Monday, March 27, 2006

Paid my respects...

I had a pretty decent weekend. I actually had some time off, and was able to get sleep, watch some Miami Vice, and burn a few CDs for my homegirl Sandi that asked me a while back to do so.

Yesterday I finally got to go to Sebastopol and visit my dead relatives'graves. I saw my grandma Joe who passed on when I was 10. I haven't been up there since then. Also by her side is my grandpa George who died in 1973, my grandma's parents, and my Uncle Walt who passed on in 1978. It was cool to pay my respects again and say hi to grandma. I still miss her, and someday I'll be reunited with her and get to meet those other folks who passed on before I was born. I also think of it this way... if she hadn't have died, I would have never moved to San Leandro, and wouldn't have gone to Chabot, and probably never met Manny. I don't even know what kind of life I would have led if I had gone to high school there in Oakland. HMMM.. makes ya think , huh?

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