Thursday, September 28, 2006

I am that crazy

Lately I don't know why but people all over the place are annoying the hell out of me. Maybe it's because I work overnights alone, that could be it. But people are annoying. I just like being left alone sometimes. Some people are so desperate for attention that they don't notice. Ugh.

In other news I got my temporary crown for my incisor tooth on Wednesday. It feels so freakin weird, and I can't wait to get my permanent one next week. I don't look forward to dentist appointments, but I like my teeth looking good. Now once I start losing more weight I'll be a sexyass bitch soon enough. Here's a pic from the dentist. yes I am that crazy.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Interesting stuff

I don't feel like typing a hell of a lot today. I didn't get much sleep because I went to the gym this morning and took my mom and Michelle to Target and Southland Mall after hitting Chilis for dinner. So instead I'll just post interesting pics and videos. LOL

Dad wearing a wig and looking like a Motley Crue roadie.

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My delicious dinner on Sunday night at Outback Steakhouse.

Alcohol and Lisa never mixes..

Monday, September 25, 2006

Format flips

My weekend was fairly normal. I worked a lot, and I think I'm getting better on air at KKIQ. Speaking of radio stuff, KFRC flipped formats about 3 days ago and is Rhythmic AC now.. really interesting. It's a mix of Star 101.3 and KMEL.. muy intersante. I like it though, it's actually one of the presets in my car. Not that I listen to radio much, I mean I work in it 51 hours a week, I kinda need a break. LOL One of my KKIQ coworkers was less than enthusiastic about the switch, mostly because format flips suck for the jocks who lose their jobs. Also, some PDs are just plain retarded. Including this one.

I really need to clean my house, I'm going to do that when I get home from work. I have a sink full of dishes, some of them from like 5 days ago. That's priority #1. Then I'm changing Turbokitty's litterbox, definite importance. Then I'm cleaning my kitchen area and sink, then my bathroom. Then I'll wipe down some of the walls in my bedroom area since I noticed dust/dirt in corners today. Then I'm gonna do a good sweeping/mopping. Then I'll straighten my desk area which is getting rather cluttered. Oh yeah, I need to upload pics from the As game, etc onto my computer and email them to folks. Okay, now you all know what I do for housework. Have a lovely day. :)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Getting annoyed at work.

This woman here at work who works down the hall is driving me fucking insane. She usually gets here 3 or so hours early, at like 3:30am, way too early. Yesterday, she was here at 2:30.. even earlier. And she comes in here and bothers the hell out of me for up to 30 min periods. Then she leaves, and comes in later on. Yesterday I ignored her and worked on a Myspace survey, and she just sat there watching me type for 20 minutes. She can't read body language obviously. I discussed this with my boss and he suggested locking the door to the hallway. If I do that, she'll call my extension and bug me. I just don't know what to do about the woman. Guess I'll sit here and put up with it. Jesus help me.

Besides that, life is okay. Amy got in a car accident Tuesday morning. She's okay with a few bruises, but her car isn't. It's probably gonna be totaled, poor thing.

My parents gave me so much freakin food it's unreal. All I'm gonna ask for grocerywise next week is probably yogurt, coffee cups, hair gel and mop n glow stuff. Other than that, I'm all set.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Feeling emo..

I had a really good visit with the dentist on Monday. I really wanted to chicken out, but I didn't. Dr. Nyugen is so nice. I'm getting my front tooth crowned next Wednesday morning. I'm not looking forward to it, but oh well.

Today I've been so damn depressed. I'm excited for my best friend Fernando since he found out he's having a boy. At the same time I'm kinda sad because I wish I could start a family of my own. It seems the only guys I get are stupid irresponsible ones, or ones out for sex. Can't I find a guy who likes me for who I am and treats me decent? Someone responsible and fun loving? I want to find a soulmate too ya know.

Plus some asshole on Myspace messaged me telling me the only reason "the blonde chick" (who is my sister) hangs out with me is because I'm the DUFF (designated ugly fat friend). Don't worry, I blocked his ass. Still pissed me off. What a meanass bastard. I just wish things could go right for me. I'm always the happy goofy one in my group of friends, and if it wasn't for my funnyass facade I think I wouldn't have many friends at all. (sigh)

Monday, September 18, 2006

I hate dentists.

This weekend has been totally work and sleep. Almost nothing but work and sleep. I worked here Friday night then at KDFC from 7am to noon, then home to sleep. Then I got up, took a shower, made dinner, and went back to work again until 5am, then I did my airshift at KKIQ from 6am to noon. I went to my parents' house to pick up my fruits/veggies they got for me from the Farmers Market, went home and did housecleaning for an hour, then finally went to bed and got 7 hours of sleep. Then I woke up, took a shower and came here. Yay.

Tommorrow (today, whatever) I have a dentist appt. I'm kinda nervous because I know I have really messed up teeth and I hope the dentist is nice. It's only cleaning and xrays, but that's still gonna suck. Ugh.. lord help me. Oh yeah, my friend's dog is at the vet hospital, they found a lump on him and they are doing a biopsy. Hope the little guy doesn't have cancer. Why are all these animals getting sick? I hope he's gonna be okay, and I hope Turbokitty stays healthy.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I think you're crazzy!

I had fun the last few days. I worked early Thursday morning at KKIQ, havin fun just talking on the air and playing great music. I love working at that station. I was off on Thursday for once, due to a weird schedule switch with the weekend guy here at Family Radio. I got some shopping done, but not everything I needed. My halloween shopping is complete, I got a part for my new used dryer, and some Corona for my neighbor who gave me the washer/dryer. I still need to get my dad a birthday present as well as one for my older sister Michelle. I think I'll wait for my next big payday in a few weeks and hold on to my money for now.

Before I know it the holidays will be here, and its gonna be CRAZZZY!! Like Gnarls Barkley crazy yo. Oh yeah don't worry Victoria, I'll email you those pics woman!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

RIP LittleHead

One of my parents' cats died today. LittleHead had cancer in her nose, sinus cavity and her left eye socket. My family only noticed because her eye was swollen and gross yesterday morning. My older sister and dad took her to the vet and found out the bad news, and LittleHead got put to sleep. Poor kitty. She was like 12 or 13, but it's still sad. I hope TurboKitty never gets cancer. I'd cry. :(

I got my new Halloween costume today. I'm gonna be a cow. MOOOOOOO. Amy took pictures, I'm sure she'll email them to me soon. I should have em up here by the weekend. I went to Sonic again, their banana splits kick major ass.

On another note, I'm excited because I have the next two days off from here. Tommorrow night I'm doing an overnight shift at KKIQ, and Thursday night I'm completely free so I'm getting shitfaced. So exciting!! Believe me, the opportunity to get drunk is rare with my work schedule. I have a picnic with some work friends on Friday afternoon, but if I show up kinda out of it, so what? LOL

Monday, September 11, 2006


I had an okay weekend. Worked my ass off as usual. I had some interesting fun with Cathy and company a few days ago.

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And here's my freezer..

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Here we are at Sonics being stupid.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Hooray for me

Okay today I'm in a much better mood then I was in a few days ago. I was pissed off at one of my good pals but I'm over it now. I can't stay pissed at anyone for too long. It's just my nature.

Last night I was at KKIQ on air, it was so much fun. I love talking on air. :)

Tonight I'm back here at Family Radio, doin the same old stuff. I don't mind it though, I get paid almost $14 an hour to do nothing, I'm not complaining. Today Cathy, Sean, and Amy came over. They all got drunk, and I took hilarious pics of them all. I'll probably post them next week or something, need to upload them to my computer first. I think I'm losing some of my belly fat. Either that or my jeans really are slimming. LOL I've been hitting the gym twice a week and trying to avoid eating crap, and it's been paying off. It I can finally get below 214, I'm getting somewhere.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Sometimes people get to me. I want to live my life and have fun, not pinch all my pennies.

Monday, September 04, 2006

What fun today..

My weekend was okay, nothing terribly exciting or troubling. I worked my fanny off as usual. Friday night I hung out with Noelle. Saturday I worked, then did a lot of resting/TV watching. It felt great. Sunday morning I worked at KKIQ. That day did not start pleasantly. I woke up to my cat pissing on my bathmat, reminding me to change his litterbox in his own special kitty way. That was fantastic. Then at KKIQ, only the freight elevator seemed to work, but after it opened it didnt let me up to the 5th floor. So I walked up to the 5th floor only to discover the door to the stairwell was locked. I tried calling the request line in the station but Ron didn't pick up. So I walked all the way back down 5 flights of stairs and went outside on the intercom and got a hold of Ron. He shot an elevator down to me, and I finally made it back up. Something else of note, my friend Joe started working at KKDV today. First he did the weather for when I boardopped at KDFC on Saturdays. He also does traffic on CBS in the mornings. And he boardops for Max FM. And now he is on air at KKDV and KUIC. LMAO. This guy is all over the place.

I picked up a new digital camera at Best Buy. My old one bit the dust sometime on Friday or Saturday, I'm not sure. Poor thing. This one is uber-awesome. I will have fun playing with it later tonight. Also, I have 11 hours overtime on this next check!! Whooooooo!