Monday, September 03, 2007

Dr. Sexypants.. hahaha

  • Boy am I pooped. It's just one of those long weekends. Okay for most people that is a good thing. For me, it means lots of work. Holidays = more shifts. I picked up an extra shift in San Fran later today from 11am-5pm, then I'm going to dinner with Davina and Lorie, who I haven't seen in forever. So when am I sleeping? I may half doze here for a few hours, then sleep a few hours at home after work, then maybe a few hours in the evening. This time tomorrow I will be exhausted. Oh well, I do need the dough.
  • I did have a good weekend, it's just been busy. Friday night I bought a few crappy movies at Rasputins, and watched Jurassic Park: The Lost World since it has Jeff Goldblum and I'm on a Jeff Goldblum kick lately. Why, I'm not sure. Saturday morning I worked @ KDFC, then home for an hour or so before Noelle picked me up to go to Family Values. That was a rock concert featuring Korn and Evanescence. Luckily Noelle drove and had VIP parking (very worth the $20). I will have pics up in the next few days, right now I'm pressed for time so they'll have to wait a while. So I got home from the concert around midnight, but my landlord was having a FAT party for his 5 year old's bday, lots of music, food and LOUD people. Right outside my bedroom door. *sigh* I did fall asleep miraculously, and got 4 hours sleep. Sunday morning I did my airshift at KKIQ (had to be there before 6am), then went to the gym, and home to do housework. After that I took my parents on errands to OSH, Big 5, and Walmart. Got home around 5ish and of course my landlord was partying again. I managed to mentally block out the loud music and screaming children and sleep for 4 more hours before getting up and making dinner. So here I am at work, kinda tired. Tired is my word of the week.

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