Monday, September 04, 2006

What fun today..

My weekend was okay, nothing terribly exciting or troubling. I worked my fanny off as usual. Friday night I hung out with Noelle. Saturday I worked, then did a lot of resting/TV watching. It felt great. Sunday morning I worked at KKIQ. That day did not start pleasantly. I woke up to my cat pissing on my bathmat, reminding me to change his litterbox in his own special kitty way. That was fantastic. Then at KKIQ, only the freight elevator seemed to work, but after it opened it didnt let me up to the 5th floor. So I walked up to the 5th floor only to discover the door to the stairwell was locked. I tried calling the request line in the station but Ron didn't pick up. So I walked all the way back down 5 flights of stairs and went outside on the intercom and got a hold of Ron. He shot an elevator down to me, and I finally made it back up. Something else of note, my friend Joe started working at KKDV today. First he did the weather for when I boardopped at KDFC on Saturdays. He also does traffic on CBS in the mornings. And he boardops for Max FM. And now he is on air at KKDV and KUIC. LMAO. This guy is all over the place.

I picked up a new digital camera at Best Buy. My old one bit the dust sometime on Friday or Saturday, I'm not sure. Poor thing. This one is uber-awesome. I will have fun playing with it later tonight. Also, I have 11 hours overtime on this next check!! Whooooooo!

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