I didn't get invited.. " then just message me, text me, gimme a call.. whatever. The more the merrier, I say.
  • On a serious note one of my friends David is in need of prayer/thoughts. (Not Magical David that just got married, but Heart Transplant David.) See he got a heart transplant when he was 14 and his body is now rejecting the heart, so he's cooped up in the cardiac unit at Stanford, hoping he gets approved for another transplant. He may need a kidney transplant as well. Poor kid is only 22. I've only hung around him a few times but he's always been a really nice guy. He came to my bday party several months ago and we all had a great time. I'm praying for a miracle transplant or something, he already had a second shot at life, how bout a third, huh? If any of you can send a shout out to God, it's appreciated.
  • Well that's all for now. Hope I didn't bum everyone out with the last topic. Let's all think positive and be thankful for the lives we do have. Most of us are in good health, and have good friends/family around us who care. Don't take your life or anyone one else's for granted. You never know when your number is up so live every day like it's your last. Don't sweat the small stuff. That's enough cliches, I'll leave you guys alone. I'm gonna go take a power snooze. I need one. Toodles!!