Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just kickin back

  • Word homies and homettes. Not sure if that's a real word or not but I just said it, so now it is. How's everyone doing? I'm doing okay. Working a 12 hour shift and trying stay sane. Just finished some bible study and writing some bills. Fun times. Not much been happening lately. Got only like 3 hrs of sleep on Tuesday thanks to Dad's appointments and my 13 hr workday. Wednesday morning was grocery shopping then catch-up sleep. Earlier this morning Dad had PT again and then I was fortunate enough to go home and sleep 7 1/2 hrs, exercise, make dinner, and here I am.
  • So yeah my weekend is almost here. This one should be pretty kick back. I'm going to yet another party on Friday night. Saturday I'm free so I'd like to sleep in, exercise, lounge around for once. Cathy informed me that I'm being kidnapped on Sunday and taken somewhere. Oh well I'm sure it'll be fun. Then I come in early on Sunday night for another 12 hour shift. Whoo fun. Okay now I'm off to do a survey or something. Toodles.