Tuesday, February 14, 2006

She's a maniac, maniac on the floor...

Well I haven't blogged in a day or so.. and life hasn't changed much. Sunday I worked at KDFC from 2-7pm, then Cathy picked me up. We hung out at my place and she typed up crap on my computer, while I watched stupid stuff on TV. Then we drove around the Oakland hills for a while, and I went to work.

Yesterday I slept until 5pm, and it felt freakin great. 9 whole hours of sleep! Okay I take that back. I woke up around 12:30pm after Manny left for his interview.. and ate some Fruit Loops. Then I went back to bed. I took my precious time getting in the shower, and getting ready. Hung out in my underwear for several hours. Cathy came over and we worked on our "Flashdance" video. She somehow turned it into some Carmen Electra-like striptease. Then she and Manny took times doing bellyflops and backflips on the bed. Then Cathy and I drove around in the hills again, and I came here to work.

I have the space heater blasting in here and just realized its like 80 degrees. Ooooohweeee.. oh well.

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