Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Update from Lisaland

Well, not much goin on lately in Lisaland. I actually went to the gym yesterday morning after work, but started nodding off while walking on the treadmill. That's not a good sign. After my cardio I cut out of there a little early, then went home and went sleepytime. I got up and organized my new DVD rack and my entertainment center. I got some progress done over by my desk, but I'm going to finish my organization in the morning after work. That reminds me I need to go get gas. Yay.

I still feel like a fatass. I cooked myself sirloin steak and chicken noodle/corn soup for breakfast/dinner.. then like 3 hrs later went with Cathy for chinese food. I'm eating the chinese leftovers here.. and I'll have my homecooked stuff reheated tommorrow night. I'm gonna eat healthy stuff like bananas, so don't freak out people.

Tommorrow I'll encourage Stinky to go walking with me at the Marina in the late afternoon/early evening. It's free, and is better then going to a mall and spending money. Okay, off to Myspace to do more bulletins.

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