- What's up homies? Me again. I am like way burned out at this point. I'm so glad my schedule is back to normal next week. Whew. I think I'm actually more exhausted because of outside sources, not my working so much. I'm tired, but everyone seems to stress me out even more on top of it. Family stuff, worries/requests about upcoming concerts. etc. Sometimes I just want to scream out of frustration for everyone to leave me alone and just let me be. This weekend I need some serious relaxation. I'm taking Michelle and Dad to the Cherry Festival on Saturday afternoon and then to dinner, so that should be fun. What I truly need right now is a good 8 hours of sleep. This morning I'll sleep about 6 hours and work in the afternoon. That won't be so bad. I can catch up on my beauty sleep this weekend for sure.
- I'd like to apologize to anyone I've snapped at this week out of crankiness. It's about that time of the month *cough cough* plus I'm sleep deprived and everyone is asking me for a favor, lately. I love all you guys very much and you know I'd give you my left boob if you needed it, but believe it or not I am not Supergirl, unlike Kimmie who is. I think sometimes I expect too much of myself and push myself hard. Then others see me as a superhero of sorts with the mentality of "Oh well, Lisa will do it.. she'll help.. " with whatever task they need assistance with. Sometimes I just need downtime. I don't want to think about upcoming things that may or may not cause me my head to explode. I like living my life one day at a time, not letting myself worry about what may or may not happen. This calls for some Coke Zero and jammin 80s hits. Good thing I brought my Zune player. Have a great weekend, peeps!
Friday, May 30, 2008
im no supergirl
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
1:35 AM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
- Hey there homie G's. What's crackin? Not much on this end. I'm TIRED. Seriously. I got about 6 hours of sleep yesterday, and today I'll get 3-5. This is because I "have to get Dad to City Hall" this morning.. well at least my sister Michelle proclaims. Basically I'm taking them there, and sleeping in the car the whole time. Then I'm going home to sleep what little bit that I can. Later on I'm working at Traffic.com, then I'm taking Michelle to do grocery shopping. Then I get to put away my food and go to work. Good thing I can half doze off here. So if any of you guys IM me while I'm here and I'm not exactly responsive, remember I'm probably taking a quick snoozarooni. I still wake up if something goes wrong, but if it's something online and I know it is.. I'll be like "Oh heck no" and ignore it. No offense, guys.
- Next week my schedule will be much better. Praise God for that one. Sorry this blog is so short but I'm pooped. Okay now I'm gonna half doze and watch Spenser For Hire.. I found an ep with Dr. Cox from Scrubs playing a boxer, it's amusing. He has some jammin 80s hair.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
12:41 AM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Hey yall
- Hey y'all, I'm back. When I say "Hey y'all" I feel like Paula Deen from the Food Network. Have you ever seen that Youtube video where it looks like she's constantly farting? It's great. Anyway, I had a pretty good weekend. Friday morning after working here I did some training at Traffic.com, then slept at home until about 6pm. Then I took Michelle to dinner at Carrows, she had coupons. I had the chicken tacos, they were pretty yummy.
- Saturday I did the KDFC gig, then went home and took care of some housework. Davina called, and I met her at the gym. We really didn't work out together, but I got one heck of a buzz while on the treadmill. I actually jogged. Yes you are reading correctly, I jogged. It was awesome. I haven't jogged since high school. I can barely walk at the marina, but I think it may have to do with uneven pavement. I can jog on a treadmill, I'm so amazed at myself. My gym membership is technically expired, but I may sign up on Cathy's plan as a family member, and we're trying to get Michelle on as well. I'd get much more of a workout at the gym compared to walking in various outdoor places. After my workout I stopped by Fernando's house to water his plants, then went home and relaxed the rest of the day. I had quite a few drinks which I'm not proud of, but I had a great time. Amy came over, and we played Uno. Oh yeah, Cathy was there too. She practically lives at my house, but most of you know that already. Amy got tired and left around 11pm, then Alisha and Jeff showed up. Alisha played Uno with us for about 3 hours, it was pretty fun. TJ's other pal Jason came by for a bit as well. At 2am Sesame Street came on Sprout (digital cable channel), so of course everyone around me was partying, and here I am watching Bert sing about how sheep made his blanket. I'm so weird. I ended up going to bed around 3am or so.
- Sunday morning I should have gone to church. Michelle actually was interesting in going. I made a bad decision and decided to sleep in. I slept A LOT. I'm working 70 hours this week between all 3 jobs (mostly because of the holiday, plus my boss at the new gig is going out of town and asked me to work extra days), so I thought it would be a good idea to sleep as much as possible when I can. I did get up at like 2pm, showered, ate a salad, went for a walk, and watched TV until Sandi arrived. Then she and I went to go see Rush of Fools with Group 1 Crew at Celebration Hall in Santa Rosa. Both groups were AWESOME. Seriously. I know hip hop isn't Sandi's thing, but even she was rockin out to Group 1 Crew. Rush Of Fools was amazing, and we watched from right in front of the stage. May I mention that Wes the lead singer is HOT? I have 2 pics with him. We ended up meeting all the members of Rush Of Fools, and I met Group 1 Crew and got a pic with them as well. I'll have them up in a day or two. Due to crazy work scheduling, I'm barely squeezing in sleep tomorrow, but I should have time to post stuff on Tuesday evening. Yes I'm insane.
Oh yeah.. here's a very poorly produced Judge Reinhold homage I made on Saturday afternoon. I taped stuff off Youtube with my camera and edited it with Windows Movie Maker. Primitive, and yes I have issues..
Oh yeah.. here's Paula Deen and her fake farting.. I'm sorry but I love strategically placed fake farts.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
2:55 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
just for the taste of it..
- Hooray it's Friday! After working 12-16 hours a day nearly all week, I am so glad. Oh yes, I think some of you guys are curious as to what my third job is. To those that don't know, I'm an editor/producer at Traffic.com. The title sounds fancy, but I just get traffic information from the CHP (California Highway Patrol) and other info sources and put it on the website. I've been training there all week in the mornings. Next week I'll start working afternoon shifts. I'm excited and my coworkers are pretty nice and laid back.
- Nothing that exciting has been going on besides working my patooty off. I get up, shower, grab food, work, sit in traffic then work at my other job, sit in more traffic, come home, feed the cat and go to bed. Then I wake up and do the same thing over and over again. Luckily my schedule will calm down in about a week so it won't be as monotonous.
- This weekend I don't have too much planned. I am going to go see Rush Of Fools/Newsboys with Sandi on Sunday night. That will be fun, for sure. I haven't really listened to any of their music to be honest, but I love Christian rock so there's no doubt I'll have a blast.
- One more thing, don't you hate it when you get paid, then you figure out your bills, then you have almost no money left? I just got paid yesterday, but 90% of it is going towards my rent check I have to send in a little over a week. I also just made a credit card payment, I owe my dentist some money, I just bought gas ($42 to fill up my tank) and got my oil changed/tires rotated. My second job pays me next week but I'll only get like $50, that's gas money essentially. I'm not even in the system at the third gig yet so I probably won't get paid until June. ARRRGH I love money. Being a responsible adult sucks sometimes. Okay now that I've given myself a headache I'll end this blog on a happy note with a random 80s commercial.
I couldn't help it, I was sitting here drinking Diet Coke and that song totally popped in my head. I love my 80s! God bless Youtube.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
1:13 AM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
My name is Lisa and I'm a workaholic
- What's up homies? Not much here. Well not much interesting stuff anyway. I've just been working my booty off nonstop. Sunday night I worked 12 hours, then worked almost 4 more hours training at the new gig. Then I went home and slept over 9 hours. I'm sure you can understand why. Monday night I worked my usual 8 hours and worked 4 more at the new gig again. Can you see a pattern?
- This morning I actually have time to go walking, get my oil changed, then take Michelle and Dad on our usual weekly errands. Next week I don't know how I'm going to arrange things, since I'm working all freakin week. Oh lordy lord. In about 2 weeks or so, my schedule should be a little more normal, thank god.
- Other than working way too much, there's not really a whole lot on my mind. Kimmie and I have been working on a project about the New Kids, it's taking longer than expected. I feel bad, since I wish I had more time to contribute towards it. I did do a lot of camera work that weekend when I was at her house, but still.. Oh well she knows I'm kinda tied up right now.
- That and tonight is Sandi's graduation from Sacramento City College. Congrats girlie! I'd go up there for the ceremony, but I'm not getting in bed until like 1pm. I'm slightly burnt out so I'm trying to sleep as much as humanly possible. Thanks for understanding.
- Okay well off to eat some celery, listen to Metallica, and do surveys and such. Oh yeah, my boss here is out of town until July for some Air Force Reserves thing.. so party central! Just kidding.. kind of. :-)
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
1:00 AM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
im a busy woman
- Howdy folks. I'm back from a pretty laid back weekend. Why am I blogging so early you may wonder? I'm working a 12 hour shift here at Family Radio (Victoria took the day off since she ran Bay To Breakers today and is exhausted). When I get out of here at 7am, I'm working at my new gig from 8am to noon. It's training actually, but I'm still getting paid. Yes I'm insane. Actually, I agreed to work this long shift long before getting hired at the third job. Oh well, more money for me.
- Let's recap the weekend, shall we? I got out of Traffic.com after 1pm, and didn't get in bed until about 2pm. I got an offer to go to dinner and a movie with Sandi, but I was HECKA tired so I opted on sleep. Well that was my plan anyway. Then Davina called and wanted to go exercise later on that evening. I told her I wasn't sure, since I was exhausted. Finally, Michelle called, saying Dad was suffering from heat complications and needed to get out of the house, etc. Of course I'd only had 4 hours of sleep. Kind of, since I kept getting woken up. So I opted on helping my folks since they're my first priority (besides work). I got up, showered, and took Michelle/Dad to Red Robin at Newpark Mall, then we went back to my house while Dad watched Animal Planet. I love my family to death, but I sometimes wish they'd understand that I need rest too.
- Saturday I worked at KDFC in the morning as usual. I actually had some busy work to do, so it was fun. Then I came home and did some housework, and went walking for a while around the neighborhood. Afterwards I took over the TV in the living room. I watched a little of Ghostbusters II that was on Spike TV, then watched Little Giants with the commentary from the director and the girl who played Icebox. I love that movie. Probably because I love Rick Moranis. Soon I went to Victoria's apartment for some pizza. Brad was there too. We had fun, and sort of a farting contest. Then I went back to my place and played Uno with Cathy and Amy while having a few drinks. I needed to unwind. We finally called it a night around 11pm.
- This morning I woke up refreshed after 9 hours of sleep, then showered and had a donut for breakfast. Blame TJ. Then I went to church. I love church, well the worship time the most. The sermons aren't too boring, but I enjoy singing/clapping more than sitting still for 3o minutes. After church Davina and I went to Chilis for lunch. I ate pretty healthy. Next we went walking at the marina. I tried my best to powerwalk and get a good cardio workout since I won't have many exercise opportunities this week. I'm working almost 70 hours, I just calculated. Don't worry, this won't be the norm.. in a few weeks my schedule will go down to 55 hours or so. That's nothing for me. Anyway, later after the marina I went home and napped for 3 hours, and now I'm blogging at work, listening to one of my buddy Denny's podcasts. He's playing a lot of country for some reason. Interesting.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
8:36 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
its getting hot in here..
- Hey there homies. Not too much important stuff going on. I went walking yesterday morning, and I'm going today. My ankles/legs still hurt, but oh well. That's life. I'm going to start training for my third job on Friday morning. I'm pretty excited. I hope I don't screw up at it. They asked me to work a lot of hours next week to fill in for someone, so my schedule's going to be kinda nuts. Like it's totally normal now, right?
- I'm going to try to have a nice relaxing weekend. Friday night I may hang out with friends, or just stay home and chill. Saturday morning I'm working in San Fran, and that evening I'm going to Victoria's place to pig out on pizza. Sunday is church, housework and relaxation. Relaxation.. that's what I need the most of.
- Oh yeah, here's a video I made with footage from my awesome Great America concert trip last Saturday. There's a lot of Family Force 5, but they're one of my favorite bands. I can't help it.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
1:33 AM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
wow it's like I wrote a novel
- Hey there homie G's. It's me again. I'm back from my totally awesome/insane weekend. This is going to be LOOOOOONG. Just thought I'd warn you. I haven't uploaded pics/video just yet, since I pretty much came to work straight from Lodi, with a 5 min stop to my house to pick up some grub. Anyway, here goes. Friday morning I went to Denny's for breakfast with Leeanne. It was grubbin. Then I went home and took a 2 hour nap, then took Michelle/Dad to Sebastopol to put flowers at Mom's grave for Mother's Day since I was going to be out of town on Sunday. It was emotional since her plaque/headstone thing was actually there, and it's a giant dose of reality hitting you in the face, just in case you somehow forgot someone you love is dead. Anyway, bittersweet times up in Sonoma County, and I had a Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal for lunch [apple slices, not fries.. :-)]. I finally got back home around 4pm, and I slept the rest of the evening away. I got up at 10pm and pondered fixing a very late dinner, but I was way too tired so I just slept until morning.
- Saturday I went to Spring Celebration at Great America with Sandi. We got there around 9:20am and had to wait forever to get in the gate and park the car. Then we had to wait 15 minutes to get into the park. I was really excited once we made it inside, because I took my picture with Spongebob Squarepants!! Then we went potty and made it over to Top Gun.. oh I'm sorry it's called Flight Deck now. Whatever. Now this was one of the few low points of my day. We only had to wait about 2 minutes to get onto the ride.. but my fat ass couldn't fit in the harness. Look I know I'm chunky.. okay fat.. but damn. The belt thing could barely buckle. If the attendant pushed the harness hard enough I could have squeezed in. This was proved later on another ride. Anyway, it was embarrassing to get off because I couldn't fit, and have everyone stare at me. Plus some other attendant's like "Oh you didn't fit?" way too freaking loud. Gee thanks lady. Although I was humiliated/bummed, I didn't let it ruin my great day. We soon got over to the Vortex, and I was a bit skeptic about going on that one. I already had one embarrassing situation, I didn't need another. I got in line anyway, and miraculously, the attendant squeezed me into my harness. Well gave it a nice extra tug anyway. I got to ride, and it was great. Next was the The Demon, one of my faves. No harness probs on that one. Next we attempted The Grizzly which I love, but the seatbelt was way small. Okay I've had the same pants size for the last 10 years, and all of a sudden I can't fit in that seatbelt on the ride. What gives man? Ugh. I didn't feel that bad since two Samoan looking dudes had to get off the ride as well. Then I made Sandi get on Psycho Mouse and that was great. Ironic how I can get on a kid's coaster and not the best one in the park. Anyway, after that we went on Centrifuge and I took some cool video. It'll be on the Great America compilation I'll try to work on in the next day or two. After we got off the ride while searching for the Loggers Run, I ran into Chucky/Angelica from Rugrats, hugged them and took pictures. I was too old when Rugrats was popular plus I didn't have cable, but you all know how I feel about anyone in a costume. It was cute. We found Loggers Run and got pretty wet, then got drenched on Rip Roaring Rapids. I'll have to agree with Sandi and say that's my favorite ride in the park. Always has been. Spraying people is even more fun. We got some people good. Soon it was lunch and funnel cake time. Yeah I was bad, but hey it's Great America.
- We finally got into the Redwood Amphitheater right before Family Force 5 came on. That is one of my favorite bands, lemme tell ya. I'm so glad I finally got to see them live. They were rockin. I took way too many pictures of them, and plenty of video. Sandi took video of me too, headbanging to the music. After their set I waited 45 minutes and was able to get them to autograph a poster. I got a hug from Phatty (who said he saw me headbanging in the first row and thought I was awesome), Chap Stique, and Soul Glow Activator. Soul Glow posed for a picture as the mean security lady screamed "No pictures!" at Sandi and grabbed her arm. Soon afterwards we got back to our seats and watched the last half of Hawk Nelson who also rocked. Next was Barlow Girl. I really like them, I think I'll download some of their music. Then Mark Stuart from Audio Adrenaline came on as a guest speaker and told an awesome poop story. Just remember when God doesn't want you to do something, you crap your pants. Words to live by. When Mark was done we met him, Sandi got autographs on some pics she had, and we both posed for pics. He's really a nice guy. Cute, but married. Bummer. We got back to our seats for Kutless, and they rocked. Soon Switchfoot came on, the last act of the night. I love a lot of their music. This part of the concert sucked, even though Switchfoot was rockin. As soon as they came on, hundreds of stupid tweens/teens rushed the stage, and decided to dance right in front of us. We were in the front row. Yes the FRONT ROW. Halfway through their set, security finally started checking tickets and they went back to their seats. Then, the lead singer decided to go out into the audience, and the kids went berserk again. So we had to deal with these screaming kids jumping up and down, and some of them really needed Right Guard. Good lordy. The concert ended, and we went out to the parking lot. I was bushed and my feet were hurting, so I decided to change into my flipflops that were in my trunk. May I add that all the stupid kids from the concert were convening there in the parking lot and acting like idiots. Screaming, hanging out their windows. Well a car full of them decided to yell at me and call me a whale then a walrus as I was changing shoes. That hurt my feelings. How can it not upset me? I know I'm fat, I couldn't fit on two rides, I feel very unattractive/not pretty a lot of the time and they had to just add their little 15 year old humor to the fire. Ugh. Some of you may read this and think "Oh well, kids are kids." You know what? This was a "Christian" rock concert. Christians do not behave like that. Jesus wouldn't call some fat girl a walrus. Plain and simple. Just pissed me off. We got the heck out of there and went to Applebee's, where we both had salad. Then I headed off to Lodi to spend the next few days with Kimmie.
- This is turning into a novel, isn't it? I'm only like halfway done, seriously. So I got to Kimmie's late on Saturday night, and went off about what had transpired at Great America. I needed to vent. Then we did a little work on the New Kids project (top secret.. lol), and watched a second season episode of Wonder Woman guest starring Ed Begley Jr. He is such a dork. I think after that we both called it a night.
- On Sunday I woke up to Cinnamon Toast Crunch and coffee, and we watched 4 episodes of The Smurfs. I had a strong desire to punch Brainy Smurf in the head by that point. Then we went to Kimmie's niece Joyce's 12th birthday party. It was fun. Their family is interesting, to say the least. We ate nothing healthy at all. Hot dogs, chips/dip, cake/ice cream. Yummy. I'll have pics up of that, don't worry. We came back home, and did a little more work on the project. We had Subway for dinner. I got a turkey sandwich, and apple slices instead of chips. I then subjected Kimmie to Beverly Hills Cop II. Judge Reinhold plays such a lovable goof. We worked more on the project, and I crashed around 11pm while Kimmie kept on working diligently. I feel guilty for doing that, but I was exhausted.
- Monday we woke up around 9am, had coffee and a few cookies to tide us over before IHOP. Oh man when we got to IHOP I had stuffed french toast topped with cinnamon apples. I'm bad. I also had eggbeaters and hash browns. Could have been worse. Then we went to Walmart and I got Hot Shots/Hot Shots Part Deux (then later found out Cathy already had it), a scented candle and a magnetic photo frame. Then we came back to Kimmie's place and did more work on the project. Carol (Kim's sister) came over and helped, then later on Joyce and her mom Mt Rushmore came over and helped a bit, as we watched Howard The Duck. That movie is really funny. Oh yeah, we were bad and had Baskin Robbins. Okay so three hours later I returned my Hot Shots movies at Walmart, and picked up dinner from Wendys. I had a chicken club sandwich and a salad. Then we did even more project work and watched Problem Child. That's about it in a nutshell. I had a fun yet eventful weekend. I probably left out tons of stuff Kimmie, so add as much as you want.
- Random quotes that I can remember.. "I never thought I'd say this, but I want John Lithgow.".. "If Joe turned into a duck, you would help him right?"... "When God doesn't want you to do something, you shit your pants.".... "She's not fat, she's a national monument.".... "This scenario would totally make some bad lesbian porn movie. Why do we keep getting in these awkward situations?".. "Sorry, but I gotta poo.".. "Niiiiiiiiiice.. ".... "I'm sorry but if I'm walking in some alley, and both Jeff Goldblum and Whoopi Goldberg pop up out of some garbage can, I'm running.. because Robin Williams is probably nearby." Kimmie add more that you can think of. LMAO
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
12:47 AM
Friday, May 09, 2008
my weekend will be fun
- Hooray the weekend is finally here. Yes the next 4 days or so will be filled with fun and excitement. Right now I'm pretty darn tired, but that's because I didn't get much sleep yesterday. I won't get a lot of sleep today either. I'm going to breakfast with Leeanne, taking a nap at home for a while, then taking Michelle/Dad to Sebastopol to put flowers on mom's grave for Mother's Day. I'm sure I'll sleep later on, but I'm bushed. It's also hard to sleep with my stress level anyway.
- Let's see on Saturday I'm going to the Spring Celebration at Great America with Sandi, then going out to Lodi later that night to hang out with Kimmie on Sunday/Monday. I won't get back home until Monday night, and I have just enough time to grab food for work before coming here.
- Oh yeah I haven't officially passed my background check and they're putting me on the schedule for the 20th. At my third job that is. I don't mind though. It pays well and I think I'll be able to catch on to things rather quickly. I hope. I always doubt myself and act like a retard whenever I start at a new job, but oh well.
- Oh yes and to add to my stress we're having legal issues with changing names over on some of my mom's things.. so we get to hire a lawyer. The good times just keep on coming, don't they? I smell probate, and it's not pretty. We went through all this probate crap when my grandma died, and boy did it suck. Everyone do yourself a favor and write a will. Get it notarized. Don't cross things out and write in the margins. That kind of screws things up. Don't assume that you can just change your name on a deed to your husband's name. It doesn't always work that way. *sigh*
- Well, I can't think of anything else to talk about. I'm eating leftover asparagus (my pee will be funky later, oh well) and drinking Diet Mountain Dew, and talking online to Kimmie and Leeanne. I'll have a nice longwinded report on Monday night/Tuesday morning, so talk to ya later.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
2:14 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
- Hey word up homies, I am back. I've got good news, I'm pretty sure I have a third job now. I had good feelings when I had my interview on Friday. I gotta fax in some paperwork this morning so I can start training. Only 2 days a week, sometimes 3, in the late afternoons and it pays good. I'm hecka juiced. Now I won't be as poor. Yes I will be getting sleep. I may be sleeping 6 hours instead of 8 on Mon/Tues, but no biggie. I still have my weekends.
- Let's see what else is new? I went walking yesterday morning (ankles still hurt) and I'm going again today. Then it's the weekly grocery run. Plus tomorrow I'm taking them to Costco for more stuff. My schedule's crazy any way you look at it. I am so rocking out to Prince right now, it's awesome. My thought process is oh so random. Oh here's a video I made from the past 3 weeks or so. Very random. Especially Brad's dancing at the end.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
1:09 AM
Monday, May 05, 2008
another great weekend
- Whoo I'm officially back from my weekend. And rockin to George Michael. My weekends are always cool, I love them. A lot. Let's see Friday morning I had an interview for a third part-time gig, and it went very well. It would be a few days during the week, from 3-8pm. That would be a tad less sleep for me, but at least I'd still have my Fri/Sat/Sun partytime. I'll know in the next week or two if I get it. If I do, then fantastic. If I don't then oh well, God's got something better lined up. After the interview I went home and got a little more sleep, then went to the A's game with Sandi. We lost to Texas 4-3. Oh well, we had fun. Baseball games are always awesome.
- Saturday I did the KDFC thing, nothing too exciting there. Except JD at the Wolf seriously burped in the hallway, and that was awesome. I appreciate great loud bodily functions. Then I went home and did a little housework, and headed on over to Davina's house where she dolled me up and turned me into a woman. Okay that last sentence could be taken out of context completely you perverts.. I mean that she dressed me up like a girl from the 1920s for this Chicagoland Ball thing in San Mateo. I really didn't want to go, since I have this social anxiety thing about dancing with boys, etc. It turned out to be pretty interesting and fun. Valeria came along too. I ended up hanging out with Valeria for a good portion of the evening there since Davina did get up and dance occasionally. Most of the guys there were already with dates, or really old/weird. So we made sure to avoid eye contact and all that jazz. Haha.. they played "All That Jazz." I'm such a nerd. We left there around 10pm and drove all the way to Fentons in Oakland for some bombass ice cream. Oh and a cheeseburger. But the swiss chocolate mocha ice cream there is to die for. I give it a 10 out of 10 on the Richter scale of awesomeness. Creamy goodness.
- On Sunday I dragged myself out of bed and went to church. I was really pooped out from the night before but I knew church was important. Especially since next week I'll be in Lodi and not able to go. So I went, and it was a lot of fun. After church, I went back home then Davina picked up Michelle and I and we went to Knudsen's Creamery in Castro Valley for lunch. Ice cream again, yes I know. I'm awful. It was fantastic. Not as fantastic as Fenton's, I give it about a 7 on the Richter scale of awesomeness. Then we went walking to the duck pond over by my house. Then we went back to my house, and I took a nap for a few hours. I promised Michelle that she and I would go to dinner together, so we went to Texas Roadhouse again. I love that place. I had the roasted chicken with a house salad and green beans. Really tasty. Their rolls are the best part. We went to Borders afterward and I had an iced vanilla latte. It was pretty good. Afterwards we went to my place and I watched the last half hour of the new version of the Bad News Bears, then the first half hour. Weird, but TNT was playing the movie twice in a row and that's how I caught it. It was good, but Billy Bob Thornton is no Walter Matteau. Okay that's it for now. This whole week shall be interesting, and I can't wait until Spring Celebration at Great America this Saturday.. front row for Family Force 5!!! WHOOOOOO.
- P.S. I love Huey Lewis And The News.. and I'll have a new video up in the next day or so. I have odd footage from the past 3 weeks that must be shared.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
1:38 AM
Friday, May 02, 2008
im tired.. as usual
- Hooray for weekends! I'm so glad it's here already. I'm exhausted. Gee that's a shocker huh? I seem overly tired today, but oh well. My schedule is a bit insane, so that's the main reason I guess. I have an interview later this morning for a possible third job. I don't know the hours or pay, but I'll go to find out and see if they even like me. I'm also going to the A's game tonight. Whoohoo! Essentially I'm getting like 5-6 hours of sleep broken into two segments. Yay for me. Saturday I'm working my part-time gig, and later that evening Davina is dragging me to one of her weird 1920's era dances or whatever they are. I'm not really into that kind of thing but she has no one else to go with and she's dressing me up. Oh well, maybe I'll take some fascinating pics or video. So yeah, this weekend will be interesting. I'll try to get some rest in between all the mayhem.
- Congrats to me, I went walking on Wednesday and Thursday morning, despite the painful arthritic ankles. I won't have time to go this morning obviously, but oh well. I'll try to take walks here and there over the weekend, that'll help my fitness level. Maybe.
- I haven't been this tired in a long time. Maybe it's depression, maybe it's stress. I have enough of it. Maybe it's hormones. Probably a combo of all three. I'm having my late twenties life crisis. Help.
Posted by
Lisa Sovulewski
12:47 AM