Wednesday, January 31, 2007

rather tiring week so far...


  1. Several folks at KDFC thanked me for doing well at the remote last Saturday. It was cool.
  2. On Tuesday morning my boss let me go an hour early here at Family Radio. I haven't gotten much sleep lately and I was able to take a 2 hour nap before taking Mom and Michelle to see Dad in the hospital.
  3. Victoria remarked that it looked like I was losing a little weight. I sure hope so. I'm only able to hit the gym twice this week. I went on Sunday afternoon, and I'm going to go this Saturday afternoon. My schedule is way too packed to go any other time this week.
  4. My boss at KKIQ is going to review my last shift and email me about it. This is instead of doing an aircheck in his office. We are both way too busy to meet in person this week.
  5. My dad is actually walking again. He may get to go home as soon as next week. We're meeting with one of the doctors on Friday morning to see what he thinks.
oh geez..
  1. I really haven't gotten much sleep the last few days, like I mentioned before. I sleep about 5 hours during the evening, and doze here and there on my fulltime job. I will be so glad when this week is over so I can go back to a decent sleeping schedule.
  2. Listeners at KDFC are driving me nuts. They call nonstop. No wonder they need me there to help out. Oh well, I'm paid to answer the phone, so that's what I do when I'm not filing CDs or checking spots in the computer.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hole in my pants..


  1. I did go to the gym on Friday morning, and made it on Sunday afternoon. I went a total of 5 days last week! Probably won't be able to make it back until Saturday afternoon this week, due to my 71 hour work week.
  2. I got lots of positive feedback after boardopping the live remote on KDFC on Saturday. Engineers and programming staff both commented on how well I did.
  3. Hung out with Davina on Saturday afternoon in Berkeley and bought a new t-shirt at T-Shirt Orgy on Telegraph. Afterward we met Brad and Victoria in North Oakland and had dinner at Barclay's. It was yummy.
  4. I can't keep my pants up today. You'd think this would be a bad thing, but obviously I'm losing weight. Also, my belt is too big. So I'm walking around looking like a rap star today. Haha. My pants are on, but if you gave em a tug, pantsing would be easy.
  5. Did a pretty great airshift on KKIQ yesterday. I didn't really screw up on any breaks, and my tape sounds pretty darn good. Hopefully next week when I'm not busy I can sit down with my PD and listen to my tape.
  1. I will not be getting much sleep this week, period. I'm working middays in San Francisco all 5 days this week, on top of the graveyard shift here in Oakland. On top of that, I'm taking my mom and Michelle to visit my dad in the mornings in between work and such. After work I have just enough time to get gas, pick up my lunch for my other job, pick up Mom and Michelle so Mom can do her labs, then go to the hospital. After the hospital I'm dropping them off and going to BART so I can get on the train to work. Whoo.
  2. Got a hole in the crotch in one of my older pair of jeans. I hate it when this happens. That means I'm going to have to start wearing my cargo pants more often until I get the extra dough to buy more jeans. Ugh.
  3. I need to get an oil change but it's just going to have to wait until next week, probably a week from today. I'm usually very timely about stuff like this, but I literally don't have time to go to Jiffy Lube for 20 min.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Cats will be cats..

the right stuff..

  1. Went to the gym both Wednesday and Thursday mornings and did cardio. I'm so proud of myself.
  2. I'm going to have an interesting weekend. Friday night I'm going to an amateur wrestling thing in Modesto with Amy. James will be there, one of the guys I've been "talking" with. Saturday morning I've got to board op a remote, then when I get home Davina's picking me up and we're shopping in Berkeley. Afterward we're meeting Brad and Victoria in North Oakland for dinner around 6ish. I've got some cool stuff to look forward to.
  3. Went grocery shopping on Thursday morning with Mom and Michelle. I bought more veggies both fresh and frozen, and "No Sugar Added" Breyers ice cream with some "1/2 calories, 1/2 carbs" Hersheys chocolate syrup. Hey, it's not perfect but the ice cream's 80 calories a serving. I also picked up other stuff I needed, like milk, eggs, and kitty litter for Turbo. Michelle gave me some frozen breakfast sandwiches with sausage, etc. I'll eat these in moderation, maybe I'll take one to a parttime job over the weekend. I still eat bad foods, just not often. That plus working out 4-5 days a week should help.
  4. I have lost 3 lbs over the past 3 weeks or so. This is awesome. I don't like broadcasting my progress to everyone, then I get quizzed every week on how I'm doing, and it gets depressing if I don't lose anything.
not so right stuff..
  1. I've been feeling pretty pooped this week. I've exercised dramatically more that usual, I think this is the culprit. Once I make this a routine, I'm sure in a few weeks I won't be so exhausted. I've been trying to get enough sleep but with my crazy schedule it's tough.
  2. Turbo has been a major brat the last few days. Wednesday morning when I came home, he tried sneaking out and I caught him about 2 feet outside the door. He did the same thing on Thursday morning when my arms were full of yogurt and kitty litter. Around the house he's been following me around and meowing for attention. I give him uber kitty hugs and kisses, ask Victoria. She knows since I come to work with plenty of cat hair on my shirt. Haha. Usually he's vocal if he needs more water (he drinks like 3-4 bowls a day). I've been good about making sure he has lots of water, kibble, and he gets wet food every other day. I give him the wet food since male cats are prone to kidney issues, and need the extra moisture. He's a furry walking pee factory. Anyway, don't know why he's moody. Cats will be cats.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

its a sunshine day


  1. Went to the gym on Tuesday morning and did some cardio. I'm also planning to go today and Thursday.. possibly on Friday if I don't hear from my PD at KKIQ.
  2. I'm going to be boardopping for some midday shifts on KDFC next week, I'm not sure how many. This may mean less sleep, but more money, which is awesome. I also am boardopping a remote at the San Jose Tech Museum on Saturday morning, and that's always great experience.
  3. Dad may be coming home relatively soon. The hospital he's at wants to discharge him pronto since he's drastically improved. They first wanted to send him to secondary acute care, but my mom wants to bring him home and have us girls trained on how to help him with oxygen, suctioning, all that fun stuff. Being able to go back to my natural sleep pattern is going to be fantastic.
  4. Dad's getting a stomach tube put in today. This may not seem like great news, but he keeps pulling his other tube in his nose, and now he'll be able to get more of the nutrition he needs. He's drastically underweight.
  5. I do feel that I'm beginning to lose more weight. My thighs don't rub together as much, and I think some of my giant tummy is going away a little bit. I'm just going to keep on eating healthy and go to the gym a lot. Least I'm losing weight the natural way, not with all the pills and crap.
  1. I overslept a little earlier and was late for work. I meant to lie down for 10 minutes and it turned into 45 minutes. Technically I was only 9 min late, and I drove Victoria home instead of dropping her off at BART. Still made me mad at myself, though.
  2. *Woman Issues!!!!* Lots of bleeding, messed up underwear. Bloating, tenderness everywhere. Thanks mother nature.
  3. My friend's on AIM express and keeps sending me links to crap, but it's not a hyperlink. I'm on Netscape AIM and can't copy and paste. She's mad because I can't copy and paste. Oh well.

Monday, January 22, 2007

i think this is working...


  1. Hit the gym on Sunday afternoon. Not only did cardio but did 10 sets of 10 ab crunches and some arm work. I've noticed my thighs feel a bit smaller, they don't rub together as much. This is a good sign.
  2. If things go to plan I should hit the gym on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I'm trying to schedule an aircheck at KKIQ for early Friday afternoon so I won't make the gym that day. Wednesday morning I need to take my mom to a doctor appointment. Yay.
  3. Both Friday and Saturday nights I had fun. Relaxed with a few drinks, and on Saturday actually enjoyed time with friends for a bit.
  4. This guy that I like finally has a Myspace, and messaged me out of the blue on Saturday. Hopefully we can get together and hang out real soon. He's uber shy and antisocial so it's going to be tough to get him out of his shell. He's very intelligent and we were good pals in high school.
  5. That one annoying guy who works with me at KDFC/Max Fm came in after me on Saturday afternoon, I think we made some informal truce. We talked about KCRH which he's still involved with, and he gave me two pieces of gum. This is good. Even though this guy is a moron, I hate burning bridges of any sort.
  1. It's that time of the month, folks. Lots of discomfort and I hate all men. Okay I got that out of my system.
  2. Kept stumblin and mumblin while on air Sunday morning on KKIQ. For some reason my mouth wasn't cooperating with my brain, I don't know why. I played back my aircheck and it isn't as bad as it seems. Guess I'll use it for my aircheck session on Friday.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blah blee blah


  1. Got some cardio in at the gym on Wednesday morning, as I planned.
  2. Went shopping with Amy earlier tonight, got a new shirt at Hot Topic, my mom a gift card for Bath and Body Works for her bday, and some new body wash.
  3. Got my reimbursement check back from my new eyeglasses that I turned in a few weeks ago. I'm going to deposit it tommorrow morning after I get off work. This will help out a lot with bills and such.
  4. Maybe if I do enough whining once my boss gets here at 5:30am, he will take pity on me and let me go early. It would be nice to hit the gym, go to the ATM and get gas before going home for my Cheerios. If I do ideally get to leave that much earlier, I may have a chance for a 2 hour nap before visiting Dad at the hospital. Lord knows I need a nap.
  5. It's the weekend! I'm off tommorrow night and I'm gonna have a good ol time! I deserve it, I think.
Oh dear..
  1. Got three more teeth drilled and filled and another permanent crown put in this afternoon. I am in lots of pain. I've been taking Extra Strength Tylenol and it's still a dull ache.
  2. KDFC, KOIT and Max Fm got bought out by Entercom today. My boss called to tell me about it, plus Leeanne called. As far as I know we all have jobs.. even if format changes happen, they usually keep board ops. Good to know. Buy outs are never a good thing, in the long run. Unless you're going from Clear Channel to something better, LOL. (This is one of my parttime gigs I work at on Saturday mornings. If I get canned, I think I'll recover.)
  3. I am uber exhausted. I couldn't sleep after coming back from the dentist today, no matter how hard I tried, or what drugs I took. I gave up and went shopping, and now I'm pooped.
  4. Working a 12 hour shift today and I feel terrible. Definite nappytime in a while here at work. As long as I'm semiconsicious I'll be fine.
  5. One of my "friends" that has too much spare time was being an ass earlier. I told him that I work 50-60 hrs a week, and when I'm not working I'm hanging with my other friends. He logged on AIM and asked what I was up to. I said I had just gotten to work for a 12 hour shift. Then he called me a fuckin moron and logged off. Nice guy. Some people are so selfish.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

weirdass dreams...


  1. Had a funny/weird dream on Tuesday. I was in front of some school which didn't look like my high school or college at all, and there were these gang members wearing black and red that were fighting. Only they weren't like gang fighting, it looked more like pro wrestling. Lots of picking people up and slamming them on the ground. All of a sudden some kid turned on a ghetto blaster and played "Fergalicious", and everyone started breakdancing. So awesome. Next thing I know Fernando is walking up to some side gate opening it, and saw me. He yelled, "Hurry up you're gonna be late for 1st period." So I caught up to him and he wanted to see my schedule, which I didn't even know was in my hand. He was excited because we had cooking class together. Then my alarm went off and I woke up. Hahahaha.
  2. I ate relatively healthy the last few days, getting at least 3-4 servings of fruit/veggies. This is a drastic improvement and probably one of the main causes of plateauing and not losing more weight.
  3. I drank Naked Apple Juice on Tuesday morning, and honestly it's the best juice I've ever tasted. Just like I was eating an apple. Totally organic. It was so good, I could do a commercial.
the ugly..
  1. My dad is getting drastically better which kicks ass, but the hospital wants to transfer him to a rehab-like facility. This place costs $20,000 a month without insurance.. and my parents' current combo of insurance won't cover it. This and they make too much money to qualify for Medi-Cal. Thank you Governator! If the social worker doesn't find a loophole or help us find some way to pay on a sliding scale, my parents are screwed.
  2. I originally planned on hitting the gym Tuesday morning, but I had to take my mom to get blood work done at the lab. She has a doctor appointment next Wednesday morning. Least I can go later this morning and on Friday morning. Thursday I have a fun dentist appointment to look forward to. Hooray for permanent crowns and lots of drilling.
  3. I've been drinking regular Coke at home, trying to get rid of the 2 liter that was bought for my sister's bday party last month. So yeah I'm drinking liquid sugar, like half a glass a day. I'm horrible. After that lots of organic juice, ice tea and water. Bad Lisa, bad bad Lisa.

Monday, January 15, 2007

pretty eventul


  1. Got to the gym on Sunday afternoon, did some cardio and serious ab work. I know I have abs somewhere under that flab.
  2. Both my mom and Cathy reassured me that I'm not a fat slob and I need to stop making myself feel guilty and bad everyday. It takes time to lose weight. Also, I have a lot of friends who think I'm awesome, that has to count for something.
  3. I did an awesome airshift on Sunday morning. Okay it wasn't awesome by many standards, but I had a good vibe going. I was rested for once.
  4. Went to Applebees with Cathy, TJ, Dave and Amy on Friday night and had a great dinner. I drank a Bahama Mama. Then I went home and drank like 3 mudslides. WHOO. It was fun.
  5. If everything goes to plan I will be hitting the gym 4 times this week, including yesterday. I'm trying so hard to do better at getting healthy.
  6. Went to Costco with the family on Saturday afternoon. It was a madhouse, but I got lots of healthy veggies and a lot of steak that I wrapped and froze. I'm pretty happy with the groceries I got.
  7. Oh yes, Mom, Michelle and I went to Target on Thursday night (I can't remember if I mentioned this last week) and I got a new space heater. It's been like 20-30 degrees at night and only like 40-50 degrees during the day. For California, that's freezing. The heater and my fleece blankies have made life bearable. I am so thankful for that heater, though.
  1. Where to start.. Saturday morning BART (our subway system in the San Francisco area) had serious problems, not even running service to San Francisco for a while. I ended up having Cathy pick me up at the Coliseum station and drive me across the Bay Bridge to work. I was a little over an hour late. Hooray for mass transit.
  2. Oh yeah, woke up with a hangover headache on Saturday, all my own fault. Guess too many mudslides can do that to ya. Major headache, but Tylenol and a hot shower did help.
  3. Oh yes speaking of showers, Friday evening while showering, my shower rod and curtain attacked me and fell on my head. I went out Saturday evening and bought a new rod and curtain, but now it won't stay up. So for 3 days I've showered with no curtain, with lots of bath mats and towels on the floor. No fun.
  4. SERIOUS AUTOMATION PROBS at KDFC on Saturday morning. First I was late, then I get to work and the computer seriously crashes. I had to run all the programming off CDs, DAT and what commercials were actually loaded on the Digicart machine. All this while on the phone with tech support. This took about 3 hours total since we did lots of housekeeping and booting computers from servers. Blah blah blah. What sucked was I left lots of voicemails for engineers and for my boss, and no one called back. I wrote a gigantic email to my boss explaining everything in writing, so I covered my ass, basically.
  5. Had to update this "conflict of interest" thing at KDFC. They ask what other broadcast entities I'm affiliated with, so I put Family Radio and Coast Radio. Hopefully they don't fire me for conflict of interest, since I work for two commercial stations in the same market. If I do get canned, maybe I can go for that Saturday morning shift on KKIQ. I'm hoping it's not, I love Bonneville's perks. I'm so selfish. LOL
  6. I think I may have pissed off my friend Saturday evening. She wanted really badly to go to the Saddlerack and dance. I was uber stressed and exhausted from running around all day and I had to get up at 4:30am the next day. I ended up goin to bed at 10pm. She pretended not to be mad, but I know better. Sorry lady, I was pooped.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Yes! The weekend is upon us!


  1. Got more cardio in on Thursday morning. I'm going to start hitting the gym even more next week, maybe even 4 times. We will see.
  2. Going to Costco on Saturday, well at least my mom and Cathy are. I could get a new space heater out of it, which I desperately need at home. It's like so cold. At least cold for California. Like 30 degrees, freezing weather.
  3. Finally hung out with Cathy and Amy on Wednesday night. After grubbin at Chilis we drove around and wasted time, just like the good ol days. It was fantastic.
  4. Going to have another miniparty at my place tonight. Mudslides and lots of fun. Maybe this guy I like named James will come along. That would be nice. I'd like to get to know him better.
  1. Pigged out at Chilis on Wednesday night with Cathy and Amy. I call this bad becuase we had cheese and broccoli soup, shared a sampler platter, I even ate some french fries. It was an enjoyable experience but I felt guilty afterwards.
  2. It's freezing!! Brr!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Actually learned something


  1. Finally got my new glasses on Tuesday morning. Now I don't have too look like a geek today at the airstaff meeting with taped up glasses.
  2. Dad and I actually had good conversations on Monday and Tuesday morning. He had his speaking valve in, and told me how much he appreciated me bringing Mom everyday. He also loves me, which is good to know.
  3. Got some cardio done on Tuesday morning, actually ran for 4 minutes. I can't remember the last time I ran, period. I'm going to try to make it to the gym on Thursday and Friday morning, doing more cardio and some toning. I can get more toning done once Dad's out of the hospital. That way I can hit the gym longer then 45 minutes.
  1. I've gained about 4-5lbs since Christmas, which isn't a shocker. Lots of bad holiday food plus food leftover from two parties. Also factoring in not always making it to the gym often, and lots of stress. My new goal is to try and visit the gym 3-4 days a week now. I'm going to do this, I'm going to get under 200lbs and keep on going. I have to.
  2. Kinda nervous about my first staff meeting at KKIQ. I don't know why, I just am. I just finished reading Numbers in the Bible about how the Jews didn't want to enter Canaan because some spies reported giants living there and stuff, and even though Joshua and Caleb trusted in God to protect them, the others didn't. God got mad and had them wandering in the desert for 40 years and killed off a lot of the people, except Joshua and Caleb. So yeah, I think I'll trust in God and remember he's with me whenever I'm in a new and weird situation. Amen.

Monday, January 08, 2007

5 little known facts about me.

Victoria tagged me to post 5 little known facts about myself. Here we go....

  1. I attended UC Berkeley for 5 years. The UC Berkeley Academic Talent Development Program that is. It's basically summer school for gifted kids. I went there from 1986-1991. It was a lot of fun. Took science classes, drama, creative writing, stuff like that.
  2. When I was a kid I had some weird phobia about hearing people sniffling their noses, or people eating loudly/smacking their lips. Bothered me so much I would sit in class with my fingers in my ears if someone had a cold. Bad enough I couldn't sit in the same room as other people eating. Started when I was about 8, waned off about 5 years ago. I'm not joking. I still cringe when people chew their gum loudly.
  3. I got constantly picked on in middle school and high school. Bullied a lot. I was definitely different and nerdy. I didn't dress like the others and frankly didn't care. I was asked "Are you in special ed?" on more then one occasion. I also got laughed at in the hallways. I took almost all honors classes, so the kids in there left me alone for the most part. The mainstream classes like P.E. and electives like Drivers Ed are where I got the most trouble.
  4. Both my parents are in pretty severe health. It's sad. That's why I try so hard to be healthy, lose weight and such. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 14 and had a mastectomy. After she recovered from chemotherapy, a few years later, she had eye surgery for the ulcers she has in both eyes. It helped somewhat, but made her legally blind so she could barely drive. She then began to suffer from Charkot's disease, where the bones (in her left foot in this case) become brittle and disintegrate. She began walking with a special brace on her leg. In December of 2003 she collapsed in the bathroom at home and was rushed to the hospital. Turns out she has congestive heart failure, and her kidney function was down to under 10%. She had to start dialysis. Her left leg had also become severely infected with gangrene, thanks to lots of sores from diabetes and the Charkot's. They amputated her left leg from the knee down. She's been doing okay since then. We found out recently that she probably has to go back on dialysis soon because her potassium levels and such are up. Right now she's waiting for my dad's condition to improve before she goes back. My dad has pretty messed up lungs from smoking for 50 something years. He went in the hospital with pneumonia on November 21st, and has been transferred to another hospital since then. He may be transferred to another one in the near future. It's more like rehab then skilled nursing, which is good. But yeah, it sucks to have ailing parents.
  5. My grandma on my mom's side was first cousins with Herbert Hoover, one of our former presidents. They used to ride horses together. Weird, huh? I also learned that my grandpa played the steel guitar. How fascinating.
There's my 5 facts. Most seem pretty sad, but that's my life secrets I don't always talk about. Due to people already thinking I'm nuts.

Typical weekend


  1. Had fun on Friday night getting drunk and playing Monopoly with Noelle. She beat my ass, it was still fun.
  2. Got a new PeeWee Herman shirt and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt from Hot Topic on Saturday. I'll be sportin them this week. :)
  3. Supposed to be goin to a benefit concert for Dennis Erectus on Friday night with Tricia in Santa Clara. About time I go out and have fun.
  4. Saturday night I'm going to be dragged out to the Saddlerack in Fremont with Noelle and Jolene. About time I get some hot guys to dance with. Now to ponder what the hell I need to wear.
  1. Woke up puking on Sunday morning, well puking and shitting at the same time. Sorry for being graphic. I wasn't sure at the time if I was hungover or seriously ill. Now I'm leaning towards ill. My stomach is still kinda iffy, and my throat's been swollen all day. Felt slightly feverish this morning at work. Yes I did my shift at KKIQ. I'm a trooper. I slept from 1pm to 9pm on Sunday so maybe that will help in fighting off whatever virus this seems to be.
  2. My glasses still aren't freakin ready. Probably will be Tuesday/Wednesday earliest. I have a jock meeting at KKIQ on Wednesday morning so I'd like my new glasses by then.
  3. Got two teeth drilled and one temporarily crowned on Thursday afternoon. Three shots of Lidocaine. Not a fun experience whatsoever. My jaw hurted for a day or so, but Tylenol helped.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Finally getting rest..

The good...

1. Slept 7 1/2 hrs on Wednesday, and 9 hours on Tuesday! I needed it.
2. My eye doctor says my presription is actually weaker now, my eyesight is better. No more astigmatism, I'm still nearsighted but not as bad. Praise god. When I finally get my new glasses next week, I'll be posting pics. Don't worry.
3. Got some cardio done at the gym on Tuesday morning, finally.
4. Myspace lets you upload up to 300 pics now, amazing. I'm gonna have fun with this stuff.

The not so good..

1. Fucker on Youtube keeps making unkind references to my weight on my videos. I'm not that fat, am I? Somedays I feel like I'm on top of the world, some stupid kid opens her mouth and there goes my good day.
2. Had a major breakdown/fight with my mom on Tuesday morning. I was exhausted beyond belief, running errands, getting tired of spending my days working and running errands. I snapped. I felt bad later. I also went home and cried my heart out for about 20 minutes while Turbo comforted me, then I fell asleep. I felt so much better once I released everything.
3. Have a dentist appointment this afternoon. I'm not looking forward to getting teeth drilled again, plus having to pay for it. Well, at least 20% of it.
4. Had to pay for my glasses/exam in full on Wednesday, and my work is paying for a good chunk of it. Still sucks since I won't see my money for like 3 weeks. I don't even get my itemized receipt till I pick em up, so I can't turn in anything to my work until next week. Ugh. I wish I could qualify for Medi-Cal, but I think I make too much money. Nice. I can't afford my own insurance, but I make too much money for the state to help. Thanks Arnold! Once I get my car paid off and my credit cards way down in like 1 or 2 years, I think I can afford my own private health insurance.

Monday, January 01, 2007

A new year, a new beginning

last day of 06.. first day of 07..


1. A coworker noticed I've began losing weight. I'm not really shedding the pounds right now, but I'm pretty stocky and muscular so I guess I'm toning better. I don't know, really.
2. Dad was awake today, which is good since I hear he pretty much slept through the weekend.
3. Actually got 8 hours sleep on Monday afternoon/evening. Praise god.
4. Still infatuated with my XM radio. I've been bumpin The Groove lately, with old school R&B soul stuff. Think I scared Victoria with it, but that's okay. Haha.


1. Been eating way too much of Cathy's party leftovers. That's the bummer. I don't like to waste food, so leftover buffalo wings, pizza, potato salad and lots of cake. (Not all at once, I'm not that bad. Little bits here and there.)
2. I'm still in the midst of working 10 days in a row, with some crazyass shifts. The fact that I'm helping my mom everyday and also going to optometrist and dentist appointments leaves me with little sleep lately. I can't wait until Friday night. I need to chill out and do something really fun involving alcohol.
3. I've been head achy the past 3 days or so, but I think it's due to my need for new glasses. Mine broke, I've scotch taped them together until I can get an appointment for an eye exam and get the frames in. I think the tape messes with my peripheral vision or something. Maybe I just need a new prescription and God make me break the frames as a wake up call. Who knows?