Friday, August 17, 2007



  • Yay weekend time again! Not too many things going on, I'm trying to save my money since I'm going out of town next weekend, and other things may be transpiring soon too. Saturday I am going to the A's game, so yay!!! The rest of my weekend will be pretty routine. Staying close to home, watching movies or whatever. Lots of time to relax. Oh yeah and working parttime too, that's very important. I need that money. LOL
  • I skipped walking at the marina yesterday, but both Michelle and I were exhausted. That and we had to do the grocery shopping/run other errands anyway. And I had to be up in the early afternoon to tend to some business so I wanted sleep. We're going walking this morning, and I'm sure I'll hit up the gym on Sunday afternoon. So I'm pluggin along.
  • Nothing too excitingly negative to report, really. But I always try to make positive/negative comments about my life. Helps myself and others realize that life ain't perfect. There's always a positive, always a negative. I think sometimes I worry about money and such, and that's a good time to turn to God. Actually anytime is a good time for God. Especially when worrying or stressing about stuff. So ya know what? If you don't agree with Christianity, don't read this section I guess. LOL I'm putting it all on God's shoulders, giving him my burdens and stresses. He always has the right answer. Amen.